Release Notes 


JViews 2.1 Release Notes

This document describes the changes that have been made to JViews since version 2.0.

General Changes
Library Changes
Demonstration Changes
Editor Changes
Bug Fixes
Previous Release Notes

General Changes

This release of JViews is now compatible with JDK1.1 and JDK1.2. We have introduced some new features that use the Java 2 platform and are not available on JDK1.1.

Mixing Swing and JViews

The classes in the package ilog.views.swing are now based on the Swing 1.1 release. These classes are also compatible with JDK1.2.

Library Changes

Graphic Objects


You can now set the anti-aliasing on the view, this will use the Java 2 anti-aliasing mode.


You can now add a layer with the new method:

void addLayer(IlvManagerLayer layer)

This allows you to install your own subclass of layer.


A new view interactor that allows you to rotate a graphic object.

IlvLabel, IlvReliefLabel, IlvScale, IlvShadowLabel

You can now specify that you want to display the text of these objects in an anti-aliased way. Note that this is only available on the Java 2 platform. This can be done by the method:

void setAntialiasing(boolean)

IlvLine, IlvArrowLine, IlvPolyline, IlvArrowPolyline,
IlvSpline, IlvClosedSpline

You can now specify the line width, the dashing array, the end cap, and the line join for these objects. Note that the dashed line is only available on the Java 2 platform. This can be done by the following methods:

Changes the line width of the object.

Changes the decoration applied at the end of the polyline.

Changes the decoration applied when two segments are joined.

Changes the array representing the lengths of the dash

Changes the maximum line width of the link.


You can now specify the line width, the dashing array, the end cap, and the line join for every type of link in a grapher. Note that the dashed line is only available on the Java 2 platform. This can be done by the following methods:

Changes the line width of the object.

Changes the decoration applied at the end of the polyline.

Changes the decoration applied when two segments are joined.

Changes the array representing the lengths of the dash

Changes the maximum line width of the link.


There is now two different shapes for drawing a handle. In JViews 2.0, handles on an object are represented by a filled square. In version 2.1, the handle can be drawn by an outlined square.


The interactor now has two modes to move a graphic object: the Opaque Move mode and the Ghost Move mode. In Opaque Move mode, the position of the object that the user moves is changed for each drag event. In Ghost Move mode, the position of the object is changed only when the user releases the mouse button.

The two sub-interactors used by the IlvSelectInteractor to move an object or select several objects by dragging a rectangle are now available in the library so that you may subclass them. The classes are: IlvSelectInteractorMoveSelection and IlvSelectInteractorMultipleSelection.

IVL Format

You can now store the alpha component of a color when running on the Java 2 platform.

Demonstration Changes

A new "drag-and-drop" demo illustrates the drag-and-drop of JViews objects. This demo is located in the directory <installdir>/demos/dragndrop.

Editor Changes

The IlvEdit editor now uses the Swing 1.1 release.

Bug Fixes

Previous Release Notes

JViews 2.0 Release Notes

JViews 1.1 Release Notes