JViews Core
Tag menuItem

Menu Item Auxiliary Component

The menu item auxiliary component allows you to define a menu item in a menu model. The menu item should be nested inside a menu auxiliary component (menu).


      label="Menu Item 1"
      label="Menu Item 2"
      label="Menu Item 3"

  <jv:menuSeparator />
      label="Sub Menu"
        label="Sub Menu Item 1"
        label="Sub Menu Item 2"


DHTML - JavaScript Types


Server Side Class


Tag Information
Tag Classilog.views.faces.taglib.IlvFacesMenuItemTag
TagExtraInfo ClassNone
Body ContentJSP
Display NameMenu Item

actionListenerfalsefalsejava.lang.StringAn action listener
enabledfalsefalsejava.lang.StringIf the pop-up is not enabled, it's rendered differently and its attached action cannot be triggered.
idfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe id of this menu, used in action listeners to determine which menu item was triggered.
imagefalsefalsejava.lang.StringAn optional image.
invocationContextfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe invocation context of the valueChangeListener. Valid values are JSF_CONTEXT and IMAGE_SERVLET_CONTEXT. In JSF_CONTEXT mode, the page is submitted to trigger the JSF lifecycle. In IMAGE_SERVLET_CONTEXT mode, the value change listener is invoked in the image generating servlet, just before the image generation. So the listener can only access to the graphic component that generates the image and not to the JSF components that are not refreshed.
labelfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe label of this menu item.
onclickfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe JavaScript action executed when the button is clicked.
baseTextDirectionfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThis attribute controls the direction of the text. supported values: LTR, RTL , Contextual

No Variables Defined.

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