Release Notes > JTGO 4.0 Release Notes > New Features > Shelves

The shelf representation has been improved with more flexibility in slot label customization. It is now possible to give any value to a slot label using the CSS property XSlotLabels. This property can be customized in the following ways:

#Shelf1 {
  XSlotLabels: "0, 1, 2A, 2B, 3, 4";
#Shelf2 {
  XSlotLabels[0]: 0;
  XSlotLabels[1]: A0;
  XSlotLabels[2]: A1;
  XSlotLabels[3]: 2;
  XSlotLabels[4]: 3;
  XSlotLabels[5]: 4;

Consequently, the slot label can now be customized in two ways:

When displaying horizontal shelves, the slot label cannot exceed the slot width. If the label is wider than the slot, it is automatically truncated by the standard base renderer and "..." is added to the label, as illustrated below:

#Shelf1 {
  XSlotLabels: "0, ALARM, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3, 4, 5, 6";


Figure 3.9 Shelf with a Truncated Slot Label