Release Notes > JViews TGO 7.5 Release Notes > Compatibility Issues > Web Components

As a consequence to improvements in the lower IlvManagerServletSupport, the following methods have their signature changed:

Table 1.3 IltManagerServlet Class
Old Method Signature 
New Method Signature 
void setPopupMenuSupport(IltPopupMenuSupport) 
void setIltPopupMenuSupport(IltPopupMenuSupport) 
IltPopupMenuSupport getPopupMenuSupport() 
IltPopupMenuSupport getIltPopupMenuSupport() 

Table 1.4 IltManagerServletSupport Class
Old Method Signature 
New Method Signature 
void setPopupMenuSupport(IltPopupMenuSupport) 
void setIltPopupMenuSupport(IltPopupMenuSupport) 
IltPopupMenuSupport getPopupMenuSupport() 
IltPopupMenuSupport getIltPopupMenuSupport() 

If you are using any of these methods, please update your code to comply with the new API by simply renaming your method calls.