Release Notes > JTGO 4.0 Release Notes > New Features > Passive Devices

Predefined business objects that do not have a specific object state are considered as passive devices. These devices do not report information about their current states and alarms. Passive devices are graphically represented with an icon located at the same position as alarm counts in the case of alarms.

The passive icon is displayed when the object is in its regular representation, but it is hidden when the network element is collapsed.

How to Use Passive Devices

The following example illustrates the use of passive devices with network elements.

object."ilog.tgo.model.IltNetworkElement" {
  collapsed: true;
  passiveIconVisible: false;
object."ilog.tgo.model.IltNetworkElement":selected {
  collapsed: false;
  passiveIconVisible: true;

The result is shown in the following images:


Figure 3.1 Passive Device Expanded


Figure 3.2 Passive Device Collapsed (Passive Icon Not Visible)