Release Notes > JTGO 3.5 Release Notes > New Features

This section presents what is new in JTGO:

Cascading Style Sheets

JTGO 3.5 introduces a new mechanism to style the representation of your business objects, namely Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

Cascading style sheets provide a powerful mechanism for customizing HTML rendering in a Web browser. The CSS specification originates from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and has the status of a W3C Recommendation.

In JTGO, the CSS Level 2 Recommendation is transposed to the Java language and used to set Bean properties in accordance with the Java object hierarchy and state.

JTGO graphic components use CSS chiefly for the following purposes:

If you have built an application with JTGO 3.0 or 3.1 using the Style API, nothing changes for you, as the old styling mechanism has not been modified. However, it is strongly recommended that you migrate to the new styling mechanism in order to benefit from the new features provided by the CSS engine.

Please refer to the chapter Introducing Cascading Style Sheets in the User's Manual for an overview of the CSS styling mechanism.