Release Notes > JTGO 4.0 Release Notes > New Features > Web Components

The JTGO web components have been changed in the following ways:

New Supported Platforms

The JTGO 4.0 web components support the following widely used web browsers:

Tomcat 5.0.29 Bundled Within JViews Framework 6.0

JTGO no longer bundles a Tomcat installation. Now Tomcat 5.0.29 is provided within JViews Framework 6.0. For the user, this means that he will find Tomcat in a different directory, since JViews Framework 6.0 is shipped with JTGO. See the JViews Framework 6.0 documentation for more information on Tomcat 5 and how to access and use it.

Using the Default Tree Cell Renderer

By default, predefined business objects are rendered by the tree web component as tiny nodes that automatically display the alarm severity color. Although this is the JTGO standard, it is not widely used in the web environment due to lack of client notification support in the web technology. Instead, it is commonly replaced by a basic static image that can be internally cached to improve the request-response performance.

Starting with JTGO 4.0, there is a new way of configuring predefined business objects to be rendered as basic static images in the tree component. In the CSS configuration file, the user should define the property useDefaultCellRenderer to opt for the default tree cell renderer instead of the predefined renderer. The following example configures all ilog.tgo.model.IltObject business objects to be represented by the image myImage.png, located in the WEB-INF/classes/resource directory of the web application:

object."ilog.tgo.model.IltObject" {
  useDefaultCellRenderer: true;
  icon: '@|image("resource/myImage.png")';
  iconVisible: true;

See the JTGO 4.0 Styling documentation for more information on how to use CSS to customize tree nodes.

Using the Default Table Cell Renderer

Attribute graphicRepresentation

By default, the graphicRepresentation attribute of the predefined business objects are rendered by the table web component as tiny telecom objects that automatically display the alarm severity color. Although this is the JTGO standard, it is not widely used in the web environment due to lack of client notification support in the web technology. Instead, it is commonly replaced by a basic static image that can be internally cached to improve the request-response performance.

Starting with JTGO 4.0, there is a new way of configuring the graphicRepresentation attribute of predefined business objects to be rendered as basic static images in the table component. In the CSS configuration file, the user should define the property useDefaultCellRenderer to opt for the default table cell renderer instead of the predefined renderer. The following example configures all ilog.tgo.model.IltObject business objects to be represented by the image myImage.png, located in the WEB-INF/classes/resource directory of the web application:

object."ilog.tgo.model.IltObject/graphicRepresentation" {
  useDefaultCellRenderer: true;
  icon: '@|image("resource/myImage.png")';
  iconVisible: true;

See the JTGO 4.0 Styling documentation for more information on how to use CSS to customize table attributes.

Attributes alarmCount and newAlarmCount

Starting with JTGO 4.0, the alarmCount and newAlarmCount attributes of the predefined business objects are rendered by the table web component as graphic objects that combine all the alarm information into a single table cell. Although this is the new JTGO standard, some users may want to represent these attributes as they were defined in the previous JTGO 3.5 version. In fact, the previous look may appear slightly faster in the web environment.

To configure these attributes with the JTGO 3.5 look, the user should define the property useDefaultCellRenderer in the CSS configuration file. The following example configures both the alarmCount and newAlarmCount attributes in this way:

object."ilog.tgo.model.IltObject/alarmCount" {
  useDefaultCellRenderer: true;
object."ilog.tgo.model.IltObject/newAlarmCount" {
  useDefaultCellRenderer: true;

See the JTGO 4.0 Styling documentation for more information on how to use CSS to customize table attributes.