Release Notes > JTGO 4.0 Release Notes > Compatibility Issues > Cards

The following changes have been made to cards in JTGO 4.0:

Type Attribute

The value of attribute type has changed has been changed. Now use the following values when writing your XML files:

Label Positioning

The label positioning on cards has been changed in JTGO 4.0.

In previous JTGO releases, the default card label position was Center. The positions Top, Bottom, Left and Right led to a representation where the card label was placed outside the card base. This behavior has changed in JTGO 4.0. The different label positions now appear in the following way:






The new default label position in JTGO 4.0 is Bottom.

The label position is defined by the following CSS properties:

The following image shows the default card label positioning, with the label position Bottom and a label offset of (0,0).


The label position and offset are automatically computed based on the card direction, that is defined by the CSS property direction.

When you rotate a card by changing the shelf and card directions, the label position and offset are automatically recomputed. You do not need to change them manually through the CSS.

The following images illustrate this behavior:

Vertical shelf with card direction right


Horizontal shelf with card direction Bottom


Vertical shelf with card direction Left


You can now center the card labels by setting the labelposition property to Center, as displayed in the following image:
