Release Notes 


JViews 4.0 Release Notes

This document describes the main changes that have been made to JViews since version 3.5.

The JViews Component Suite version 4.0 contains the new Stylable Data Mapper Component.


Version 4.0 (this release) will be the final release of the JViews Component Suite that supports JDK 1.1. Beginning with release 5.0, the product will require that JDK 1.2 (or later) be installed.

As you know, JDK 1.2 superceded JDK 1.1 in December of 1999, bringing with it a rich set of low-level rendering capabilities in its Java2D API. JViews then began supporting both JDK 1.2 and JDK 1.1 (with its older, AWT technology). Today, the vast majority of our customers are developing new applications with Java2D. Delivering our graphic services solely atop Java2D will enable us to make performance improvements that we cannot currently do.

JViews 4.0 will continue to be supported for 12 months after its release--until June 2002. Beginning with release 5.0, JViews applications will need to be compiled with JDK 1.2 (or later). In essence, this means that after this release, new features will only be available under JDK 1.2.

To get more information: If you have questions or any special concerns about this platform migration, please contact us at

Graphics Framework Changes
Graph Layout Changes
Maps Changes
Gantt Chart Changes

Previous Release Notes

JViews 3.5 Release Notes

JViews 3.0 Release Notes

JViews 2.1 Release Notes

JViews 2.0 Release Notes

JViews 1.1 Release Notes