Release Notes > JTGO 4.0 Release Notes > Compatibility Issues > Base Renderers

Base renderers now replace the features provided by the drawer classes. If you used the predefined drawers, the image drawer factories or if you extended an existing drawer, refer to the documentation to migrate your application to use base renderer classes.

Besides, the base drawer class IltDrawer has been modified in the following way:

The method boundingBox (IlvRect, boolean) has been deprecated and is no longer used. This method has been replaced by boundingBox(IlvTransformer, IlvRect, boolean). It allows the bounding box to be computed according to the transformer applied to the graphic representation.

If you have created a subclass of IltDrawer overriding method boundingBox, you must now override the new method. To do so, take the transformer as an argument.

Shelf Base Renderer

The shelf base renderer class IltShelfBaseRenderer replaces IltShelfDrawer.The new class provides you with a new slot labelling mechanism that enables you to give specific labels to each slot.

Besides, the method getSlotNumbersBBox(IlvRect)of the shelf drawer class IltShelfDrawer, has been deprecated and is no longer used. It has been replaced by the method getSlotNumbersBBox(IlvTransformer, IlvRect).This method allows the bounding box of the slot count labels to be computed according to the transformer that is applied to the graphic representation. If you have created a subclass of IltShelfDrawer to override the method boundingBox, you must now override this method by using the transformer as an argument.