Release Notes > JTGO 4.0 Release Notes > New Features > Groups

The group objects have been improved with the following new features:

Shortcut Representation

A shortcut group is an abstraction denoting an object that is only a reference to an existing group. IltGroup provides a new attribute, ShortcutAttribute, whose value can be:

A group can be defined as a shortcut by setting the value of attribute shortcut in the business object. This attribute can be set programmatically using IltGroup.ShortcutAttribute.

The following example illustrates how a group is created using this attribute via XML:

<addObject id="NE1">
  <attribute name="name">Group1</attribute>
  <attribute name="shortcut">STANDARD</attribute>
  <attribute name="type">Group</attribute>

Shortcut groups are graphically represented by an icon located at the bottom left of the group plinth.

The result can be seen in the following image:


Figure 3.6 Standard Shortcut


Figure 3.7 Dangling Shortcut

The shortcut representation is displayed according to the business object CSS configuration. The following properties can be used to customize the shortcut representation:

State Representation

The group representation (polygonal, rectangular or linear) now reflects the primary state information, if an object state has been set to the object.

The following image shows a polygonal group in different state representations corresponding to OSI primary states.


Figure 3.8 OSI Primary State Representations

Like the other predefined business objects, you can customize groups according to their state information by using a CSS file. (See Customizing Groups in the Styling documentation.)

The new group representation is enabled through the CSS property baseStyleEnabled as shown in the following CSS extract:

object."ilog.tgo.model.IltGroup" {
  baseStyleEnabled: true;

Group Icon

It is now possible to customize an icon decoration for groups using CSS. The following properties are now supported:

Table 3.3 CSS Properties for Group Icons
Property Name 
Default Value 
Defines an icon that is added as a decoration to the graphic representation of the group.  
Defines whether the icon decoration is visible or not.