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AbbreviatePathName(String, IlvApplication, int, boolean) - Static method in class ilog.views.appframe.util.IlvUtil
Abbreviates a file name string to a string containing a specified number of characters.
abortReDraws() - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManager
Aborts an initRedraws/invalidateRegion session.
about - Static variable in class ilog.views.diagrammer.application.IlvDiagrammerAction
This action shows a default "About" dialog.
ABOUT_APPLICATION_NAME - Static variable in class ilog.views.diagrammer.application.IlvDiagrammerAction
This key can be used to set the application name that will be displayed by the IlvDiagrammerAction.about action.
AbstractNode(String) - Constructor for class ilog.views.appframe.docview.project.IlvDefaultDataContainer.AbstractNode
Constructs a new AbstractNode with the specified title.
AbstractNode() - Constructor for class ilog.views.appframe.docview.project.IlvDefaultDataContainer.AbstractNode
Constructs a new empty AbstractNode.
AcceleratorFromString(String) - Static method in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvAction
Returns an accelerator from its specified string representation.
AcceleratorToString(KeyStroke) - Static method in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvAction
Returns a string representation of the specified accelerator.
accept(File) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvFileFilter
Determines whether the specified file is accepted by this filter.
accept(String) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvFileFilter
Determines whether the specified filename is accepted by this filter.
accept(IlvGraphic) - Method in interface ilog.views.IlvGraphicFilter
Allows you to filter the graphic objects.
accept(IlvGraphic) - Method in class ilog.views.interactor.IlvEditLabelInteractor
Verifies whether editing of the object is allowed.
accept(IlvPoint) - Method in class ilog.views.interactor.IlvMakeLinkInteractor
Checks whether a point may be added at this location.
accept(IlvPoint) - Method in class ilog.views.interactor.IlvMakePolyPointsInteractor
Checks whether a point may be added at this location.
accept(Class) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.format.IlvGeometryClassFilter
Checks if the geometry class passed is compatible with the internal class information.
accept(IlvGraphic) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.interactor.IlvEditSDMLabelInteractor
Returns true if the graphic object or the object that it encapsulates implements IlvLabelInterface.
accept(AWTEvent) - Method in interface ilog.views.util.swt.IlvAWTEventFilter
Returns true if the given event shall be handled by AWT.
ACCEPT_ERROR - Static variable in class ilog.views.faces.dhtml.component.IlvFacesPropertyAccessorError
The error occured when checking whether or not the property accessor accepts to set a particular property.
acceptChild(Object, String) - Method in interface ilog.views.appframe.docview.project.IlvDataContainer
Determines whether the specified parent node can have a child added with the specified category.
acceptChild(String) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.docview.project.IlvDefaultDataContainer.AbstractNode
Determines whether the node can have a child added with the specified category.
acceptChild(Object, String) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.docview.project.IlvDefaultDataContainer
Determines whether the specified parent node can have a child added with the specified category.
acceptChild(String) - Method in interface ilog.views.appframe.docview.project.IlvDefaultDataContainer.Node
Determines whether the node can be added a child with the specified category.
acceptCollapseExpandIconsEvent(MouseEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManagerView
Returns whether the input event is suitable for clicking on the expand/collapse icon of manager frames and link bundles.
acceptDestination(IlvPoint, IlvGraphic) - Method in class ilog.views.interactor.IlvMakeLinkInteractor
Tests if a node can be the destination of the link.
acceptDestination(IlvPoint, IlvGraphic) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.interactor.IlvMakeSDMLinkInteractor
This method tests whether a node can be the destination of the link.
acceptDestination(Object, Object) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.util.IlvSDMLinkReconnector
This method is called to verify that an object is a valid destination for the link.
acceptEvent(IlvGraphic, AWTEvent, IlvObjectInteractorContext) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.composite.objectinteractor.IlvCompositeInteractor
Tests whether there is an action to perform for the event passes as a parameter.
acceptGetProperty(IlvDiagrammer, Object, String) - Method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.faces.dhtml.component.IlvFacesDiagrammerPropertyAccessor
acceptInteractor(IlvSDMEngine, Object, IlvGraphic) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvCompositeRenderer
This method allows subclasses to filter the objects on which the interactor will be set.
acceptInteractor(IlvSDMEngine, Object, IlvGraphic) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvExpandCollapseRenderer
Returns true only if the graphic object is an expandable node, so that the expand/collapse interactor is installed only on expandable nodes.
acceptInteractor(IlvSDMEngine, Object, IlvGraphic) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvInteractorRenderer
This method allows subclasses to filter the objects on which the interactor will be set.
acceptInteractor(IlvSDMEngine, Object, IlvGraphic) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvLaneRenderer
This method allows subclasses to filter the objects on which the interactor will be set.
acceptObject(IlvGraphic) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvGraphicHandleInteractor
Returns whether the interactor should deal with the object.
acceptObject(Object) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.swing.IlvSDMTableModel
Implementation of IlvSDMTableModelFilter.
acceptObject(Object) - Method in interface ilog.views.sdm.swing.IlvSDMTableModelFilter
Accepts or rejects an object.
acceptOrigin(IlvPoint, IlvGraphic) - Method in class ilog.views.interactor.IlvMakeLinkInteractor
Tests if a node can be the origin of the link.
acceptOrigin(IlvPoint, IlvGraphic) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.interactor.IlvMakeSDMLinkInteractor
This method tests whether a node can be the origin of the link.
acceptOrigin(Object, Object) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.util.IlvSDMLinkReconnector
This method is called to verify that an object is a valid origin for the link.
acceptProperty(IlvDiagrammer, Object, String) - Method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.faces.dhtml.component.IlvFacesDiagrammerPropertyAccessor
Returns whether or not a given property can be a get and/or a set property going to or from the client.
acceptProperty(Object, String) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.swing.IlvSDMTableModel
Implementation of IlvSDMTableModelFilter.
acceptProperty(Object, String) - Method in interface ilog.views.sdm.swing.IlvSDMTableModelFilter
Accepts or rejects a property of an object.
acceptsCode(Object) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.format.IlvDefaultTilableDataSource
Indicates if the current data source accepts the specified code value.
acceptsCode(Object) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.format.wms.IlvWMSDataSource
Indicates if the current data source accepts the specified code value.
acceptSetProperty(IlvDiagrammer, Object, String, Object) - Method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.faces.dhtml.component.IlvFacesDiagrammerPropertyAccessor
acceptShortcut(IlvSDMEngine, IlvManagerView, InputEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvCompositeRenderer
The intent of this method is to allow the IlvCompositeInteractor object interactor to be activated even if a view interactor is installed on the manager view.
acceptShortcut(IlvSDMEngine, IlvManagerView, InputEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvExpandCollapseRenderer
This method returns true for all mouse clicks that occur inside the "+" or "-" graphics of the expandable node.
acceptShortcut(IlvSDMEngine, IlvManagerView, InputEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvInteractorRenderer
The intent of this method is to allow the object interactor installed by this renderer to be activated even if a view interactor is installed on the manager view.
acceptShortcut(IlvSDMEngine, IlvManagerView, InputEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvLaneRenderer
The intent of this method is to allow the object interactor installed by this renderer to be activated even if a view interactor is installed on the manager view.
acceptShortcut(IlvSDMEngine, IlvManagerView, InputEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvLegendRenderer
Returns true if the event is a mouse event occurring inside the legend, to allow users to interact with the legend even if a view interactor is active.
ACCESSIBLE - Static variable in interface ilog.views.faces.dhtml.IlvDHTMLConstants
The accessible property of a view.
ACCESSIBLE_DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in class ilog.views.faces.dhtml.component.IlvFacesDHTMLViewSupportImpl
Default value of accessible property.
actDistFromPath - Variable in class ilog.views.graphlayout.labellayout.annealing.IlvAnnealingLabelDescriptor
The actual distance of the label from the location on the path that is given by the variable actPathLocation.
ACTION_ACCELERATOR_LIST - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvAction
The key used for storing the list of accelerators that trigger an action event for the action.
ACTION_APPLICATION - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvAction
The key used for storing the application of the action.
ACTION_AUTOMATIC - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvAction
Determines whether the action events for the action should be processed by the application or by the actionPerformed method of the action.
ACTION_CHECK_GROUP - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvAction
The key used for storing the name of the group of checkable actions that the action belongs to.
ACTION_CHECK_KEY - Static variable in class ilog.views.swing.IlvSimplePopupMenu
Key for the action property that indicates whether the menu item is checked or unchecked.
ACTION_CHECK_LOOK - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvAction
Action property read only for checkable actions.
ACTION_CHECK_ONE_SHOT - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvAction
Action property read only for checkable actions.
ACTION_CHECK_STATE - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvAction
The key of the property that determines whether the action is checked.
ACTION_CHECKABLE - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvAction
The key of the property that determines whether the action is checkable.
ACTION_CHECKED_ICON - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvAction
Action property read only for checkable actions with the IlvAction.ACTION_CHECK_LOOK property set to "new".
ACTION_DEPENDING_ACTIONS - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvAction
The key for storing the actions with state that must change when an action event for the action is being processed.
ACTION_GROUP_KEY - Static variable in class ilog.views.swing.IlvSimplePopupMenu
Key for the action property that indicates whether the menu item is in a action group.
ACTION_ICON - Static variable in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.swing.action.IlvPaletteCreateAction
The icon representing the action
ACTION_ICON - Static variable in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.swing.action.IlvPaletteDocumentationAction
Icon representation of the action
ACTION_ICON - Static variable in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.swing.action.IlvPaletteLoadAction
Icon representation of the action
ACTION_ICON - Static variable in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.swing.action.IlvPaletteSaveAsAction
Icon representation of the action
ACTION_LIST - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvAction
Determines whether the action is a list action.
ACTION_LIST_CHECK_SELECTION - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvAction
Boolean list action property that determines whether the selected menu item of the list should be marked with a check.
ACTION_LIST_DYNAMIC_CONTENT - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvAction
Property accessed only for list actions where IlvAction.ACTION_LIST_IN_SUBMENU property has been set.
ACTION_LIST_IN_SUBMENU - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvAction
Property accessed only for list actions.
ACTION_LIST_ITEMS - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvAction
The key used for storing the list items of a list action.
ACTION_LIST_MENU_EMPTYSTRING - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvAction
Property accessed only for list actions.
ACTION_LIST_MENU_FIRSTNUMBER - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvAction
Property accessed only for list actions that have the property IlvAction.ACTION_LIST_MENU_USENUMBERING set to Boolean.TRUE.
ACTION_LIST_MENU_MAXLENGTH - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvAction
Property accessed only for list actions.
ACTION_LIST_MENU_USENUMBERING - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvAction
Property accessed only for list actions.
ACTION_LIST_SELECTION - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvAction
Property accessed only for list actions.
ACTION_LOCK_ON_DOUBLECLICK - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvAction
Action property read only for checkable actions that are "one shot".
ACTION_NAME - Static variable in class ilog.views.diagrammer.servlet.IlvDiagrammerCreateActionListener
The action name used to identify the actions that create node or link.
ACTION_NAME - Static variable in class ilog.views.diagrammer.servlet.IlvDiagrammerDeleteActionListener
The action name used to identify node or link deletion actions.
ACTION_NAME - Static variable in class ilog.views.diagrammer.servlet.IlvDiagrammerMoveNodeActionListener
The action name use to identify Diagrammer move node actions.
ACTION_NAME - Static variable in class ilog.views.diagrammer.servlet.IlvDiagrammerSelectionActionListener
The action name used to identify node selection actions.
ACTION_NAME - Static variable in interface ilog.views.faces.dhtml.IlvDHTMLConstants
The action name of a interactor.
ACTION_NAME - Static variable in class ilog.views.faces.dhtml.servlet.IlvFacesPopupMenuActionListener
The action name handled by this server action.
ACTION_NAME - Static variable in class ilog.views.faces.dhtml.servlet.IlvFacesSelectActionListener
The action name used to identify the select actions.
ACTION_NAME - Static variable in class ilog.views.faces.dhtml.servlet.IlvFacesSelectRectActionListener
The action name used to identify the rectangle select actions.
ACTION_NAME - Static variable in class ilog.views.servlet.IlvPopupMenuServerActionListener
The action name handled by this server action.
ACTION_NAME - Static variable in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.swing.action.IlvPaletteCreateAction
The name of this action
ACTION_NAME - Static variable in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.swing.action.IlvPaletteDocumentationAction
The name of the action
ACTION_NAME - Static variable in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.swing.action.IlvPaletteLoadAction
The name of the action
ACTION_NAME - Static variable in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.swing.action.IlvPaletteSaveAsAction
The name of the action
ACTION_NAME - Static variable in class ilog.views.util.servlet.IlvParameterValidationListener
The action name handled by this server action.
ACTION_PROCESSED_IN_NEW_THREAD - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvAction
Determines whether the process of the action should be performed in a separate thread.
ACTION_TOOLTIP - Static variable in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.swing.action.IlvPaletteCreateAction
The short description of what this action does
ACTION_TOOLTIP - Static variable in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.swing.action.IlvPaletteDocumentationAction
A short description of what this action does
ACTION_TOOLTIP - Static variable in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.swing.action.IlvPaletteLoadAction
A short description of what this action does
ACTION_TOOLTIP - Static variable in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.swing.action.IlvPaletteSaveAsAction
A short description of what this action does
ACTION_UNCHECKED_ICON - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvAction
Action property read only for checkable actions with the IlvAction.ACTION_CHECK_LOOK property set to "new".
ACTION_UPDATE_AFTER_PROCESSING - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvAction
Determines whether the action state should be updated after an event for this action has been processed.
actionDescribed(IlvDiagrammerAction.StatusEvent) - Method in interface ilog.views.diagrammer.application.IlvDiagrammerAction.StatusListener
This method is called when the long description of an action is to be displayed, typically when the user moves the mouse pointer over a toolbar button or a menu item.
actionFinished(IlvDiagrammerAction.StatusEvent) - Method in interface ilog.views.diagrammer.application.IlvDiagrammerAction.StatusListener
This method is called just after an action has been performed.
ActionHandler - Interface in ilog.views.appframe.event
The listener interface for receiving action events and specifying the state of the actions.
ActionListener - Interface in ilog.views.util.servlet.event
This interface defines a listener of a generic EventObject event.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvAbstractDocument
Processes the specified action event.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvAbstractStaticViewContainer
Invoked when an action occurs.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvDocumentTemplate
Invoked when an action occurs.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvDocumentViewSupport
Invoked when an action event occurs.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvFileDocumentTemplate
Invoked when an action occurs.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.event.IlvActionHandlerArray
Invoked when an action occurs.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.event.IlvComponentVisibilityActionHandler
Invoked when an action occurs.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.event.IlvMessageMapper
Invoked when an action event occurs.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.event.IlvSingleActionHandler
Invoked when an event for the action associated with this action handler occurs.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvAction
Invoked when an action occurs.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.IlvExplorerView
Invoked when an action occurs.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.IlvPanelView
Invoked when receiving action events.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.IlvTextView
Invoked when receiving action events.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.mdi.IlvInternalFrame
Invoked when an action occurs.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.mdi.IlvMDITab
Invoked when an action occurs.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.application.IlvDiagrammerTable
Implementation of the ActionListener interface.
actionPerformed(ServerActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.servlet.IlvDiagrammerCreateActionListener
Performs the action requested from the client side.
actionPerformed(ServerActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.servlet.IlvDiagrammerDeleteActionListener
Performs the action requested from the client side.
actionPerformed(ServerActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.servlet.IlvDiagrammerLinkActionListener
Performs the action requested from the client side.
actionPerformed(ServerActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.servlet.IlvDiagrammerMoveNodeActionListener
Performs the action requested from the client side.
actionPerformed(ServerActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.servlet.IlvDiagrammerResizeActionListener
Performs the action requested from the client side.
actionPerformed(ServerActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.servlet.IlvDiagrammerSelectionActionListener
Performs the action requested from the client side.
actionPerformed(EventObject) - Method in class ilog.views.faces.dhtml.event.FacesMenuActionListener
Performs the action requested.
actionPerformed(EventObject) - Method in class ilog.views.faces.dhtml.event.FacesMethodBindingActionListener
Invokes the method bound to this listener.
actionPerformed(ServerActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.faces.dhtml.servlet.IlvFacesPopupMenuActionListener
Performs the action requested from the client side.
actionPerformed(ServerActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.faces.dhtml.servlet.IlvFacesSelectActionListener
Performs the action requested from the client side.
actionPerformed(ServerActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.faces.dhtml.servlet.IlvFacesSelectRectActionListener
Performs the action requested from the client side.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.grids.IlvDelayedDecoration
Repaints the view when the timer has expired, indicating the delegate decoration to redraw.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.label.IlvMapLabelManager
Triggered by the timer to launch label computation.
actionPerformed(ServerActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.servlet.IlvPopupMenuServerActionListener
Performs the action requested from the client side.
actionPerformed(ServerActionEvent) - Method in interface ilog.views.servlet.ServerActionListener
Performs the action requested from the client side.
actionPerformed(IlvCompositeActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.symbol.util.interactor.IlvCompiledSymbolDiscreteInteractor
Increments the value by the given "increment".
actionPerformed(IlvCompositeActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.symbol.util.interactor.IlvCompiledSymbolHorizontalInteractor
Processes the mouse event to compute the value that will be modified in the model.
actionPerformed(IlvCompositeActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.symbol.util.interactor.IlvCompiledSymbolInteractor
Invoked by actionPerformed(ActionEvent e).
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.symbol.util.interactor.IlvCompiledSymbolInteractor
Invoked by the composite interactor to perform the action.
actionPerformed(IlvCompositeActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.symbol.util.interactor.IlvCompiledSymbolPushInteractor
Invoked by actionPerformed(ActionEvent e).
actionPerformed(IlvCompositeActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.symbol.util.interactor.IlvCompiledSymbolRotationInteractor
Computes the angle made by the mouse pointer and the start angle, relatively to the rotation center.
actionPerformed(IlvCompositeActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.symbol.util.interactor.IlvCompiledSymbolVerticalInteractor
Processes the mouse event to compute the value that will be modified in the model.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.interactor.IlvDiscreteSymbolInteractor
Increments the value by the given "increment".
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.interactor.IlvHorizontalSymbolInteractor
Processes the mouse event to compute the value that will be modified in the model
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.interactor.IlvPushSymbolInteractor
Performs the action to react to mouse released and mouse pressed events
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.interactor.IlvRotationSymbolInteractor
Computes the angle made by mouse pointer and start angle, relatively to rotation center.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.interactor.IlvSymbolInteractor
Perform the specific interactor task
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.interactor.IlvVerticalSymbolInteractor
Processes the mouse event to compute the value that will be modified in the model
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.swing.action.IlvPaletteAction
Process the action
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.swing.action.IlvPaletteCreateAction
Process the action
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.swing.action.IlvPaletteDocumentationAction
Pops up the dialog
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.swing.action.IlvPaletteLoadAction
Process the action
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.swing.action.IlvPaletteSaveAsAction
Process the action
actionPerformed(EventObject) - Method in interface ilog.views.util.servlet.event.ActionListener
Performs the action requested.
actionPerformed(EventObject) - Method in class ilog.views.util.servlet.event.JavaScriptActionListener
This method does nothing as the action is executed on the client side.
actionPerformed(IlvServerActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.util.servlet.IlvParameterValidationListener
Performs the parameter validation action.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.util.swing.calendar.IlvJTimeChooser
Notifies listeners when an action occurs in this component.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.util.swing.SwingFactories.URLStringChooser
ActionProcessTerminated(Action) - Static method in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvAction
Must be invoked after the process of the action event for the specified action has been terminated.
actions - Static variable in class ilog.views.diagrammer.application.IlvDiagrammerEditBar
The standard diagrammer action array.
actionStarted(IlvDiagrammerAction.StatusEvent) - Method in interface ilog.views.diagrammer.application.IlvDiagrammerAction.StatusListener
This method is called just before an action is performed.
activate() - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvAbstractStaticViewContainer
Sets the container as active.
activate() - Method in interface ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvViewContainer
Sets the container active.
activate() - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.IlvDefaultStaticViewContainer
Sets the container active.
activate() - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.mdi.IlvInternalFrame
Sets the internal frame active.
activate() - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.mdi.IlvMDITab
Sets the MDI tab active.
ACTIVATE - Static variable in class ilog.views.objectinteractor.IlvButtonInteractor
The Activate event type
activate() - Method in class ilog.views.ui.IlvImageButton
This method is called when the user presses the button.
activateConfiguration(String) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.IlvStatusBar
Activates the specified configuration.
activated(boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvAbstractDocument
Invoked when the document has been activated or deactivated.
activated(boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvAbstractFileDocument
Invoked when a view of the document has been activated or deactivated, depending on the value of the active parameter.
activated(boolean) - Method in interface ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvDocument
Invoked after a document view associated with this document is activated.
activateDocumentView(IlvDocumentView) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvDocumentTemplate
Activates the specified view.
activateDocumentView(IlvDocument) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvDocumentTemplate
Activates the specified document by activating the view containers of the document.
activateListener(boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.beans.IlvMapLayerTreeModel
Activate or deactivates the TreeModelListener.
ACTIVE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvDocumentView
Bound property name for the active state of the view.
ACTIVE_VIEW_NAME - Static variable in interface ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvDocumentView
Name used to send messages to the active document.
ACTIVE_VIEW_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvViewContainer
Bound property name for the active view of the container.
ACTIVITY_ADDED - Static variable in class ilog.views.swing.IlvThreadedActivityMonitor.ActivityEvent
A type of event indicating that a new activity was registered for monitoring.
ACTIVITY_PROGRESS - Static variable in class ilog.views.swing.IlvThreadedActivityMonitor.ActivityEvent
A type of event indicating that the progress of an activity has changed.
ACTIVITY_REMOVED - Static variable in class ilog.views.swing.IlvThreadedActivityMonitor.ActivityEvent
A type of event indicating that a registered activity was removed.
activityChanged(IlvThreadedActivityMonitor.ActivityEvent) - Method in interface ilog.views.swing.IlvThreadedActivityMonitor.ActivityListener
This method is called by the IlvThreadedActivityMonitor when activity changes occur.
activityChanged(IlvThreadedActivityMonitor.ActivityEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.swing.IlvThreadedActivityMonitorPanel
Implementation of IlvThreadedActivityMonitor.ActivityListener interface (this object is an activity listener for its attached IlvThreadedActivityMonitor).
ActivityEvent(Object, int, int, String) - Constructor for class ilog.views.swing.IlvThreadedActivityMonitor.ActivityEvent
Constructs a new event.
actOnSymbologyChanged() - Method in interface ilog.views.maps.symbology.swing.IlvSymbologyTreeViewActions
Should be called by the symbology editors when symbology has changed.
actPathLocation - Variable in class ilog.views.graphlayout.labellayout.annealing.IlvAnnealingLabelDescriptor
The actual location on the path for the label.
ACTUAL_LOCATION_MASK - Static variable in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvStyleSheetRenderer
Debug mask: shows node actual location (bbox centered).
ACTUAL_LOCATION_MASK - Static variable in class ilog.views.sdm.util.IlvCSSJViews
Debug mask: shows node actual location (bbox centered).
adaptPaint(Shape, Paint) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvGeneralPath
Returns a new Paint object that will fit the shape parameter according to the initial paint parameter.
adaptPaint(Shape, Paint) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvText
Returns a new Paint object that will fit the shape parameter according to the initial paint parameter.
adaptPaint(Shape, Paint) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvTextPath
This method is overridden in IlvTextPath to deal with auto adaptable IlvMultipleGradientPaint instances.
adaptPaint(Shape, Paint) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvZoomableLabel
Returns a new Paint object that will fit the shape parameter according to the initial paint parameter.
add(IlvSettingsElement) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.settings.IlvSettingsElement
Makes newChild a new child of this settings element by adding it to the child array of the element.
add(L) - Method in class ilog.views.event.IlvListenerList
Adds the listener to the list of registered listeners.passing a null argument will result in IllegalArgumentException.
add(String, URL) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvURLKeyTable
Adds a URL associated with the key at the end of the table.
add(float, float) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvRect
Adds a point, specified by the arguments px and py, to this IlvRect.
add(IlvRect) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvRect
Adds a IlvRect object to this IlvRect.
add(IlvRect) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvRegion
Adds a rectangle in the region.
add(IlvGraphic) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.datasource.IlvGraphicLayerDataSource
Adds an IlvGraphic object (in the manager's coordinate system) to this dynamic datasource.
add(IlvGraphic, IlvCoordinateSystem) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.datasource.IlvGraphicLayerDataSource
Adds an IlvGraphic object using the specified coordinate system to this dynamic datasource.
add(int, int, int) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.format.shapefile.IlvShapeSpatialIndex
Adds the object whose ID is specified in the spatial index, at the specified position.
add(Rectangle2D) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.label.IlvLabelingAreas
Add a new Rectangle2D to the list.
add(IlvPaletteObject) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.IlvPaletteCategory
Adds an object into the category.
add(int, IlvPaletteObject) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.IlvPaletteCategory
Adds an object into the category at the specified position.
add(IlvPaletteSymbol) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.IlvPaletteCategory
Adds a symbol into the category.
add(IlvPaletteCategory) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.IlvPaletteCategory
Adds a category into this category.
add(int, IlvPaletteSymbol) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.IlvPaletteCategory
Adds a symbol into the category at the specified position.
add(int, IlvPaletteCategory) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.IlvPaletteCategory
Adds a category into this category at the specified position.
add(IlvPalette) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.IlvPaletteManager
Adds a palette.
add(double) - Method in class ilog.views.util.collections.IlvDoubleArrayList
Adds the given element to the end of this list.
add(int, double) - Method in class ilog.views.util.collections.IlvDoubleArrayList
Adds the given element to this list, at the given position.
add(float) - Method in class ilog.views.util.collections.IlvFloatArrayList
Adds the given element to the end of this list.
add(int, float) - Method in class ilog.views.util.collections.IlvFloatArrayList
Adds the given element to this list, at the given position.
add(int, E) - Method in class ilog.views.util.collections.IlvHashTreeList
Inserts the given element at the specified position in this list.
add(String) - Method in class ilog.views.util.print.IlvFlow
Adds the specified text to the current paragraph.
add(Image, int) - Method in class ilog.views.util.print.IlvFlow
Add the image in the current line of text using the specified alignment on the line.
add(IlvFlowObject, int) - Method in class ilog.views.util.print.IlvFlow
Adds the object in the current line of text using the specified alignment on the line.
add(int, int) - Method in class ilog.views.util.time.IlvWrappedICUCalendar
Overridden version of the same method in Calendar.
addAccelerator(IlvAccelerator) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManager
Adds an accelerator in the manager.
addAction(Action) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvApplication
Adds an action to the actions managed by the application.
addAction(Action) - Method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.application.IlvDiagrammerMenu
Adds a button linked to a specified action to this menu.
addAction(Action) - Method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.application.IlvDiagrammerToolBar
Adds a button linked to a specified action to this toolbar.
addAction(Action) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.symbology.swing.IlvSymbologyTreeView
Adds an action and a button in the action bar to trigger the action.
AddActionButton(Action, Container, int, IlvApplication) - Static method in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.IlvToolBar
Adds a new button to the specified container at the specified index.
addActionButton(String, URL, ActionListener, String) - Method in class ilog.views.swing.IlvJManagerViewControlBar
Adds a button than performs an action.
addActionHandler(ActionHandler) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvAbstractDocument
Adds the specified actionHandler to the list of action handlers of the document.
addActionHandler(ActionHandler) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvAbstractStaticViewContainer
Adds the specified actionHandler to the list of action handlers of the view container.
addActionHandler(ActionHandler) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvDocumentViewSupport
Adds the specified actionHandler to the list of action handlers of the support object.
addActionHandler(ActionHandler) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.event.IlvActionHandlerArray
Adds the specified actionHandler to the list of action handlers of this object.
addActionHandler(ActionHandler) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvApplication
Adds the specified action handler to receive action events.
addActionHandler(ActionHandler) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.IlvPanelView
Adds the specified actionHandler to the list of action handlers of the view.
AddActionItem(Action, Container, int, IlvApplication) - Static method in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.IlvMenuBar
Adds a new item to the specified container at the specified index.
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvGraphic
Adds the specified action listener to receive action events from this object.
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvSDMCSSFunction.SymbolInteractor
Registers a listener.
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class ilog.views.ui.IlvImageButton
Adds the specified action listener to receive action events from this button.
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class ilog.views.util.swing.calendar.IlvJTimeChooser
Adds a listener to the list that is notified when an action is performed in this time chooser.
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class ilog.views.util.swing.IlvJComboBox
Adds an ActionListener that will be notified when the user selects an item in this combination box, potentially with a small delay (depending on platform and JVM parameters).
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class ilog.views.util.swing.IlvJSpinnerDecimalNumberField
Adds an ActionListener to the editor.
addActions(Action[]) - Method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.application.IlvDiagrammerMenu
Adds a set of actions.
addActions(Action[]) - Method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.application.IlvDiagrammerToolBar
Adds a set of actions.
addActions(String, char, char, char, ResourceBundle, ActionListener) - Method in class ilog.views.swing.IlvSimplePopupMenu
Adds actions to this pop-up menu.
addActions(String[], ResourceBundle, ActionListener) - Method in class ilog.views.swing.IlvSimplePopupMenu
Adds actions to this pop-up menu.
addActions(Action[]) - Method in class ilog.views.swing.IlvSimplePopupMenu
Adds the input actions as menu items to this pop-up menu.
addActionToggleButton(String, URL, ActionListener, String) - Method in class ilog.views.swing.IlvJManagerViewControlBar
Adds a toggle button than performs an action.
addActionToUpdate(IlvDiagrammerAction) - Static method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.application.IlvDiagrammerAction
Adds an action that must be updated when the state of an IlvDiagrammer component changes.
addActivityListener(IlvThreadedActivityMonitor.ActivityListener) - Method in class ilog.views.swing.IlvThreadedActivityMonitor
Adds an activity listener to this controller.
addAllToSelection(List) - Method in class ilog.views.util.servlet.IlvSelectionSupport.IlvSelectionResponse
Adds several selections to the client's selection.
addAllZones(IlvMGRSGrid) - Static method in class ilog.views.maps.grids.IlvMGRSGridZone
Adds grid zones from A to Z, 1 to 60.
addAnnotation(IlvGraphic, String, String) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.beans.IlvMapAnnotationToolBar
Adds an annotation graphic into the annotation model.
addApplicationListener(ApplicationListener) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.event.IlvApplicationListenerList
Adds an application listener for receiving application events.
addApplicationListener(String, ApplicationListener) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.event.IlvApplicationListenerList
Adds an application listener for a specific document template.
addApplicationListener(ApplicationListener) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvApplication
Adds an application listener for receiving application events.
addApplicationListener(String, ApplicationListener) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvApplication
Adds an application listener to receive application events for a specific document template.
addArea(IlvMapArea) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.geometry.IlvMapMultiArea
Adds an area to this IlvMapMultiArea.
addAttributeListener(String, StyleListener) - Method in class
Adds an attribute listener.
addBehavior(IlvBehavior) - Method in class ilog.views.prototypes.IlvGroup
Adds a behavior object to this group.
addCalendarModelListener(CalendarModelListener) - Method in class ilog.views.util.swing.calendar.IlvAbstractCalendarModel
Adds a listener to the list that is notified each time a change to the calendar occurs.
addCalendarModelListener(CalendarModelListener) - Method in interface ilog.views.util.swing.calendar.IlvCalendarModel
Adds a listener to the list that is notified each time a change to the calendar occurs.
addCategory(IlvPaletteCategory, String) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.IlvPalette
Add a category in the palette.
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class ilog.views.util.swing.IlvAbstractBoundedRangeModel
Adds the specified listener to receive change events from this model.
addChild(IlvGraphic) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.composite.IlvCompositeGraphic
Adds a child at the first available slot in the children array.
addChild(IlvMapLayer, IlvMapLayer) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.beans.IlvMapLayerTreeModel
Adds layer as the last child of parent.
addChild(IlvMapLayer, IlvMapLayer, int) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.beans.IlvMapLayerTreeModel
Adds a child layer to a parent layer.
addChild(IlvMapStyle) - Method in class
Since JViews 8.1 This method no longer sets the parent of the style and will become private. Use IlvMapStyle.setParent(IlvMapStyle) instead
addChild(IlvMapStyle) - Method in class
Since JViews 8.1 This method no longer sets the parent of the style and will become private. Use IlvMapStyle.setParent(IlvMapStyle) instead
addChild(IlvMutableSDMNode, IlvMutableSDMNode) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.model.IlvDefaultSDMNode
Adds a child to this object's submodel.
addChild(IlvMutableSDMNode, IlvMutableSDMNode) - Method in interface ilog.views.sdm.model.IlvMutableSDMNode
Adds a child to this object's submodel.
addChild(IlvMenuItem) - Method in class ilog.views.util.servlet.model.IlvMenu
Adds a child menu item to this menu.
addClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvApplication
Adds the specified classLoader to the list of class loaders managed by the application for loading classes and finding resources.
AddClip(Graphics, Shape) - Static method in class ilog.views.IlvGraphicUtil
Adds a clipping Shape to the current clip on the given Graphics.
addColor(String, Color) - Static method in class ilog.views.util.IlvColorUtil
Adds a new named color to the color map.
addColorChangedListener(ColorChangedListener) - Method in class ilog.views.util.swing.color.IlvColorChooser
Adds a listener which is notified when the selected color is modified.
addColorChangedListener(ColorChangedListener) - Method in class ilog.views.util.swing.color.IlvColorDiskPanel
Adds a listener on the modification of the selected color.
addConfiguration(String, Component, MessageListener) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.IlvStatusBar
Adds a new configuration for this status bar.
addContainerTemplate(String, IlvContainerTemplate) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvAbstractMainWindow
Adds the specified container template to the list of container templates managed by the main window.
addContainerTemplate(String, IlvContainerTemplate) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.mdi.IlvMDIApplet
Adds the specified container template to the list of container templates managed by the applet.
addContainerTemplate(String, IlvContainerTemplate) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.mdi.IlvMDIMainFrame
Adds the specified container template to the list of container templates managed by the main window.
addConverter(IlvConverter) - Static method in class ilog.views.util.convert.IlvConvert
Adds a converter to the global list of converters used to convert values.
addConverter(PropertyEditor, Class) - Static method in class ilog.views.util.convert.IlvConvert
Adds a converter to the global list of converters used to convert values.
addConverter(IlvLocalizedPropertyEditorFactory, Class) - Static method in class ilog.views.util.convert.IlvConvert
Adds a converter to the global list of converters used to convert values.
addCoordinateSystemChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.beans.IlvJCoordinateSystemEditorPanel
Add a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list.
addCriterionFilter(IlvHierarchicalDataSource.CriterionFilter) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.datasource.IlvHierarchicalDataSource
Adds a criterion filter at the end of the list of filters.
addCrossingBound(IlvRect, IlvTransformer, IlvLinkImage, IlvLinkImage, IlvPoint, IlvPoint, IlvPoint, IlvPoint, float, float, float) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvBridgeCrossings
Adds the bound of the crossing to the input bounding rectangle.
addCrossingBound(IlvRect, IlvTransformer, IlvLinkImage, IlvLinkImage, IlvPoint, IlvPoint, IlvPoint, IlvPoint, float, float, float) - Method in interface ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvCrossingGraphic
Adds the bound of the crossing to the input bounding rectangle.
addCrossingBound(IlvRect, IlvTransformer, IlvLinkImage, IlvLinkImage, IlvPoint, IlvPoint, IlvPoint, IlvPoint, float, float, float) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvTunnelCrossings
Adds the bound of the crossing to the input bounding rectangle.
addCrossingBound(IlvRect, IlvTransformer, IlvLinkImage, IlvLinkImage, IlvPoint, IlvPoint, IlvPoint, IlvPoint, float, float, float) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.graphic.IlvGeneralLinkTunnelCrossings
Adds the bound of the crossing to the input bounding rectangle.
addCurve(IlvMapCurve) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.geometry.IlvMapMultiCurve
Adds the specified curve c to this multicurve.
addDashboardDiagram(IlvDashboardDiagram) - Method in interface ilog.views.dashboard.IlvDashboardContainer
Add diagram to this container instance.
addDashboardDiagram(IlvDashboardDiagram) - Method in class ilog.views.dashboard.IlvDashboardTabbedPane
Add diagram to this container instance.
addDataContainerListener(DataContainerListener) - Method in interface ilog.views.appframe.docview.project.IlvDataContainer
Adds the specified data container listener to receive data container events from this container.
addDataContainerListener(DataContainerListener) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.docview.project.IlvDefaultDataContainer
Adds the specified data container listener for receiving data container events from this container.
AddDataPathResolver(IlvMapDataPathResolver) - Static method in class ilog.views.maps.format.IlvMapDataPathManager
Adds the specified IlvMapDataPathResolver to the data path manager.
addDataSourceListener(DataSourceListener) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.datasource.IlvMapDataSource
Adds a data source listener.
addDependency(Class, IlvPropertyDescriptorManager.Dependency) - Static method in class
Add a dependency for this bean class.
addDependencyListener(UIComponent, String, ComponentCreationListener) - Method in class ilog.views.faces.dhtml.renderkit.IlvDependencyManager
Adds a dependency listener.
addDependencyListener(UIComponent, UIComponent, ComponentCreationListener) - Method in class ilog.views.faces.dhtml.renderkit.IlvDependencyManager
Adds a dependency listener.
addDescription(StringBuffer) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.projection.IlvConicProjection
Converts the projection into a String (Evenden's format).
addDescription(StringBuffer) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.projection.IlvProjection
Converts the projection into a String (Evenden's format).
addDirtyRegion(JComponent, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ilog.views.util.swing.IlvAbstractRepaintManager
If the component c is showing: This method must remember that the specified rectangle needs to be repainted.
addDisplayPreferencesChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.beans.IlvJDisplayPreferencesEditorPanel
Add a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list.
addDockingListener(DockingListener) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.docking.IlvDockingArea
Adds a docking listener to the list of listeners managed by this docking area.
addDocumentTemplate(IlvDocumentTemplate) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvApplication
Adds the specified document template to the application.
addDropListener(PaletteDropListener) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.swing.IlvPaletteTreeViewer
Adds a listener that listens to drag and drop events.
addDynamicStyleListener(DynamicStyleListener) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.theme.IlvMapStyleController
Adds a theme listener.
added - Variable in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.event.PaletteEvent
The added flag.
addEdit(UndoableEdit) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvAbstractDocument
Adds the specified undoable edit to the undo manager owned by the document.
addEdit(UndoableEdit) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.swing.IlvSDMUndoManager.UndoSDMModel
addEditorPane(JEditorPane) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.IlvTextView
Adds the specified editorPane to the panel view.
AddElement(IlvSettingsElement[], IlvSettingsElement, int) - Static method in class ilog.views.appframe.settings.IlvSettingsElement
Adds a settings element to the specified array of settings elements at the specified index.
addElement(IlvGraphic) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvGraphicVector
Adds the specified object as the last element of the vector.
addElement(IlvGroupElement) - Method in class ilog.views.prototypes.IlvGroup
Adds an element to this group.
addFileProjectReference(Object, String, int) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.docview.project.IlvWorkspaceDataContainer
Adds a file project reference node for the specified filename.
addFilter(IlvFileFilter) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvFileDocumentTemplate
Adds the specified fileFilter to the list of filters that this document template accepts.
addFilterListener(FilterListener) - Method in class ilog.views.util.filter.IlvAbstractFilter
Adds a listener to this filter.
addFilterListener(FilterListener) - Method in interface ilog.views.util.filter.IlvFilter
Adds a listener to this filter.
addFocusListener(FocusListener) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManagerViewInteractor
Adds a listener on focus events.
addForbiddenArea(Rectangle2D) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.label.IlvMapLabelManager
Adds a screen area where labels should not be placed.
addForwardRef(Object, String, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.util.IlvXMLConnector
This helper method implements forward references in the XML input source.
addGeometry(IlvMapGeometry) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.geometry.IlvMapGeometryCollection
Adds a geometry at the end of the collection.
addGraphic(IlvGraphic) - Method in class ilog.views.servlet.IlvHitmapDefinition
Adds a graphic object to the managed list.
addGraphicBagHierarchyListener(GraphicBagHierarchyListener) - Method in interface ilog.views.event.GraphicBagHierarchyEventReceiver
Adds the specified listener to receive events from ancestors and from this object when the hierarchy of graphic bags has changed.
addGraphicBagHierarchyListener(GraphicBagHierarchyListener) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvDoubleGraphicHandleBag
Adds the specified listener to receive events from the ancestor managers and ancestor graphic sets and from this handle when the hierarchy of graphic bags has changed.
addGraphicBagHierarchyListener(GraphicBagHierarchyListener) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvGraphicHandleBag
Adds the specified listener to receive events from the ancestor managers and ancestor graphic sets and from this handle when the hierarchy of graphic bags has changed.
addGraphicBagHierarchyListener(GraphicBagHierarchyListener) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvGraphicSet
Adds the specified listener to receive events from the ancestor managers and ancestor graphic sets and from this graphic set when the hierarchy of graphic bags has changed.
addGraphicBagHierarchyListener(GraphicBagHierarchyListener) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManager
Adds the specified listener to receive events from the ancestor managers and from this manager when the hierarchy of managers has changed.
addGraphLayoutRendererListener(SDMGraphLayoutRendererListener) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.graphlayout.IlvGraphLayoutRenderer
Adds the specified listener to receive events from the renderer when its layout is performed.
addGridZone(IlvGridZone) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.grids.IlvMGRSGrid
Adds the specified zone to this grid if it is not already present.
addGroup(IlvGroup) - Method in class ilog.views.prototypes.IlvGroupBag
Adds a group to this group bag.
addHTMLInteractionListener(HTMLInteractionListener) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvHTMLText
Adds an interaction listener to this object.
addIDResolver(IlvSettings.IDResolver) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.settings.IlvSettings
Adds the specified ID resolver for providing ID attributes for new settings types.
addImageComponent(Component, ImageIcon) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.IlvSplashWindow
Invoked by the IlvSplashWindow.initialize() method to insert the specified component displaying the image of the specified imageIcon.
addImpl(Component, Object, int) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.docking.IlvDockingArea
Ensures that, by default, children cannot be added directly to this component.
addImpl(Component, Object, int) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.IlvToolBar
If a JButton is being added, it is set a mouse listener that controls double-click events.
addImpl(Component, Object, int) - Method in class ilog.views.awt.IlvManagerViewPanel
Adds the specified component to this container at the specified index.
addImpl(Component, Object, int) - Method in class ilog.views.awt.IlvScrollManagerView
Adds the specified component to this container at the specified index.
addImpl(Component, Object, int) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.beans.IlvMapAnnotationToolBar
addImpl(Component, Object, int) - Method in class ilog.views.swing.IlvJManagerViewPanel
Adds the specified component to this container at the specified index.
addImpl(Component, Object, int) - Method in class ilog.views.swing.IlvJScrollManagerView
Adds the specified component to this container at the specified index.
addInfo() - Method in class ilog.views.maps.format.shapefile.IlvShapeFileTiler
Adds a single object in the spatial index.
addInheritedListener(InheritListener) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.propertysheet.IlvMapStylePropertySheet
Adds an InheritListener to this style sheet.
addInitialValue(String, Object) - Method in class ilog.views.prototypes.IlvPrototype
Adds an initial value to this prototype.
addInteractorButton(String, URL, IlvManagerViewInteractor, String) - Method in class ilog.views.swing.IlvJManagerViewControlBar
Adds a button than controls an IlvManagerViewInteractor.
addInteractorListener(InteractorListener) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManagerView
Adds the specified interactor listener to receive interactor changed events from the manager view when the interactor of the view is changed.
addInterGraphLink(IlvLinkImage, boolean) - Static method in class ilog.views.IlvGrapher
Adds an intergraph link.
addInteriorRing(IlvMapRingInterface) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.geometry.IlvMapPolygon
Adds an interior ring to the polygon.
addInvalidComponent(JComponent) - Method in class ilog.views.util.swing.IlvAbstractRepaintManager
This method initiates a delayed re-validation of the first ancestor of the invalidComponent that satisfies the isValidateRoot() or the invalidComponent itself if there is no such ancestor.
additionalCapabilities(HttpServletRequest, ServletOutputStream, String) - Method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.faces.dhtml.servlet.IlvFacesDiagrammerServletSupport
Allows you to add additional capabilities to the capability request.
additionalCapabilities(HttpServletRequest, ServletOutputStream, String) - Method in class ilog.views.faces.dhtml.servlet.IlvFacesManagerServletSupport
Allows you to add additional capabilities to the capability request.
additionalCapabilities(HttpServletRequest, ServletOutputStream, String) - Method in class ilog.views.servlet.IlvManagerServlet
additionalCapabilities(HttpServletRequest, PrintWriter, String) - Method in class ilog.views.servlet.IlvManagerServletSupport
additionalCapabilities(HttpServletRequest, ServletOutputStream, String) - Method in class ilog.views.servlet.IlvManagerServletSupport
AdditionalOptions() - Constructor for class ilog.views.swing.IlvJComponentGraphic.AdditionalOptions
The constructor.
addJSCodeAfterImport(IlvScriptManager, ResponseWriter) - Method in class ilog.views.faces.dhtml.renderkit.IlvScriptDescriptor
Renders optional static JavaScript code to customize the imported scripts.
addJSCodeBeforeImport(IlvScriptManager, ResponseWriter) - Method in class ilog.views.faces.dhtml.renderkit.IlvScriptDescriptor
Renders optional static JavaScript code to customize the imported scripts.
addJSFActionListeners() - Method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.faces.dhtml.servlet.IlvFacesDiagrammerServletSupport
Adds the server actions that are needed by various client-side interactions.
addKeyListener(KeyListener) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManagerViewInteractor
Adds a listener on key events.
addLabelAttribute(AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute, Object) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvText
This convenience method allows you to modify a text attribute of the label.
addLabelAttribute(AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute, Object, int, int) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvText
This convenient method allows you to modify a text attribute of the label.
addLabelAttributes(Map, int, int) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvText
This convenient method allows you to modify a text attribute of the label.
addLabelingModelListener(LabelingModelListener) - Method in class ilog.views.graphlayout.labellayout.IlvLabelingModel
Adds a listener to listen for modifications of the labeling model.
addLabelLayoutEventListener(LabelLayoutEventListener) - Method in class ilog.views.graphlayout.labellayout.IlvLabelLayout
Adds a listener for the layout events delivered during the layout.
addLabelLayoutParameterEventListener(LabelLayoutParameterEventListener) - Method in class ilog.views.graphlayout.labellayout.IlvLabelLayout
Adds a listener for the layout parameter events delivered when layout parameters change.
addLatitudeLongitudeFormat(String, boolean) - Static method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.maps.IlvMapRenderer
Registers a new format for converting strings to latitudes or longitudes.
addLatLonBounds(IlvRect, IlvMathTransform, IlvRect, boolean, int) - Static method in class ilog.views.maps.IlvMapUtil
Computes the lat/lon enclosed bounds when applying the transformation to the rectangle in manager coordinates.
addLayer(IlvManagerLayer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphlayout.labellayout.IlvDefaultLabelingModel
Adds a manager layer to the list of layers to be used during the label layout.
addLayer(IlvManagerLayer, int) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManager
Adds a layer at the specified index in the manager.
addLayer(int) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManager
Adds a layer at the specified index.
addLayer(IlvMapLayer, IlvMapLayer) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.datasource.IlvHierarchicalDataSource
Adds a specified IlvMapLayer in the specified parent layer.
addLayer(IlvMapLayer, IlvMapLayer) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.format.IlvDefaultTilableDataSource
Adds a specified IlvMapLayer in the specified parent layer.
addLayer(IlvManagerLayer) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.interactor.IlvSeeThroughInteractor
Add a layer to the list of registered layers.
addLayer(IlvMapLayer) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.label.IlvMapDefaultLabeler
Add a layer to be labeled by this labeler.
addLayer(IlvMapLayer) - Method in interface ilog.views.maps.label.IlvMapLabeler
Add a layer to be labeled by this labeler.
addLibrary(IlvPrototypeLibrary) - Method in class ilog.views.prototypes.IlvGroupBag
Adds a prototype library to the groups bag.
addLink(IlvLinkImage, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvGrapher
Adds a link to this grapher.
addLink(IlvLinkImage, int, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvGrapher
Adds a link to this grapher in a specified layer.
addLinkBundleSelectionChangedListener(LinkBundleSelectionChangedListener) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkbundle.IlvLinkBundle
Adds the specified listener to receive events from the link bundle when the selection of sublinks changes.
addLinkGraphic(IlvSDMEngine, Object, IlvGraphic, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvDrillDownRenderer
Adds the graphic link in a layer that depends on the value of the rendering property DrillDownZoom.
addLinkGraphic(IlvSDMEngine, Object, IlvGraphic, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvFilterSDMRenderer
This method simply calls the addLinkGraphic method of the filtered renderer.
addLinkGraphic(IlvSDMEngine, Object, IlvGraphic, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvSDMRenderer
Adds the graphic object, which has previously been returned by IlvSDMRenderer.createLinkGraphic(ilog.views.sdm.IlvSDMEngine, java.lang.Object, ilog.views.IlvGraphic, ilog.views.IlvGraphic) to represent the specified data object link, to the grapher associated with the SDM engine.
addLinkGraphic(IlvSDMEngine, Object, IlvGraphic, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvStyleSheetRenderer
Adds the graphic object returned by createLinkGraphic() to the grapher of the SDM engine.
addLinkGraphic(IlvSDMEngine, Object, IlvGraphic, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvSubGraphRenderer
If the link is contained in a subgraph, adds the graphic link to the IlvGrapher representing the subgraph.
addLinkGraphic(IlvSDMEngine, Object, IlvGraphic, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.maps.IlvMapStyleSheetRenderer
Creates a new link map layer if one does not already exist.
addListener(L) - Method in class ilog.views.util.event.IlvAbstractEventListenerCollection
Adds the specified listener to this collection.
addListener(L) - Method in interface ilog.views.util.event.IlvEventListenerCollection
Adds the specified listener to this collection.
addLitteralPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.propertysheet.IlvMapStylePropertySheet
Add a listener that will be notified of the literal column modifications
addLoader(IlvRasterTileLoader, IlvFreeTile) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.raster.IlvMultiTileLoader
Adds a loader to load the tile.
addLocaleScript(Locale, String) - Method in class ilog.views.faces.dhtml.renderkit.IlvScriptManager
Adds a locale script that must be loaded before creating the component JavaScript object.
addLocaleSettingsListener(LocaleSettingsListener) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvApplication
Adds a locale setting listener to listen to changes that occur to the locale of the application.
addManagerChangedListener(ManagerChangedListener) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManagerView
Adds the specified listener to receive manager changed events from this manager view when the manager displayed by this view changes.
addManagerContentChangedListener(ManagerContentChangedListener) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManager
Adds the specified listener to receive events from the manager when its contents have changed, for example when an object is added or removed.
addManagerExpansionListener(ManagerExpansionListener) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManager
Adds the specified listener to receive events from the manager when the manager is collapsed or expanded.
addManagerLayer(IlvManagerLayer) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.labelling.IlvMapLabeler
Adds a layer to the list of layer to be taken in account.
addManagerLayerListener(ManagerLayerListener) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManager
Adds the specified layer listener to receive layer modification events when a layer is added or removed, or when the index of a layer changes.
addManagerSelectionListener(ManagerSelectionListener) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManager
Adds the specified listener to receive events from the manager when the selection changes.
addManagerTreeContentChangedListener(ManagerContentChangedListener) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManager
Adds the specified listener to receive events from this manager and its submanagers when the contents have changed, for example when an object is added or removed.
addManagerTreeSelectionListener(ManagerSelectionListener) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManager
Adds the specified listener to receive events from the manager and the submanagers when the selection changes.
addManagerViewsHierarchyListener(ManagerViewsChangedListener) - Method in interface ilog.views.event.ManagerViewsHierarchyEventReceiver
Adds the specified listener to receive events from ancestors and from this object when a manager view was added or removed.
addManagerViewsHierarchyListener(ManagerViewsChangedListener) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvDoubleGraphicHandleBag
Adds the specified listener to receive events from the owning manager of this object and from its ancestors when a manager view was added or removed.
addManagerViewsHierarchyListener(ManagerViewsChangedListener) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvGraphicHandleBag
Adds the specified listener to receive events from the owning manager of this object and from its ancestors when a manager view was added or removed.
addManagerViewsHierarchyListener(ManagerViewsChangedListener) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvGraphicSet
Adds the specified listener to receive events from the owning manager of this object and from its ancestors when a manager view was added or removed.
addManagerViewsHierarchyListener(ManagerViewsChangedListener) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManager
Adds the specified listener to receive events from this manager or ancestor managers when a view displaying the content of the manager is added or removed.
addManagerViewsListener(ManagerViewsChangedListener) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManager
Adds the specified listener to receive events from this manager when a view displaying the contents of the manager is added or removed.
addMap(String) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.format.dem.IlvGTopo30Reader
Adds a new GTOPO30 image.
addMap(URL) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.format.dem.IlvGTopo30Reader
Adds a new GTOPO30 image specified by an URL.
addMap(String) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.format.dted.IlvRasterDTEDReader
Adds a new DTED image.
addMap(URL) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.format.dted.IlvRasterDTEDReader
Adds a new DTED image.
addMap(String) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.format.geotiff.IlvRasterGeoTiffReader
Add an image specifying a file name.
addMap(URL) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.format.geotiff.IlvRasterGeoTiffReader
Add an image specifying a URL.
addMap(String) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.format.image.IlvRasterBasicImageReader
Adds an image to read.
addMap(URL) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.format.image.IlvRasterBasicImageReader
Adds an image to read.
addMapFormat(String) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.format.wms.IlvWMSServerNode
Adds a map format to the list of available formats.
addMDICLientListener(MDIClientListener) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.mdi.IlvDesktopPane
Adds the specified MDI client listener to receive events from this MDI client.
addMDICLientListener(MDIClientListener) - Method in interface ilog.views.appframe.swing.mdi.IlvMDIClient
Adds the specified MDI client listener to receive events from this MDI client.
addMDICLientListener(MDIClientListener) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.mdi.IlvMDIDockingArea
Adds the specified MDI client listener to receive events from this MDI client.
addMDICLientListener(MDIClientListener) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.mdi.IlvMDITabbedPane
Adds the specified MDI client listener to receive events from this MDI client.
addMessageListener(MessageListener, String) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvApplication
Adds the specified message listener to receive message event sent to the application.
addMessageListener(MessageListener, String) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvDefaultMessageManager
Adds the object listener to the list of objects that will receive messages.
addModel(IlvSDMModel) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.model.IlvMultipleSDMModel
Adds a submodel at the end of the list.
addModel(IlvSDMModel, int) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.model.IlvMultipleSDMModel
Adds a submodel at a specified position.
addMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManagerViewInteractor
Adds a listener on mouse events.
addMouseMotionListener(MouseMotionListener) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManagerViewInteractor
Adds a listener on mouse motion events.
addNamedPropertyListener(NamedPropertyListener) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvGraphic
Adds the specified listener to receive events when a named property is added or removed from the graphic object.
addNamespace(Collection) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.model.IlvRDFSDMModel
Merges current namespaces with the given collection.
addNamespace(Collection) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.util.IlvRDFSAX
Merges current namespaces with the specified Collection.
addNewStep(String, String) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.settings.IlvSettingsQuery
Adds a new step to the node path.
addNode(IlvGraphic, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvGrapher
Adds a node to the grapher.
addNode(IlvGraphic, int, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvGrapher
Adds a node to the grapher in the specified layer.
addNodeGraphic(IlvSDMEngine, Object, IlvGraphic, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvBlinkingRenderer
Adds the graphic object returned by createNodeGraphic() to the grapher of the SDM engine.
addNodeGraphic(IlvSDMEngine, Object, IlvGraphic, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvCompositeRenderer
This method simply calls the addNodeGraphic method of the filtered renderer.
addNodeGraphic(IlvSDMEngine, Object, IlvGraphic, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvDrillDownRenderer
Adds the graphic node in a layer that depends on the value of the rendering property DrillDownZoom.
addNodeGraphic(IlvSDMEngine, Object, IlvGraphic, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvFilterSDMRenderer
This method simply calls the addNodeGraphic method of the filtered renderer.
addNodeGraphic(IlvSDMEngine, Object, IlvGraphic, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvSDMRenderer
Adds the graphic object, which has previously been returned by IlvSDMRenderer.createNodeGraphic(ilog.views.sdm.IlvSDMEngine, java.lang.Object) to represent the specified data object node, to the grapher associated with the SDM engine.
addNodeGraphic(IlvSDMEngine, Object, IlvGraphic, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvStyleSheetRenderer
Adds the graphic object returned by createNodeGraphic() to the grapher of the SDM engine.
addNodeGraphic(IlvSDMEngine, Object, IlvGraphic, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvSubGraphRenderer
If the node is contained in a subgraph, adds the graphic node to the IlvGrapher representing the subgraph.
addNodeGraphic(IlvSDMEngine, Object, IlvGraphic, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.maps.IlvMapStyleSheetRenderer
Creates a new symbol map layer if one does not already exist.
addNonCancellableTask(IlvTile) - Method in class ilog.views.tiling.IlvThreadedTileLoader
Specify that a task related to the given tile can not be cancel.
addNotify() - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.IlvDockingBarArea
Notifies this component that it now has a parent component.
addNotify() - Method in class ilog.views.awt.IlvScrollManagerView
Notifies the Component that it has been added to a container.
addNotify() - Method in class ilog.views.dashboard.IlvDashboardPanel
Installs specialized internal listeners.
addNotify() - Method in class ilog.views.dashboard.IlvDashboardSymbolPalette
Installs internal listeners.
addNotify() - Method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.application.IlvDiagrammerOverview
Notifies this component that it now has a parent component.
addNotify() - Method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.application.IlvDiagrammerPaletteBar
Notifies this component that it now has a parent component.
addNotify() - Method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.application.IlvDiagrammerPropertySheet
Notifies this component that it now has a parent component.
addNotify() - Method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.application.IlvDiagrammerStatusBar
Notifies this component that it now has a parent component.
addNotify() - Method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.application.IlvDiagrammerTable
Notifies this component that it now has a parent component.
addNotify() - Method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.application.IlvDiagrammerTree
Notifies this component that it now has a parent component.
addNotify() - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManagerView
Notifies the manager view that it has been added to its parent.
addNotify() - Method in class ilog.views.swing.IlvJScrollManagerView
Notifies the Component that it has been added to a container.
addNotify() - Method in class ilog.views.util.swing.tree.IlvDefaultTreeCellRenderer
Notifies this component that it now has a parent component.
addObject(Object) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.settings.beans.IlvBeanSettings
Adds the specified bean instance to the list of beans accessed by the settings.
addObject(Object, Object) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.settings.beans.IlvBeanSettings
Adds the specified bean instance as a child of the specified parent bean instance.
addObject(Object, Object) - Method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.IlvDiagrammer
Adds a node or a link to the diagram.
addObject(IlvGraphic, IlvManager, int) - Method in class ilog.views.dxf.IlvDefaultDXFGraphicFactory
Adds a graphic object to a given layer of a manager.
addObject(IlvGraphic, IlvGraphicBag) - Method in class ilog.views.dxf.IlvDefaultDXFGraphicFactory
Adds a graphic object to a given graphic bag.
addObject(IlvGraphic, IlvManager, int) - Method in interface ilog.views.dxf.IlvDXFGraphicFactory
Adds a graphic object to a given layer of a manager.
addObject(IlvGraphic, IlvGraphicBag) - Method in interface ilog.views.dxf.IlvDXFGraphicFactory
Adds a graphic object to a given graphic bag.
addObject(IlvGraphic, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.composite.decoration.IlvDefaultGraphicManagerFrame
Adds a graphic object in the bag.
addObject(IlvGraphic, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.composite.IlvCompositeLink
You should not called this method directly
addObject(IlvGraphic, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvDoubleGraphicHandleBag
Adds a graphic object to the bag.
addObject(IlvGraphic, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvGraphicHandleBag
Adds a graphic object to the bag.
addObject(IlvGraphic, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvGraphicHandleSelection
Adds a graphic object to the bag.
addObject(IlvGraphic, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvGraphicSet
Adds a graphic object at the end of the set.
addObject(IlvGraphic, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkbundle.IlvLinkBundle
You should not call this method.
addObject(IlvGraphic, int, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvGrapher
Adds the specified graphic object in the manager.
addObject(IlvGraphic, boolean) - Method in interface ilog.views.IlvGraphicBag
Adds a graphic object to the bag.
addObject(IlvGraphic) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvIndexedSet
Adds an object.
addObject(IlvGraphic, int, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManager
Adds the specified graphic object in the manager.
addObject(IlvGraphic, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManager
Adds the specified graphic object in the manager.
addObject(IlvGraphic) - Method in class ilog.views.interactor.IlvEditLabelInteractor
Called by the interactor to add a newly created object in the manager.
addObject(IlvGraphic) - Method in class ilog.views.interactor.IlvMakeRectangleInteractor
Adds the new object in the manager.
addObject(IlvGraphic) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.grids.IlvAbstractBaseGrid
Overridden method to prevent objects being added on this layer.
addObject(IlvGraphic, Object) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.IlvMapFreeTile
Overrides the addObject method in the IlvFreeTile class so the IlvMapStyle of the IlvMapLayer containing the IlvTiledLayer of this tile is applied to every IlvGraphic object added to the tile.
addObject(IlvGraphic, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.prototypes.IlvPrototypeBeanSupport
Implementation of the IlvGraphicBag interface.
addObject(IlvGraphic, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.graphic.IlvGeneralLink
Adds a graphic object in the bag.
addObject(IlvGraphic, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.graphic.IlvPowerLabel
Adds a graphic object to the bag.
addObject(Object, Object, Object) - Method in interface ilog.views.sdm.IlvSDMModel
Adds an object to the model.
addObject(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.model.IlvBasicSDMModel
This method verifies that the added object has a unique ID, and calls IlvBasicSDMModel.addObjectImpl(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) to actually add the object to the model.
addObject(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.model.IlvFilterSDMModel
This method calls the addObject method of the filtered model.
addObject(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.model.IlvMultipleSDMModel
This call is delegated to the submodel returned by IlvMultipleSDMModel.getModel(java.lang.Object).
addObject(IlvGraphic, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvSubGraphRenderer.GraphicManagerFrame
Adds a graphic object in the bag.
addObject(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.swing.IlvSDMUndoManager.UndoSDMModel
Adds an object to the model.
addObject(Object, Object) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.util.IlvXMLConnector
Adds an object that has been read from the XML source or document to the SDM data model.
addObject(IlvGraphic, IlvManager, int) - Method in class ilog.views.svg.SVGDefaultGraphicFactory
Adds a graphic object to a given layer of a manager.
addObject(IlvGraphic, IlvGraphicBag) - Method in class ilog.views.svg.SVGDefaultGraphicFactory
Adds a graphic object to a given graphic bag.
addObject(IlvGraphic, IlvManager, int) - Method in interface ilog.views.svg.SVGGraphicFactory
Adds a graphic object to a given layer of a manager.
addObject(IlvGraphic, IlvGraphicBag) - Method in interface ilog.views.svg.SVGGraphicFactory
Adds a graphic object to a given graphic bag.
addObject(IlvGraphic, Object) - Method in class ilog.views.tiling.IlvTile
Adds a graphic object to an IlvTiledLayer.
addObjectAt(IlvGraphic, int, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvGraphicSet
Adds a graphic object at the specified index in the set.
addObjectAt(IlvGraphic, int, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.graphic.IlvMapGraphicSet
If the object added to this graphic set is a subclass of IlvMapGraphic, the style of this graphic set is set to that of the object added.
addObjectImpl(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.model.IlvBasicSDMModel
This method does nothing since this model is not editable.
addObjectImpl(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.model.IlvDefaultSDMModel
Adds a node or a link to this SDM model.
addObjectImpl(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.model.IlvFilterSDMModel
addObjectImpl(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.model.IlvTableSDMModel
This method adds a new row to the table if the Table model is an instance of DefaultTableModel or IlvTableModel.
addObjectPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class ilog.views.dashboard.IlvDashboardBackgroundBar
Adds a property change listener that will be invoked when a background object property is changed by a component of this dashboard background tool bar.
addPage(IlvPage) - Method in class ilog.views.util.print.IlvPrintableDocument
Adds a page to the document.
addPaletteListener(PaletteListener) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.IlvPalette
Adds a listener that listens to palette events.
addPaletteManagerListener(PaletteManagerListener) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.IlvPaletteManager
Adds a listener that listens to palette manager events.
addPaletteViewerListener(PaletteViewerListener) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.swing.IlvPaletteManagerCollapsibleTreeViewer
Adds a listener that is used to track category or symbol selection in the viewer.
addPaletteViewerListener(PaletteViewerListener) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.swing.IlvPaletteManagerComboboxViewer
Adds a listener to track category or symbol selection in the viewer
addPaletteViewerListener(PaletteViewerListener) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.swing.IlvPaletteManagerTabbedViewer
Adds a listener to track category or symbol selection in the viewer
addPaletteViewerListener(PaletteViewerListener) - Method in interface ilog.views.symbology.palettes.swing.IlvPaletteManagerViewer
Adds a listener to track category or symbol selection in the viewer
addPaletteViewerListener(PaletteViewerListener) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.swing.IlvPaletteToolbarViewer
Adds a listener to track category or symbol selection in the viewer
addPaletteViewerListener(PaletteViewerListener) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.swing.IlvPaletteTreeViewer
Adds a listener to track category or symbol selection in the viewer
addPaletteViewerListener(PaletteViewerListener) - Method in interface ilog.views.symbology.palettes.swing.IlvPaletteViewer
Adds a listener to track category or symbol selection in the viewer
addParameter(IlvPaletteSymbolParameter) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.IlvPaletteSymbol
Adds a new additional parameter to the list.
addParameter(String) - Method in class ilog.views.util.servlet.IlvServletParameterHandler
Adds the specific request parameter for requested name.
addParameter(String, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.util.servlet.IlvServletParameterHandler
Adds the specific request parameter for requested name.
addParameter(String, boolean, String) - Method in class ilog.views.util.servlet.IlvServletParameterHandler
Adds the specific request parameter for requested name.
addParameter(String, boolean, String, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.util.servlet.IlvServletParameterHandler
Adds the specific request parameter for requested name.
addParameter(String, boolean, String, boolean, IlvRequestParameter.Comparator) - Method in class ilog.views.util.servlet.IlvServletParameterHandler
Adds the specific request parameter for requested name.
addParameterAccessors(IlvSymbolParameterAccessor[]) - Method in class ilog.views.symbol.util.IlvSymbolProperties
Adds symbol parameter accessors to this property holder.
addParameterSetter(IlvGraphLayoutRenderer.ParameterSetter) - Static method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.graphlayout.IlvGraphLayoutRenderer
Registers a custom parameter setter.
addPin(IlvGrapherPin) - Method in class ilog.views.linkconnector.IlvPinLinkConnector
Adds an IlvGrapherPin.
addPluginListener(PluginListener) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.plugin.IlvPluginManager
Adds a plug-in listener for receiving plug-in events.
addPoint(IlvCoordinate) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.geometry.IlvMapLineString
Adds a coordinate at the end of the line string.
addPoint(IlvCoordinate) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.geometry.IlvMapMultiPoint
Adds a coordinate at the end of the multipoint.
addPoint(IlvCoordinate) - Method in interface ilog.views.maps.geometry.IlvMapMultiPointInterface
Adds a coordinate at the end of the object.
addPoint(IlvPoint) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.graphic.IlvGeodeticPathComputation.PointVector
Add a point or null to the vector.
addPoint(float, float) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.graphic.IlvGeodeticPathComputation.PointVector
Adds a point to the vector
addPoints(IlvPoint[], int) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvPointArray
Adds the specified array of IlvPoint at the specified index.
addPolygonsFromGraphic(IlvGraphic) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.datasource.IlvPolygonSimplifyingEngine
Extracts the polygons which make up a graphic object.
addPolyPoints(IlvGraphic) - Method in class ilog.views.interactor.IlvMakeLinkInteractor
Adds the new link inside the grapher.
addPolyPoints(IlvGraphic) - Method in class ilog.views.interactor.IlvMakePolyPointsInteractor
Adds the object to the manager.
addPolyPoints(IlvGraphic) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.measures.IlvMakeMeasureInteractor
add the object to the data source in addition to the manager.
addPolyPoints(IlvGraphic) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.interactor.IlvMakeSDMLinkInteractor
Adds the new link inside the grapher.
addPrintableObject(IlvPrintableObject) - Method in class ilog.views.util.print.IlvPage
Adds a printable object to the page.
addProperty(String) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.swing.IlvSDMTableModel
Adds a new property (column).
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvAbstractDocument
Adds a listener that listens for changes to the document properties.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvAbstractStaticViewContainer
Adds a listener that listens for changes to the properties of this view container.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvDocumentTemplate
Adds a listener that listens for changes to the properties of this document template.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvDocumentViewSupport
Adds a listener that listens for changes in the properties of this object.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvApplication
Adds a listener that listens to the changes in the properties of this application.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.mdi.IlvInternalFrame
Adds a listener that listens to the change of the properties of this application.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.util.IlvDefaultPropertyManager
Adds a PropertyChangeListener to listen to the PropertyChangeEvent originated by this object.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface ilog.views.appframe.util.IlvPropertyManager
Adds a listener that listens to the changes in the properties of this object.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface ilog.views.customizer.styling.IlvRuleCustomizerLogic
Add a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.beans.editor.IlvCoordinatePanelFactory.CoordPointInputPanel
Adds a specified ChangeListener to the panel in order to catch coordinate changes.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.beans.editor.IlvCoordinatePanelFactory.CoordRectangleInputPanel
Adds a specified ChangeListener to the panel in order to catch coordinate changes.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface ilog.views.maps.beans.editor.IlvSymbolLocationEditor
Register a listener for the PropertyChange event.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.beans.IlvMapLayer
Adds a property change listener.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.datasource.IlvCoordinateSystemPropertyEditor
Not implemented.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.datasource.IlvFilePropertyEditor
Not implemented.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.IlvMapCSSRenderer
Adds the specified listener to receive PropertyChangeEvents from this CSS manager.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.projection.IlvCoordinateEditor
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.symbology.swing.IlvSymbologyTreeView
Adds a listener on property modification.
addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class ilog.views.prototypes.IlvPrototypeBeanSupport
Adds a property change listener for a named property.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class ilog.views.prototypes.IlvPrototypeBeanSupport
Adds a property change listener for any property.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class ilog.views.prototypes.IlvValueSource
Adds a PropertyChangeListener to this value source.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.graphic.IlvSimpleLink
Adds a listener on property modification.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.IlvSDMEngine
Adds a listener on property modification.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvStyleSheetRenderer
Adds a listener on property modification.
addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class ilog.views.util.print.IlvPrintableDocument
Adds a listener to listen to the modification of the specified property.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class ilog.views.util.print.IlvPrintableDocument
Adds a listener to listen to the modification of all properties.
addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class ilog.views.util.print.IlvPrintingController
Adds a listener to listen to the modification of the specified property.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class ilog.views.util.print.IlvPrintingController
Adds a listener to listen to the modification of all properties
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface ilog.views.util.styling.IlvStylable
Adds a listener on property modification.
addPropertyDescriptor(String, IlvTableModelPropertyDescriptor, Class) - Method in class
Registers an IlvTableModelPropertyDescriptor and/or a required type for a given property.
addPrototype(IlvPrototype) - Method in class ilog.views.prototypes.IlvPrototypeLibrary
Adds a prototype to this library.
addPseudoClass(Object, String) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.IlvSDMEngine
Adds a pseudo-class to the specified data object.
addQuery(IlvJDBCDataSource.QueryParameters) - Method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.datasource.IlvJDBCDataSource
Adds a query to this data source.
addRaster(IlvRasterProperties, IlvRasterMappedBuffer) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.raster.IlvRasterAbstractReader
Adds a new set of image information to the list managed by the raster reader.
addRecentFileInfo(IlvRecentFileList.FileInfo) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvRecentFileList
Adds the specified fileInfo to the list of files managed by this instance.
addRecentFileURL(URL) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvRecentFileList
Adds a file to the list of files managed by this object.
addRectangle(LinkedList<Rectangle>, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ilog.views.util.swing.IlvAbstractRepaintManager
Adds a rectangle.
addRectangle(LinkedList<Rectangle>, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ilog.views.util.swing.IlvExpensiveDrawingRepaintManager
Adds a rectangle to a region, represented as a list of rectangles.
addRectangleDraggedListener(RectangleDraggedListener) - Method in class ilog.views.interactor.IlvDragRectangleInteractor
Adds the specified listener to receive rectangle dragged events from this interactor when the user has finished dragging a rectangle.
addRendererAlias(String, String) - Static method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvRendererUtil
Adds an alias for a renderer class.
addResolver(IlvURLResolver) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.util.IlvURLResolverManager
Adds the specified resolver to the manager.
addResource(URL) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.IlvPaletteSymbol
Adds, in a list, an external resources used by the symbol and referenced into its CSS file.
addResource(String) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.IlvPaletteSymbol
Adds, in a list, an external resources used by the symbol and referenced into its CSS file.
addResourceBundle(ResourceBundle) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvApplication
Adds the specified resource bundle to the list of resource bundles managed by this application.
addResourceBundle(ResourceBundle) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.util.IlvResourceBundleManager
Adds the specified resource bundle to the list of resource bundles managed by this object.
addResourcePropertyFile(String) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvApplication
Adds the specified resource bundle to the list of resource bundles managed by the application.
addResourcePropertyFile(String) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.util.IlvResourceBundleManager
Adds the specified resource bundle to the list of resource bundles managed by this object.
addRootDirectory(File) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.plugin.IlvPluginManager
Adds the specified directory to the list of directories this plugin manager will scan to find its plugins.
addRootURL(URL) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.plugin.IlvPluginManager
Adds the specified url to the list of root URLs this plugin manager will scan to find its plugins.
addRow(Object[]) - Method in class
Adds a row.
addRow(Object[]) - Method in interface
Adds a row to the end of the model.
addRS(String) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.format.wms.IlvWMSLayerNode
Adds an SRS name to the available SRS for this layer.
addScript(Writer, String) - Method in class ilog.views.faces.dhtml.renderkit.IlvScriptManager
Beginning of JViews 8.1 use IlvScriptManager.addScript(String).
addScript(String) - Method in class ilog.views.faces.dhtml.renderkit.IlvScriptManager
Adds a script that must be loaded before creating the component JavaScript object.
addScriptsToLoad(IlvScriptManager, Writer) - Method in class ilog.views.faces.dhtml.renderkit.IlvScriptDescriptor
Adds the scripts needed by the associated component.
addSDMEngineDataLoadingListener(SDMEngineDataLoadingListener) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.IlvSDMEngine
Adds an SDMEngineDataLoadingListener to this SDM engine.
addSDMEngineSelectionListener(SDMEngineSelectionListener) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.IlvSDMEngine
Adds an SDMEngineSelectionListener to this SDM engine.
addSDMEngineStyleSheetListener(SDMEngineStyleSheetListener) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.IlvSDMEngine
Adds an SDMEngineStyleSheetListener to this SDM engine.
addSDMModelListener(SDMModelListener) - Method in interface ilog.views.sdm.IlvSDMModel
Adds a listener to this SDM model.
addSDMModelListener(SDMModelListener) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.model.IlvBasicSDMModel
Adds a listener to this SDM model.
addSDMPropertyChangeListener(SDMPropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface ilog.views.sdm.IlvSDMModel
Adds a property change listener to this SDM model.
addSDMPropertyChangeListener(SDMPropertyChangeListener) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.model.IlvBasicSDMModel
Adds a property change listener to this SDM model.
addSelectedLink(IlvGraphic) - Method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.servlet.IlvDiagrammerSelectionSupport
Adds the IlvGraphic object to the selected link list.
AddSeparator(Container, int) - Static method in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.IlvMenuBar
Adds a new separator within the specified container.
AddSeparator(Container, int) - Static method in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.IlvToolBar
Adds a new separator within the specified container.
addServerAction(String, EventListener) - Method in class ilog.views.servlet.IlvServerActionParser
Add server action listener to servlet support.
addServerAction(String, EventListener) - Method in class ilog.views.util.servlet.IlvAbstractServerActionParser
Add server action listener to servlet support.
addServerActionListener(ServerActionListener) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.servlet.IlvSDMServlet
Adds the specified listener to receive events when an action is requested from the client.
addServerActionListener(ServerActionListener) - Method in class ilog.views.servlet.IlvManagerServlet
Adds the specified listener to receive events when an action is requested from the client.
addServerActionListener(ServerActionListener) - Method in class ilog.views.servlet.IlvManagerServletSupport
addServerActionListener(String, ServerActionListener) - Method in class ilog.views.servlet.IlvManagerServletSupport
Adds the specified listener to receive events when an action is requested from the client.
addSettings(IlvSettings) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvApplication
Adds new settings to the application.
addSettings(IlvSettings, String) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.settings.IlvSettingsManager
Adds the specified settings to the specified layer.
addSettingsElement(Object, Object, int) - Method in interface ilog.views.appframe.settings.IlvMutableSettingsModel
Adds the specified object to the model.
addSettingsElement(IlvSettingsElement, IlvSettingsElement, int) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.settings.IlvSettings
Adds the specified element to the specified parent.
addSettingsListener(SettingsListener) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvApplication
Adds a settings listener to listen to settings events.
addSettingsListener(SettingsListener) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.settings.IlvSettingsManager
Adds a settings listener to the settings manager.
addSettingsSerializer(IlvSettingsSerializer) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.settings.IlvObjectSettingsHandler
Adds a serializer responsible for reading and writing the settings of the associated object.
addStatusListener(IlvDiagrammerAction.StatusListener) - Static method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.application.IlvDiagrammerAction
Adds an action status listener.
addStyle(HashMap) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.format.wms.IlvWMSLayerNode
Adds a style name to the available styles for this layer.
addStyleListener(StyleListener) - Method in class
Add a listener on the style.
addStyleSheet(URL) - Method in class ilog.views.dashboard.IlvDashboardDiagram
This method is not supported by IlvDashboardDiagram.
addStyleSheet(URL) - Method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.IlvDiagrammer
Adds a style sheet to this diagram component.
addStyleSheet(URL) - Method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.project.IlvDiagrammerProject
Adds a cascading style sheet to this Diagrammer project.
addSublink(IlvLinkImage) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkbundle.IlvLinkBundle
Adds a sublink at the end of the link bundle.
addSublink(int, IlvLinkImage) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkbundle.IlvLinkBundle
Adds a sublink at the specified index in the link bundle.
addSymbol(IlvDashboardSymbol) - Method in class ilog.views.dashboard.IlvDashboardDiagram
Adds a new IlvDashboardSymbol instance to this dashboard diagram.
addSymbol(IlvPaletteCategory, String) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.IlvPalette
Add a symbol in the palette.
addSymbolParameterListener(IlvDashboardSymbolParameterListener) - Method in class ilog.views.dashboard.IlvDashboardDiagram
Adds a symbol parameter listener that will be notified when the value or the mapping of a symbol parameter is changed.
addTab(String, String, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.docking.IlvDockingArea
Adds a tab pane containing the new dockable pane with the specified newPaneName before or after the dockable pane with the tabOnPane name, depending on the value of the after parameter.
addTab(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.docking.IlvDockingArea
Adds a tab pane containing the new dockable pane with the specified newPaneName before or after the dockable pane with the tabOnPane name, depending on the value of the after parameter.
addTab(String, Component) - Method in class ilog.views.util.print.IlvDocumentSetupDialog
Adds a new tab in the JTabbedPane of this dialog box.
addTargetPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.application.IlvDiagrammerPropertySheet
Add a listener that will be notified of the target modifications
addTheme(IlvMapLayer, IlvMapDynamicStyle) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.theme.IlvMapStyleController
Adds an IlvMapStyle/IlvMapLayer association that is controlled by a scale.
addTheme(double, IlvMapLayer, String) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.theme.IlvMapStyleController
Adds an IlvMapStyle/IlvMapLayer association that is controlled by a scale.
addTile(IlvFreeTile) - Method in class ilog.views.tiling.IlvTileController
Adds a free tile to this tile controller.
addTileListener(TileListener) - Method in class ilog.views.tiling.IlvTileController
Adds a listener that will be notified of the changes in the tile status.
AddToArray(Object[], Object, int) - Static method in class ilog.views.appframe.util.IlvUtil
Adds the object in the src array at the specified index.
AddToArray(Object[], Object) - Static method in class ilog.views.appframe.util.IlvUtil
Adds the object in the src array.
addToolbarAction(Action) - Method in class ilog.views.util.print.IlvPrintPreviewPanel
Adds a button in the toolbar.
addToPath(URL) - Static method in class ilog.views.prototypes.IlvPrototypeLibrary
Adds a URL to the path used to locate prototypes.
addToPath(String) - Static method in class ilog.views.prototypes.IlvPrototypeLibrary
Adds a directory to the path used to locate prototypes.
addToSelection(Rectangle, List) - Method in class ilog.views.util.servlet.IlvSelectionSupport.IlvSelectionResponse
Adds a selection to the client's selection.
addToSelection(Rectangle, List, Point2D.Float[]) - Method in class ilog.views.util.servlet.IlvSelectionSupport.IlvSelectionResponse
Adds a selection to the client's selection.
addTransformer(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManagerView
Adds the transformer on the view (composes the existing transformer with the new one).
addTransformerListener(TransformerListener) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManagerView
Adds the specified transformer listener to receive transformer changed events when the transformer of this manager view changes.
addTree(JTree) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.IlvTreeView
Invoked after the tree associated with this view has been created, for adding it to the panel view.
addTreeEditionListener(TreeEditionListener) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.beans.IlvEditableTree
Adds a tree edition listener.
addUndelayedActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class ilog.views.util.swing.IlvJComboBox
Adds an ActionListener that will be notified immediately when the user selects an item in this combination box.
addUndoableEdit(UndoableEdit) - Method in class ilog.views.dashboard.IlvDashboardDiagram
Add the last user action to the list of edits that can be undone and redone for this dashboard diagram.
addUndoableEditListener(UndoableEditListener) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.swing.IlvSDMUndoManager
Registers an UndoableEditListener that will be called when a new edit is added to this undo manager.
addUpdatedCapability(String, Object) - Method in class ilog.views.util.servlet.IlvSelectionSupport.IlvSelectionResponse
Adds an updated capability to be processed by the client.
addUpdatedCapability(String, String, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.util.servlet.IlvSelectionSupport.IlvSelectionResponse
addUpdatedCapability(String, String) - Method in class ilog.views.util.servlet.IlvSelectionSupport.IlvSelectionResponse
Adds an updated capability to be processed by the client.
addUpdatedCapability(String, int) - Method in class ilog.views.util.servlet.IlvSelectionSupport.IlvSelectionResponse
Adds an updated capability to be processed by the client.
addUpdatedCapability(String, float) - Method in class ilog.views.util.servlet.IlvSelectionSupport.IlvSelectionResponse
Adds an updated capability to be processed by the client.
addURLResolver(IlvURLResolver) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvApplication
Adds the specified URL resolver to the application.
addValidationListener(ValidationListener) - Method in class ilog.views.util.swing.calendar.IlvJCalendar
Adds a listener to the list that is notified each time a validation occurs.
addValidationListener(ValidationListener) - Method in class ilog.views.util.swing.calendar.IlvJTimeChooser
Adds a listener to the list that is notified each time a validation occurs.
addValue(int) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.IlvPaletteSymbolParameterValueSet
Adds an integer to the value set.
addValue(float) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.IlvPaletteSymbolParameterValueSet
Adds a float to the value set.
addValue(double) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.IlvPaletteSymbolParameterValueSet
Adds a double to the value set.
addValue(Object) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.IlvPaletteSymbolParameterValueSet
Adds an object to the value set.
addValueSet(IlvPaletteSymbolParameterValueSet, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.IlvPalette
Adds a value set to this palette.
addValueSource(IlvValueSource) - Method in class ilog.views.prototypes.IlvGroupBag
Adds a value source (for example, a clock value source) to the list of value sources associated with this group bag.
addView(IlvDocumentView) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvAbstractDocument
Adds the specified instance of IlvDocumentView to the list of views of the document.
addView(IlvDocumentView) - Method in interface ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvDocument
Adds the specified IlvDocumentView object to the list of views of the document.
addViewContainer(IlvMDIViewContainer) - Method in interface ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvMDIContainerTemplate
Adds a newly created container to the container template.
addViewContainer(IlvMDIViewContainer) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.mdi.IlvDesktopPane
Adds a newly created internal frame to the desktop pane.
addViewContainer(IlvMDIViewContainer) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.mdi.IlvMDIDockingArea
Adds a newly created tab to the tabbed pane.
addViewContainer(IlvMDIViewContainer) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.mdi.IlvMDITabbedPane
Adds a newly created tab to the tabbed pane.
addViewDecoration(IlvManagerViewDecoration) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManagerView
Adds a decoration to the view.
addViewListeners(IlvManagerView) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.graphlayout.IlvGraphLayoutRenderer
Adds the listeners that recompute the link layout when the view is zoomed or unzoomed.
addViewListeners(IlvManagerView) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.graphlayout.IlvSwimLanesRenderer
Adds the listeners that adjust the swimlanes when the view is resized or transformed.
addViewListeners(IlvManagerView) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvInfoBalloonRenderer
addViewListeners(IlvManagerView) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvInteractorRenderer
Adds the mouse listeners that handle shortcuts.
addViewListeners(IlvManagerView) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvLegendRenderer
Adds the listeners that adjust the legend when the view is resized or transformed.
addViewListeners(IlvManagerView) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvSDMRenderer
This method can be overridden to add view listeners on any view attached to an SDM engine.
addViewListeners(IlvManagerView) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvSubGraphRenderer
This method can be overridden to add view listeners on any view attached to an SDM engine.
addViews(IlvDocumentView[]) - Method in interface ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvMDIViewContainer
Adds the specified views to the container.
AddViews(IlvViewContainer, Container, IlvDocumentView[]) - Static method in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.IlvSwingMainWindow
Default mechanism for adding views to a container.
addViews(IlvDocumentView[]) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.mdi.IlvInternalFrame
Adds the specified views to the container.
addViews(IlvDocumentView[]) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.mdi.IlvMDITab
Adds the specified views to the container.
addVisibilityFilter(IlvLayerVisibilityFilter) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManagerLayer
Adds a visibility filter.
addWeakStyleListener(StyleListener) - Method in class
Add a weakly referenced listener on the style.
addWorkspacePropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.docking.IlvDockingArea
Adds a PropertyChangeListener to the list of listeners associated with the specified workspace.
addXMLSettings(String) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvApplication
Adds XML settings to the application.
addXMLSettings(URL) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvApplication
Adds the XML settings file with the specified URL.
addZones(IlvMGRSGrid, char, char, int, int) - Static method in class ilog.views.maps.grids.IlvMGRSGridZone
Creates and adds the Grid Zones into the grid.
adjustGhost() - Method in class ilog.views.interactor.IlvManagerMagViewInteractor
Adjusts the ghost rectangle.
adjustLongitude(double) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.projection.IlvProjection
Reduces the longitude to -PI PI.
ADJUSTMENT_END - Static variable in class ilog.views.event.ManagerContentChangedEvent
The type of the event when a series of modification is finished.
adjustmentEnd() - Method in class ilog.views.graphlayout.labellayout.IlvLabelingModel
Notifies the labeling model that this is the end of a series of events.
adjustmentEndHook(IlvManager) - Static method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvCrossingLinkShapePolicy
Called by the manager when contents adjusting becomes false.
adjustmentFinished(SDMModelEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.event.SDMModelAdapter
Invoked at the end of an adjustment sequence, when setAdjusting(false) is called on the model.
adjustmentFinished(SDMModelEvent) - Method in interface ilog.views.sdm.event.SDMModelListener
Invoked at the end of an adjustment sequence, when setAdjusting(false) is called on the model.
adjustmentFinished(SDMModelEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.model.IlvFilterSDMModel
This method is called at the end of an adjustment sequence on the underlying filtered model.
adjustmentFinished(SDMModelEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.model.IlvMultipleSDMModel
This method is called at the end of an adjustment sequence on the underlying filtered model.
adjustmentFinished(SDMModelEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.swing.IlvSDMTableModel
Invoked at the end of an adjustment sequence, when setAdjusting(false) is called on the model.
adjustPointIfOutsideView(IlvPoint, IlvPoint) - Method in class ilog.views.interactor.IlvAbstractScrollInteractor
Corrects the input point p so that if p is outside the view, it is only a limited amount outside the view.
adjustPreferredSizeForTitledBorder(JComponent) - Static method in class ilog.views.util.swing.IlvSwingUtil
Adjusts the preferred size and minimum size of the given component with a border of type TitledBorder so that the title will fit without being truncated.
adjustScrollbars() - Method in class ilog.views.awt.IlvScrollManagerView
Adjusts the scrollbars so that they reflect the content of the manager.
adjustScrollBars() - Method in class ilog.views.swing.IlvJScrollManagerView
Adjusts the scrollbars so that they reflect the content of the manager.
adjustSpacing(float) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.graphlayout.IlvSwimLanesRenderer
Moves the swimlanes apart so that the spacing between swimlanes is augmented or decreased by delta.
adjustView() - Method in class ilog.views.awt.IlvScrollManagerView
Translates the view according to the values of the scrollbars.
adjustView(IlvRect) - Method in class ilog.views.interactor.IlvManagerMagViewInteractor
Adjusts the visible area of the target view according to the specified control rectangle.
adjustView() - Method in class ilog.views.swing.IlvJScrollManagerView
Translates the view according to the values of the scrollbars.
adoptNode(Node) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.settings.IlvSettings
ADVANCED_BIDI - Static variable in class ilog.views.util.text.IlvBidiUtil
System property used to control level of bidi support
AFTER_HANDLER - Static variable in interface ilog.views.faces.IlvFacesConstants
afterAdd(IlvLinkImage) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvAbstractLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after a link with installed policy is added to a grapher.
afterAdd(IlvLinkImage) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvBundleLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after a link with installed policy is added to a grapher.
afterAdd(IlvLinkImage) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvCrossingLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after a link with installed policy is added to a grapher.
afterAdd(IlvLinkImage) - Method in interface ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after a link with installed policy is added to a grapher.
afterAdd(IlvLinkImage) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvOrthogonalLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after a link with installed policy is added to a grapher.
afterAnimationStep(int) - Method in class ilog.views.animation.IlvManagerAnimator
Called at the end of the ith animation step.
afterAny(IlvLinkImage) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvAbstractLinkShapePolicy
afterAny(IlvLinkImage) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvCrossingLinkShapePolicy
afterAny(IlvLinkImage) - Method in interface ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvLinkShapePolicy
afterApplyTransform(IlvLinkImage, IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvAbstractLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after a transformation was applied.
afterApplyTransform(IlvLinkImage, IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvCrossingLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after a transformation was applied.
afterApplyTransform(IlvLinkImage, IlvTransformer) - Method in interface ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after a transformation was applied.
afterApplyTransform(IlvLinkImage, IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvOrthogonalLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after a transformation was applied.
afterAttach(IlvLabelLayout) - Method in class ilog.views.graphlayout.labellayout.IlvLabelingModel
Notifies the labeling model that it has been attached to a layout.
afterBuildingDocument() - Method in class ilog.views.svg.SVGDocumentBuilder
Called after building the SVGDocument to add additional information to it.
afterDetach(IlvLabelLayout) - Method in class ilog.views.graphlayout.labellayout.IlvLabelingModel
Notifies the labeling model that it has been detached from a layout.
afterDisplay(IlvPopupMenuContext) - Method in class ilog.views.swing.IlvSimplePopupMenu
This method is called after the pop-up menu is made invisible.
afterFromNodeMoved(IlvLinkImage) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvAbstractLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after the source node of the link was moved.
afterFromNodeMoved(IlvLinkImage) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvBundleLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after the source node of the link was moved.
afterFromNodeMoved(IlvLinkImage) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvCrossingLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after the source node of the link was moved.
afterFromNodeMoved(IlvLinkImage) - Method in interface ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after the source node of the link was moved.
afterFromNodeMoved(IlvLinkImage) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvOrthogonalLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after the source node of the link was moved.
afterInsertPoint(IlvLinkImage, int, IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvAbstractLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after a point was inserted.
afterInsertPoint(IlvLinkImage, int, IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvBundleLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after a point was inserted.
afterInsertPoint(IlvLinkImage, int, IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvCrossingLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after a point was inserted.
afterInsertPoint(IlvLinkImage, int, IlvTransformer) - Method in interface ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after a point was inserted.
afterInsertPoint(IlvLinkImage, int, IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvOrthogonalLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after a point was inserted.
afterInvalidateRegion(IlvGraphic, IlvRect, IlvManagerView, IlvTransformer, Object) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManager
Returns true if the region of the object must be invalidated.
afterLayout(IlvLabelLayout, IlvLabelLayoutReport, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.graphlayout.labellayout.IlvDefaultLabelingModel
Notifies the labeling model that a layout session has finished.
afterLayout(IlvLabelLayout, IlvLabelLayoutReport, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.graphlayout.labellayout.IlvLabelingModel
Notifies the labeling model that a layout session has finished.
afterLayout(IlvGraphLayout) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.graphlayout.IlvGraphLayoutParameters
Postprocesses the layout.
afterLayout(IlvHierarchicalLayout) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvLaneRenderer
This method is used internally, do not call it directly.
afterLoopAllHandles() - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvGraphicHandleSelection
This is called by this class after iterating over all handles and calling IlvGraphicHandleSelection.getHandle(int, ilog.views.IlvTransformer).
afterLoopAllHandles() - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvSplineLinkSelection
This is called by this class after iterating over all handles and calling IlvSplineLinkSelection.getHandle(int, ilog.views.IlvTransformer).
afterLoopAllHandles() - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvSplineSelection
This is called by this class after iterating over all handles and calling IlvSplineSelection.getHandle(int, ilog.views.IlvTransformer).
afterLoopAllHandles() - Method in class ilog.views.IlvHandlesSelection
This is called by this class after iterating over all handles and calling IlvHandlesSelection.getHandle(int, ilog.views.IlvTransformer).
afterMovePoint(IlvLinkImage, int, IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvAbstractLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after a point was moved.
afterMovePoint(IlvLinkImage, int, IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvCrossingLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after a point was moved.
afterMovePoint(IlvLinkImage, int, IlvTransformer) - Method in interface ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after a point was moved.
afterMovePoint(IlvLinkImage, int, IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvOrthogonalLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after a point was moved.
afterRemovePoint(IlvLinkImage, int, IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvAbstractLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after a point was removed.
afterRemovePoint(IlvLinkImage, int, IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvBundleLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after a point was removed.
afterRemovePoint(IlvLinkImage, int, IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvCrossingLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after a point was removed.
afterRemovePoint(IlvLinkImage, int, IlvTransformer) - Method in interface ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after a point was removed.
afterRemovePoint(IlvLinkImage, int, IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvOrthogonalLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after a point was removed.
afterSet(Object, Object) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.graphlayout.IlvGraphLayoutRenderer.ParameterSetter
afterSetIntermediateLinkPoints(IlvLinkImage) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvAbstractLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after the intermediate points were set.
afterSetIntermediateLinkPoints(IlvLinkImage) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvBundleLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after the intermediate points were set.
afterSetIntermediateLinkPoints(IlvLinkImage) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvCrossingLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after the intermediate points were set.
afterSetIntermediateLinkPoints(IlvLinkImage) - Method in interface ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after the intermediate points were set.
afterSetIntermediateLinkPoints(IlvLinkImage) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvOrthogonalLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after the intermediate points were set.
afterToNodeMoved(IlvLinkImage) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvAbstractLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after the target node of the link was moved.
afterToNodeMoved(IlvLinkImage) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvBundleLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after the target node of the link was moved.
afterToNodeMoved(IlvLinkImage) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvCrossingLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after the target node of the link was moved.
afterToNodeMoved(IlvLinkImage) - Method in interface ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after the target node of the link was moved.
afterToNodeMoved(IlvLinkImage) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvOrthogonalLinkShapePolicy
Allows the policy to react after the target node of the link was moved.
afterTransform(IlvGraphic, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManager
This method is automatically called by applyToObject after the contents of this manager changed.
afterTransformDependentObjs(HashSet, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvGrapher
afterTransformObj(IlvGraphic, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvGrapher
afterTransformObj(IlvGraphic, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManager
afterUpdate(IlvGraphic, IlvRect) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvIndexedSet
Updates the location of the object in the quadtree.
alignBottom() - Method in class ilog.views.dashboard.IlvDashboardDiagram
Aligns the currently selected objects along the bottom axis of their bounding boxes.
alignBottom - Static variable in class ilog.views.diagrammer.application.IlvDiagrammerAction
This action calls the IlvDiagrammer.alignBottom() method.
alignBottom() - Method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.IlvDiagrammer
Aligns the bottom sides of the selected nodes.
alignHorizontalCenter() - Method in class ilog.views.dashboard.IlvDashboardDiagram
Aligns the currently selected objects along the horizontal center of their bounding boxes.
alignHorizontalCenter - Static variable in class ilog.views.diagrammer.application.IlvDiagrammerAction
This action calls the IlvDiagrammer.alignHorizontalCenter() method.
alignHorizontalCenter() - Method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.IlvDiagrammer
Aligns the horizontal centers of the selected nodes.
alignLeft() - Method in class ilog.views.dashboard.IlvDashboardDiagram
Aligns the currently selected objects along the left side of their bounding boxes.
alignLeft - Static variable in class ilog.views.diagrammer.application.IlvDiagrammerAction
This action calls the IlvDiagrammer.alignLeft() method.
alignLeft() - Method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.IlvDiagrammer
Aligns the left sides of the selected nodes.
ALIGNMENT - Static variable in class
The Alignment property name.
AlignmentPropertyEditor - Class in ilog.views.maps.beans.editor
AlignmentPropertyEditor() - Constructor for class ilog.views.maps.beans.editor.AlignmentPropertyEditor
Creates a new AlignmentPropertyEditor.
alignRight() - Method in class ilog.views.dashboard.IlvDashboardDiagram
Aligns the currently selected objects along the right side of their bounding boxes.
alignRight - Static variable in class ilog.views.diagrammer.application.IlvDiagrammerAction
This action calls the IlvDiagrammer.alignRight() method.
alignRight() - Method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.IlvDiagrammer
Aligns the right sides of the selected nodes.
alignTop() - Method in class ilog.views.dashboard.IlvDashboardDiagram
Aligns the currently selected objects along the top of their bounding boxes.
alignTop - Static variable in class ilog.views.diagrammer.application.IlvDiagrammerAction
This action calls the IlvDiagrammer.alignTop() method.
alignTop() - Method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.IlvDiagrammer
Aligns the top sides of the selected nodes.
alignVerticalCenter() - Method in class ilog.views.dashboard.IlvDashboardDiagram
Aligns the currently selected objects along the vertical center of their bounding boxes.
alignVerticalCenter - Static variable in class ilog.views.diagrammer.application.IlvDiagrammerAction
This action calls the IlvDiagrammer.alignVerticalCenter() method.
alignVerticalCenter() - Method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.IlvDiagrammer
Aligns the vertical centers of the selected nodes.
ALL_GID_EXTENT - Static variable in class
An Oracle constant for a method of estimation of the tiling level based on the gid extent.
allLinksRemoved() - Method in class ilog.views.IlvLinkConnector
Called when all the links are removed from the node.
allLinksRemoved() - Method in class ilog.views.linkconnector.IlvCachingLinkConnector
Called when all the links are removed from the node.
allLinksRemoved() - Method in class ilog.views.linkconnector.IlvFreeLinkConnector
Called when all links are removed from the node.
allLinksRemoved() - Method in class ilog.views.linkconnector.IlvPinLinkConnector
Detaches all the pins from the links when all links are removed.
allocID(String) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.model.IlvBasicSDMModel
Allocates a new, unused ID of the form prefixn.
allow(Object, Object, Object, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.linkconnector.IlvGrapherPin
Returns a boolean value that allows or inhibits a link on this pin.
ALLOW_POINT_OVERLAP - Static variable in class ilog.views.maps.label.IlvMapLabelStyle
The AllowPointOverlap property name.
allowApplyTransform(IlvLinkImage, IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvAbstractLinkShapePolicy
Returns true if the policy allows to apply a transformation.
allowApplyTransform(IlvLinkImage, IlvTransformer) - Method in interface ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvLinkShapePolicy
Returns true if the policy allows to apply a transformation.
allowEnsureVisible() - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManagerViewInteractor
Returns true if the method ensureVisible really calls ensureVisible in the view, otherwise it returns false.
allowEnsureVisible(boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManagerViewInteractor
Allows or inhibits the ensureVisible method.
allowInsertPoint(IlvLinkImage, int, float, float, IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvAbstractLinkShapePolicy
Returns true if the policy allows to insert the point.
allowInsertPoint(IlvLinkImage, int, float, float, IlvTransformer) - Method in interface ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvLinkShapePolicy
Returns true if the policy allows to insert the point.
allowLimitChange() - Method in interface ilog.views.maps.beans.editor.IlvColorIntervalLimitFormat
If the color model editor is able to change the value of the limits
allowLimitChange() - Method in class
If the color model editor is able to change the value of the limits
allowLimitChange() - Method in class
If the color model editor is able to change the value of the limits
allowMove(IlvLabelingModel, Object) - Method in class ilog.views.graphlayout.labellayout.annealing.IlvOverlappingLabelMovementPolicy
Allows or prohibits the movement of a label.
allowMove(IlvLabelingModel, Object) - Method in interface ilog.views.graphlayout.labellayout.IlvLabelMovementPolicy
Allows or prohibits the movement of a label.
allowMovePoint(IlvLinkImage, int, float, float, IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvAbstractLinkShapePolicy
Returns true if the policy allows to move the point.
allowMovePoint(IlvLinkImage, int, float, float, IlvTransformer) - Method in interface ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvLinkShapePolicy
Returns true if the policy allows to move the point.
allowMovePoint(IlvLinkImage, int, float, float, IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvOrthogonalLinkShapePolicy
Returns true if the policy allows to move the point.
allowMoving(IlvGraphic) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManager
Returns true if the object can be moved with the selection interactor (IlvSelectInteractor).
allowPointAddition() - Method in class ilog.views.IlvPolyPointsEdition
Returns true if the interactor lets the user add points.
allowPointAddition(boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvPolyPointsEdition
Allows or prohibits point insertion.
allowPointRemoval() - Method in class ilog.views.IlvPolyPointsEdition
Returns true if the interactor lets the user remove points.
allowPointRemoval(boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvPolyPointsEdition
Allows or prohibits point removal.
allowPopup(IlvGraphic) - Method in class ilog.views.accelerator.IlvPopupMenuAccelerator
Returns whether a pop-up menu is allowed for the graphic object.
allowRemovePoint(IlvLinkImage, int, IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvAbstractLinkShapePolicy
Returns true if the policy allows to remove the point.
allowRemovePoint(IlvLinkImage, int, IlvTransformer) - Method in interface ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvLinkShapePolicy
Returns true if the policy allows to remove the point.
allowRemovePoint(IlvLinkImage, int, IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvOrthogonalLinkShapePolicy
Returns true if the policy allows to remove the point.
allowsConnectionPointMove(IlvLinkImage, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.dashboard.IlvDashboardLinkConnector
This implementation always returns true so the link connection point can be moved by interactors.
allowsConnectionPointMove(IlvLinkImage, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvLinkConnector
Indicates whether a connection point of a link can be moved by interactors.
allowsConnectionPointMove(IlvLinkImage, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.linkconnector.IlvCenterLinkConnector
Indicates whether a connection point of a link can be moved by interactors.
allowsConnectionPointMove(IlvLinkImage, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.linkconnector.IlvFreeLinkConnector
Indicates whether a connection point of a link can be moved by interactors.
allowsEditText(IlvGraphic) - Method in class ilog.views.accelerator.IlvStartEditTextSelectionAccelerator
Checks if editing text of the specified object is allowed.
allowSetIntermediateLinkPoints(IlvLinkImage, IlvPoint[], int, int) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvAbstractLinkShapePolicy
Returns true if the policy allows to set the intermediate points.
allowSetIntermediateLinkPoints(IlvLinkImage, IlvPoint[], int, int) - Method in interface ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvLinkShapePolicy
Returns true if the policy allows to set the intermediate points.
allowsExpand(IlvGraphic) - Method in class ilog.views.accelerator.IlvExpandSelectionAccelerator
Checks if expanding/collapsing of the specified object is allowed.
allowsMove() - Method in class ilog.views.linkconnector.IlvDefaultGrapherPin
Overridden implementation of the method from the superclass to always return true.
allowsMove() - Method in class ilog.views.linkconnector.IlvGrapherPin
Returns true if the location of the pin can be changed using the method IlvGrapherPin.setPosition(ilog.views.IlvPoint, ilog.views.IlvTransformer), and returns false otherwise.
allowsMultiplePoints() - Method in class ilog.views.interactor.IlvMakePolyPointsInteractor
Use isAllowingMultiplePoints.
allowsMultiplePoints(boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.interactor.IlvMakePolyPointsInteractor
Use setAllowingMultiplePoints.
allowsPointInsertion() - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.composite.IlvCompositeLink
This method delegates to the link supplied with the setLink method.
allowsPointInsertion() - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvGeneralPath
Returns true if isPointEditionAllowed returns true and false otherwise.
allowsPointInsertion() - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvLine
Returns true if the interactors are allowed to add points, and false otherwise.
allowsPointInsertion() - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvPolylineLinkImage
Indicates that this link class allows the insertion of intermediate points.
allowsPointInsertion() - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvPolyPoints
Returns true if the interactors are allowed to add points, and false otherwise.
allowsPointInsertion() - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvSplineLinkImage
Returns true if point insertion is allowed, and false otherwise.
allowsPointInsertion() - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkbundle.IlvLinkBundle
This method delegates to the link supplied with the method IlvLinkBundle.setOverviewLink(ilog.views.IlvLinkImage).
allowsPointInsertion() - Method in class ilog.views.IlvLinkImage
Indicates if the insertion of intermediate points is allowed.
allowsPointInsertion(IlvPolyPointsInterface) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvPolyPointsEdition
Returns whether it is allowed to insert a point into the input object.
allowsPointInsertion() - Method in interface ilog.views.IlvPolyPointsInterface
Returns true if the interactors are allowed to add points, and false otherwise.
allowsPointInsertion() - Method in class ilog.views.maps.beans.IlvMapAnnotationToolBar.MapGraphicPath
Returns true if the interactors are allowed to add points, and false otherwise.
allowsPointInsertion() - Method in class ilog.views.maps.measures.IlvMapOrthodromyPath
Prevent point insertion
allowsPointMove(int) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.composite.IlvCompositeLink
This method delegates to the link supplied with the setLink method.
allowsPointMove(int) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvGeneralPath
Returns true ifisPointEditionAllowed returns true and false otherwise.
allowsPointMove(int) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvLine
Returns true if the interactors are allowed to move the point with the specified index, and false otherwise.
allowsPointMove(int) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvPolyPoints
Returns true if the interactors are allowed to move the point with the specified index, and false otherwise.
allowsPointMove(int) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkbundle.IlvLinkBundle
This method delegates to the link supplied with the method IlvLinkBundle.setOverviewLink(ilog.views.IlvLinkImage).
allowsPointMove(int) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvLinkImage
Returns true if the interactors are allowed to move the point with the specified index, and returns false otherwise.
allowsPointMove(IlvPolyPointsInterface, int) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvPolyPointsEdition
Returns whether it is allowed to move the point of the input object.
allowsPointMove(int) - Method in interface ilog.views.IlvPolyPointsInterface
Returns true if the interactors are allowed to move the point with the specified index, and returns false otherwise.
allowsPointMove(int) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.beans.IlvMapAnnotationToolBar.MapGraphicPath
Returns true if the interactors are allowed to move the point with the specified index, and returns false otherwise.
allowsPointRemoval() - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.composite.IlvCompositeLink
This method delegates to the link supplied with the setLink method.
allowsPointRemoval() - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvGeneralPath
Returns true if isPointEditionAllowed returns true and false otherwise.
allowsPointRemoval() - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvLine
Returns true if the interactors are allowed to remove points, and false otherwise.
allowsPointRemoval() - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvPolylineLinkImage
Indicates if the removal of intermediate points is allowed.
allowsPointRemoval() - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvPolyPoints
Returns true if the interactors are allowed to remove points, and false otherwise.
allowsPointRemoval() - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvSplineLinkImage
Returns true if point removal is allowed, and false otherwise.
allowsPointRemoval() - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkbundle.IlvLinkBundle
This method delegates to the link supplied with the method IlvLinkBundle.setOverviewLink(ilog.views.IlvLinkImage).
allowsPointRemoval() - Method in class ilog.views.IlvLinkImage
Indicates if the removal of intermediate points is allowed.
allowsPointRemoval(IlvPolyPointsInterface) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvPolyPointsEdition
Returns whether it is allowed to remove a point into the input object.
allowsPointRemoval() - Method in interface ilog.views.IlvPolyPointsInterface
Returns true if the interactors are allowed to remove points, and false otherwise.
allowsPointRemoval() - Method in class ilog.views.maps.beans.IlvMapAnnotationToolBar.MapGraphicPath
Returns true if the interactors are allowed to remove points, and false otherwise.
allowsRotation(IlvGraphic) - Method in class ilog.views.accelerator.IlvRotateSelectionAccelerator
Checks if the rotation of the specified object is allowed.
allowsRotation(IlvGraphic) - Method in class ilog.views.interactor.IlvRotateInteractor
Checks if the rotation of the specified object is allowed.
allowUserDefinedType(boolean) - Static method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.application.IlvDiagrammerPropertySheet
Lets you install or not the action that lets the user to set the user-defined type for the selected object.
allViewsRemoved() - Method in class ilog.views.IlvGraphic
Called if this object needs view notification and all views displaying this object were removed.
ALPHA - Static variable in class
The Alpha attribute name.
alphabetpolex - Static variable in class ilog.views.maps.grids.IlvMGRSGridZone
Sequence of letters to be used for the horizontal identification letter of 100k meter polar zones.
alphabetpoley - Static variable in class ilog.views.maps.grids.IlvMGRSGridZone
Sequence of letters to be used for the vertical identification letter of 100k meter polar zones.
alphabetx - Static variable in class ilog.views.maps.grids.IlvMGRSGridZone
Sequence of letters to be used for the horizontal identification letter of 100k meter UTM zones.
alphabety - Static variable in class ilog.views.maps.grids.IlvMGRSGridZone
Sequence of letters to be used for the vertical identification letter of 100k meter zones.
ALT - Static variable in class ilog.views.sdm.metadata.IlvMContainer
The ALT (alternative) type of container.
ALTERNATE_DIAGONAL - Static variable in class ilog.views.util.java2d.IlvPattern
Alternated diagonals
ALTERNATE_DOTS - Static variable in class ilog.views.util.java2d.IlvPattern
Alternate dots pattern
ALTITUDE_UNIT_CHANGED - Static variable in class ilog.views.maps.beans.IlvJDisplayPreferencesEditorPanel
Event reason to indicate that altitude preferences have changed.
ALWAYS - Static variable in class ilog.views.sdm.IlvSDMEngine
Used as a parameter to IlvSDMEngine.setRenderingDoneMode(int), specifies that the IlvSDMRenderer.renderingDone(ilog.views.sdm.IlvSDMEngine) method must always be called on selection or property changes.
ALWAYS_HORIZONTAL - Static variable in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvBundleLinkShapePolicy
Option for the multilink orientation.
ALWAYS_ON_TOP - Static variable in class
The AlwaysOnTop attribute name.
ALWAYS_VERTICAL - Static variable in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvBundleLinkShapePolicy
Option for the multilink orientation.
alwaysShowMenu() - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvDocumentTemplate
Determines whether the document template completes the main menu and toolbar of the application main window when the application is initializing or after a document associated with this document template is activated.
ANCHOR - Static variable in class ilog.views.graphic.composite.layout.IlvAttachmentLayout
The anchor layout constraint
ANCHOR_TAG - Static variable in interface ilog.views.sdm.util.IlvSDMConstants
The tag used to define a floating anchor for reconnected links.
ANGLE - Static variable in class
The Angle property name.
ANIM_SPEED - Static variable in class ilog.views.sdm.graphic.IlvGeneralLink
Animation speed for all links.
animate() - Method in class ilog.views.animation.IlvManagerAnimator
Animates all objects in the manager that is displayed in the attached manager view.
animateToImages(ImageConsumer, int, int, IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.animation.IlvManagerAnimator
If this method is called instead of IlvManagerAnimator.animate(), the animation is dumped into a sequence of images.
animateToImages(ImageConsumer, IlvManagerView) - Method in class ilog.views.animation.IlvManagerAnimator
If this method is called instead of IlvManagerAnimator.animate(), the animation is dumped into a sequence of images.
Animation - Static variable in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvRendererUtil
The alias "Animation" for the class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.animation.IlvAnimationRenderer.
animCleanup() - Method in class ilog.views.animation.IlvGraphicAnimator
Cleans up animation.
animCleanup() - Method in class ilog.views.animation.IlvLinkImageAnimator
Cleans up animation.
animCleanup() - Method in interface ilog.views.animation.IlvObjectAnimator
Cleans up animation.
animInit() - Method in class ilog.views.animation.IlvGraphicAnimator
Initializes animation.
animInit() - Method in class ilog.views.animation.IlvLinkImageAnimator
Initializes animation.
animInit() - Method in interface ilog.views.animation.IlvObjectAnimator
Initializes animation.
animStep(IlvManager, int, int) - Method in class ilog.views.animation.IlvGraphicAnimator
This method is called in the ith animation step.
animStep(IlvManager, int, int) - Method in class ilog.views.animation.IlvLinkImageAnimator
This method is called in the ith animation step.
animStep(int) - Method in class ilog.views.animation.IlvManagerAnimator
Performs one animation step that moves all objects in the manager.
animStep(IlvManager, int, int) - Method in interface ilog.views.animation.IlvObjectAnimator
This method is called in the ith animation step.
ANNOTATION_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class ilog.views.maps.beans.IlvMapAnnotationToolBar
The name of the attribute displayed as a label by the annotation.
ANTIALIASING - Static variable in class
The Antialiasing property name.
ANY - Static variable in class ilog.views.util.styling.IlvCSSFunction
This placeholder can be used in dependencies sets, and can be returned from the IlvCSSFunction.getDependencies(String[]) method, indicating anything: all possible properties, all possible pseudoclasses, and even influenced from outside (such as state contained in the closure, or random numbers).
ANY_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class ilog.views.util.styling.IlvCSSFunction
This placeholder can be used in dependencies sets, and can be returned from the IlvCSSFunction.getDependencies(String[]) method, indicating all possible model properties.
ANY_PSEUDOCLASSES - Static variable in class ilog.views.util.styling.IlvCSSFunction
This placeholder can be used in dependencies sets, and can be returned from the IlvCSSFunction.getDependencies(String[]) method, indicating all possible pseudoclasses.
API_VERSION - Static variable in class ilog.views.maps.faces.dhtml.renderkit.IlvFacesGoogleViewRenderer
store/retrieve apiVersion instance JSF tag
appearsInLoadFileFilters() - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvFileDocumentTemplate
Determines whether files that can be opened by this file document template can be selected from the main application file chooser or the New document dialog box.
appearsInNewDocuments() - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvFileDocumentTemplate
Specifies whether this file document template is selectable in the New Document dialog box of the application.
append(IlvGeodeticPathComputation.PointVector) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.graphic.IlvGeodeticPathComputation.PointVector
Adds a complete vector.
append(String) - Method in class ilog.views.util.swing.IlvJStreamTextArea
Appends text at the end of the buffer.
appendChild(Node) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.settings.IlvSettings
Adds the node newChild to the end of the list of children of this node.
appendChild(Node) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.settings.IlvSettingsAttribute
Adds the node newChild to the end of the list of children of this node.
appendChild(Node) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.settings.IlvSettingsElement
Adds the node newChild to the end of the list of children of this node.
appendChild(Node) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.settings.xml.IlvXMLSettings
Adds the node newChild to the end of the list of children of this node.
appendStyle(String, String) - Method in class ilog.views.svg.SVGDocumentBuilder
Called to append a style value to the style list of the currently written element.
APPFRAME_LAYER - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.settings.IlvSettingsManager
Layer for the use of Application Framework.
APPLICATION_CLOSED - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.event.ApplicationEvent
This event indicates that the application is closed.
APPLICATION_CLOSING - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.event.ApplicationEvent
This event indicates that the application is closing.
APPLICATION_DATA_LAYER - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.settings.IlvSettingsManager
Layer to put the default application data in.
APPLICATION_FIRST - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.event.ApplicationEvent
The first number in the range of IDs used for application events.
APPLICATION_INITIALIZED - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.event.ApplicationEvent
This event indicates that the application has been initialized.
APPLICATION_INITIALIZING_SETTINGS - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.event.ApplicationEvent
This event indicates that the application is reading and initializing its settings.
APPLICATION_LAST - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.event.ApplicationEvent
The last number in the range of IDs used for application events.
APPLICATION_MRU_NAME - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvRecentFileList
Name of the settings element that provides the settings for the recent file list of the application.
APPLICATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvDocument
Bound property name for the application of the document.
APPLICATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvDocumentView
Bound property name for the application of the view.
APPLICATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvViewContainer
Bound property name for the application of the view container.
APPLICATION_SAVING_SETTINGS - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.event.ApplicationEvent
This event indicates that the application is saving the user settings.
APPLICATION_SESSION_SCOPE - Static variable in class ilog.views.faces.IlvFacesUtil
The application scope used to store and retrieve session attributes when using portlets.
applicationClosed(ApplicationEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.event.IlvApplicationAdapter
Invoked when the application is closed.
applicationClosing(ApplicationEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.event.IlvApplicationAdapter
Invoked when the application is asked to close.
ApplicationEvent - Class in ilog.views.appframe.event
The application event emitted by the application when a document or application event occurs.
ApplicationEvent(int, IlvDocument) - Constructor for class ilog.views.appframe.event.ApplicationEvent
Constructs an ApplicationEvent with the specified id and document source.
ApplicationEvent(int, IlvDocumentView) - Constructor for class ilog.views.appframe.event.ApplicationEvent
Constructs an ApplicationEvent with the specified id and document view.
ApplicationEvent(int, IlvDocument, IlvDocumentView, IlvDocumentTemplate) - Constructor for class ilog.views.appframe.event.ApplicationEvent
Constructs an ApplicationEvent with the specified id, document, document view, and documentTemplate.
ApplicationEvent(int, IlvDocument, IlvDocumentView, IlvViewContainer, IlvDocumentTemplate) - Constructor for class ilog.views.appframe.event.ApplicationEvent
Constructs an ApplicationEvent with the specified id, document, document view, view container, and documentTemplate.
ApplicationEvent(int, IlvViewContainer) - Constructor for class ilog.views.appframe.event.ApplicationEvent
Constructs an ApplicationEvent with the specified id and view container.
ApplicationEvent(int, IlvDocumentTemplate) - Constructor for class ilog.views.appframe.event.ApplicationEvent
Constructs an ApplicationEvent object with the specified id and documentTemplate.
ApplicationEvent(int, IlvApplication) - Constructor for class ilog.views.appframe.event.ApplicationEvent
Constructs an ApplicationEvent object with the specified id and application source.
applicationEventReceived(ApplicationEvent) - Method in interface ilog.views.appframe.event.ApplicationListener
Invoked when an application event occurs.
applicationEventReceived(ApplicationEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.event.IlvApplicationAdapter
Invoked when an application event occurs.
applicationEventReceived(ApplicationEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.event.IlvApplicationListenerList
Invoked when an application event occurs.
applicationInitialized(ApplicationEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.event.IlvApplicationAdapter
Invoked after the application has been initialized.
applicationInitializingSettings(ApplicationEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.event.IlvApplicationAdapter
Invoked during the initialization process of the application while it initializes its settings.
ApplicationListener - Interface in ilog.views.appframe.event
The listener interface for being notified of application events.
applicationSavingSettings(ApplicationEvent) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.event.IlvApplicationAdapter
Invoked when the application saves its settings.
APPLIED_RULE_MASK - Static variable in interface ilog.views.util.styling.IlvStylable
Debug mask: shows new applied rules.
apply(IlvGraphic, Object) - Method in class ilog.views.animation.IlvLinkImageAnimator
Reshapes the link.
apply(IlvGraphic, Object) - Method in interface ilog.views.IlvApplyObject
The method that performs the action.
apply(IlvGraphicVector, Object) - Method in interface ilog.views.IlvApplyObjects
The apply method that performs the action.
apply(IlvManager, IlvManager, IlvRect, IlvRect, IlvTransformer, boolean) - Method in interface ilog.views.IlvExpandCollapseUtil.CustomAdjustmentPolicy
Adjusts the contents of the parent manager after the child was expanded or collapsed.
apply(IlvPoint) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvTransformer
Applies the transformer to a point.
apply(IlvRect) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvTransformer
Applies the transformer to the specified rectangle.
apply(IlvGraphic, Object) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.IlvDefaultAltitudeProvider
The apply method that performs the action.
apply(IlvMapFeature, IlvMapLayer) - Method in interface ilog.views.maps.IlvMapApplyObject
Applies a function to the specified IlvMapFeature.
apply(IlvApplyObject, Object, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.prototypes.IlvGraphicElement
This method can be used to directly modify the graphic object that this graphic element contains.
APPLY_DIFF_MODE - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.settings.IlvSettings
Cascading constant used when settings are merged with other settings within a settings manager.
applyCursor(Cursor) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvApplication
Sets a new cursor on all windows.
applyDeclarationsImpl(IlvCSSModel, Object, Object, IlvApplicableDeclarationCollection, String[], IlvApplicableDeclarationsStatus, Collection<String>) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.util.IlvCSSJViews
Overrides applyDeclarations to customize BGO as well.
applyFloor(IlvPoint) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvTransformer
Applies the transformer to a point.
applyFloor(IlvRect) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvTransformer
Applies the transformer to a rectangle.
applyLocalizedPattern(String) - Method in class ilog.views.util.text.IlvWrappedICUDecimalFormat
Overridden version of the same method of DecimalFormat.
applyPattern(String) - Method in class ilog.views.util.text.IlvWrappedICUDecimalFormat
Overridden version of the same method of DecimalFormat.
applyProperties(ServerActionEvent, IlvDiagrammer, Object) - Method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.servlet.IlvDiagrammerCreateActionListener
Applies the properties to the created object.
applySet(IlvCompositeGraphic, double) - Method in class ilog.views.symbol.util.interactor.IlvCompiledSymbolRangeInteractor
Sets the parameter value in an IlvApplyObject.
applyStep(double) - Method in class ilog.views.symbol.util.interactor.IlvCompiledSymbolRangeInteractor
Applies the step to the given value.
applyStep(double) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.interactor.IlvRangeSymbolInteractor
Applies the step to the given value.
applyStyle(Object, String, String[]) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.IlvSDMEngine
Applies the current style sheet(s) of this SDM engine to a bean.
applyStyle(Object, Object, String[]) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.IlvSDMEngine
Applies the current style sheet(s) of this SDM engine to a bean.
applyToObject(IlvGraphic, IlvApplyObject, Object, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.composite.decoration.IlvDefaultGraphicManagerFrame
Applies a method to a graphic object of the bag.
applyToObject(IlvGraphic, IlvApplyObject, Object, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.composite.IlvCompositeLink
Applies a method to a graphic object of the bag.
applyToObject(IlvGraphic, IlvApplyObject, Object, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvDoubleGraphicHandleBag
Applies a method to a graphic object of the bag.
applyToObject(IlvGraphic, IlvApplyObject, Object, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvGraphicHandleBag
Applies a method to a graphic object of the bag.
applyToObject(IlvGraphic, IlvApplyObject, Object, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvGraphicHandleSelection
Applies a method to a graphic object of the bag.
applyToObject(IlvGraphic, IlvApplyObject, Object, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvGraphicSet
Applies a method to an object of the bag.
applyToObject(IlvGraphic, IlvApplyObject, Object, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkbundle.IlvLinkBundle
Applies a method to an object of this bag, that is to a sublink of this link bundle.
applyToObject(IlvGraphic, IlvApplyObject, Object, boolean) - Method in interface ilog.views.IlvGraphicBag
Applies a method to a graphic object of the bag.
applyToObject(IlvGraphic, IlvApplyObject, Object, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManager
Applies a method to a graphic object.
applyToObject(IlvGraphic, IlvApplyObject, Object, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.prototypes.IlvPrototypeBeanSupport
Implementation of the IlvGraphicBag interface.
applyToObject(IlvGraphic, IlvApplyObject, Object, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.graphic.IlvGeneralLink
Applies a method to a graphic object of the bag.
applyToObject(IlvGraphic, IlvApplyObject, Object, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.graphic.IlvPowerLabel
Applies a method to a graphic object of the bag.
applyToObject(IlvGraphic, IlvApplyObject, Object, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvSubGraphRenderer.GraphicManagerFrame
Applies a method to a graphic object of the bag.
applyToObjectImpl(IlvGraphic, IlvApplyObject, Object, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvGraphicSet
Implementation to apply a method to an object of the bag.
applyToObjects(IlvGraphicVector, IlvApplyObject, Object, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManager
Applies a method to many graphic objects.
applyToObjects(IlvGraphicEnumeration, IlvApplyObject, Object, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManager
Applies a method to many graphic objects.
applyToObjects(IlvGraphicVector, IlvApplyObjects, Object, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManager
Applies a method that affects many graphic objects.
applyToObjects(IlvGraphicEnumeration, IlvApplyObjects, Object, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManager
Applies a method that affects many graphic objects.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.composite.decoration.IlvBalloon
Applies a transformation to the shape of this object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.composite.decoration.IlvBracket
Applies a transformation to the shape of this object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.composite.decoration.IlvDiamond
Applies a transformation to the shape of the object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.composite.IlvCompositeGraphic
Applies a transformation to the shape of the object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.composite.IlvCompositeLink
Applies a transformation to the shape of the object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvArc
Applies a transformation to the shape of the object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvCircularScale
Applies a transformation to the shape of the object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvComponentGraphic
Applies a transformation to the shape of the object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvDefaultCollapsedGraphic
Applies a transformation to the shape of the object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvDoubleGraphicHandleBag
Applies a transformation to the shape of the object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvEllipse
Applies a transformation to the shape of the object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvExpandCollapseMarker
Applies a transformation to the object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvFixedSizeGraphic
Applies a transformation to the shape of the object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvFullZoomingGraphic
Applies a transformation to the object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvGeneralPath
Applies a transformation to the shape of the object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvGraphicHandle
Applies a transformation to the shape of the object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvGraphicPath
Applies a transformation to the shape of the object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvGraphicSet
Applies a transformation to the shape of contained objects.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvHalfZoomingGraphic
Applies a transformation to the object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvHTMLText
Applies an additional transformation to the rendering of the IlvHTMLText.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvIcon
Applies a transformation to the shape of the object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvLabel
Applies a transformation to the shape of the object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvLine
Applies a transformation to the shape of the object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvMarker
Applies a transformation to the object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvPointArray
Applies the transformer to each point of the array.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvPolylineLinkImage
Applies a transformation to the shape of the object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvPolyPoints
Applies the given transformer to this IlvPolyPoints.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvRectangle
Applies a transformation to the shape of the object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvRectangularScale
Applies a transformation to the shape of the object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvScale
Applies a transformation to the shape of the object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvSplineLinkImage
Applies a transformation to the shape of the object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvText
Applies an additional transformation to the rendering of the IlvText.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvTransformedGraphic
Applies a transformation to the shape of the object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.IlvZoomableLabel
Applies a transformation to the shape of the object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvAbstractCrossingGraphic
Applies a transformation to the shape of the object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvCrossingAwareLinkImage
Applies a transformation to the shape of the link.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvPolicyAwareLinkImage
Applies a transformation to the shape of the object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvGraphic
Applies a transformation to the shape of the object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvLinkImage
Applies a transformation to the shape of the link.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManager
Applies a transformation to the manager.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvSelection
Empty implementation of IlvGraphic.applyTransform.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.beans.IlvMapAnnotationToolBar.MapGraphicPath
Applies a transformation to the shape of the object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.beans.IlvMapAnnotationToolBar.MapLink
Applies a transformation to the shape of the object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.beans.IlvMapAnnotationToolBar.MapMarker
Applies the transformation.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.beans.IlvMapAnnotationToolBar.MapPolyline
Applies the given transformer to this IlvPolyPoints.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.graphic.IlvFontMarker
Applies a transformation to the shape of the object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.graphic.IlvMapLabel
Applies the transformation on the label.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.measures.IlvMapOrthodromyPath
Make sure shape and distance are updated.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.prototypes.IlvGraphicGroup
Applies a transformation to the graphic group.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.prototypes.IlvGroupElement
Applies a transformer to all the graphic subelements of the group element.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.prototypes.IlvGroupElement
Applies a transformer to all the graphic subelements of the group element.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.prototypes.IlvGroupFrame
Applies a transformer to this group frame by setting the transformation value for the group.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.graphic.IlvDefaultManagerFrameGraphic
Applies a transformation to this IlvDefaultManagerFrameGraphic.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.graphic.IlvGeneralNode
Applies a transformation to the object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.graphic.IlvPowerLabel
Applies a transformation to the shape of the object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.graphic.IlvSDMCompositeNode
Applies a transformation to the shape of the object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.graphic.IlvURLGraphic
Applies a transformer to this graphic object.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvExpandCollapseRenderer.ExpandableNode
Applies a transformer to this group frame by setting the transformation value for the group.
applyTransform(IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.swing.IlvJComponentGraphic
Applies an IlvTransformer to the IlvJComponentGraphic.
arcAction - Variable in class ilog.views.dashboard.IlvDashboardBackgroundBar
Create an Arc object in the current dashboard diagram.
ArcEndPoint(IlvRect, double, double) - Static method in class ilog.views.linkconnector.IlvClippingUtil
Returns the end point of an arc (a partial ellipse).
ARCHES - Static variable in class ilog.views.util.java2d.IlvPattern
Arches pattern
ArcStartPoint(IlvRect, double) - Static method in class ilog.views.linkconnector.IlvClippingUtil
Returns the starting point of an arc (a partial ellipse).
arcTo(IlvCoordinate, IlvCoordinate) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.geometry.IlvMapArcString
Adds an arc at the end of the string.
areaPicked(IlvPickCoordinateEvent) - Method in interface ilog.views.maps.beans.editor.IlvPickCoordinateListener
This method will be called when the user picks an area on the map.
areCheckBoxesVisible() - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvLegendRenderer
Returns the flag specifying whether the legend should display check boxes that lets the user hide and show the objects described by a specific legend entry.
areLabelsZoomable() - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.renderer.IlvLegendRenderer
Returns the flag specifying whether the legend should use zoomable labels.
areNodeDocumentsAttached() - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.docview.project.IlvDataContainerDocument
Determines whether the node documents are attached to the data container document.
areSettingsCustomizable() - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.settings.IlvObjectSettingsHandler
Determines whether the settings accessed by this settings handler can be customized.
areSettingsInitialized() - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.settings.IlvSettings
Determines whether those settings are initialized.
areSettingsInitialized() - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.settings.IlvSettingsManager
Determines whether the settings are initialized.
ARM - Static variable in class ilog.views.objectinteractor.IlvButtonInteractor
The Arm event type
arrangeLayers() - Method in class ilog.views.maps.beans.IlvMapLayerTreeModel
Arranges the IlvManagerLayer objects in this model so that they match the order returned by calling getEnumeration.
ARROW_DECORATION - Static variable in class ilog.views.sdm.graphic.IlvGeneralLink
A custom arrow shape, which is defined by a decoration.
ARROW_FILL - Static variable in class ilog.views.sdm.graphic.IlvGeneralLink
The filled triangle arrow shape.
ARROW_GRADIENT - Static variable in class ilog.views.sdm.graphic.IlvGeneralLink
The arrow (actually, the orientation) of the link is represented by a smooth luminosity effect along the link.
ARROW_OPEN - Static variable in class ilog.views.sdm.graphic.IlvGeneralLink
The 2-arms arrow shape.
arrowBBox(IlvPoint, IlvPoint, IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.linkpolicy.IlvCrossingAwareLinkImage
Computes the bounding rectangle of the arrow when the link is oriented.
arrowBBox(IlvPoint, IlvPoint, IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvLinkImage
Computes the bounding rectangle of the arrow when the link is oriented.
arrowBBox(IlvPoint, double, IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.graphic.IlvGeneralLink
Returns the arrow bounding box.
arrowContains(IlvPoint, IlvPoint, IlvPoint, IlvPoint, IlvTransformer) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvLinkImage
Returns whether the arrow head contains the input point.
ArrowLine() - Constructor for class ilog.views.sdm.graphic.IlvGraphicFactories.ArrowLine
Bean constructor.
arrowPolylineAction - Variable in class ilog.views.dashboard.IlvDashboardBackgroundBar
Create an arrow polyline object object in the current dashboard diagram.
askForString(String) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.beans.IlvMapAnnotationToolBar
Called at graphic annotation creation to provide a string to be displayed as the annotation label.
askForStrings(String, String) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.beans.IlvMapAnnotationToolBar
Pops a dialog to ask for the label and the extended description.
askGroupName(String) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.symbology.swing.IlvAbstractGroupTreeViewActions
Method used to set a group name.
assignProject(IlvDiagrammerProject) - Method in class ilog.views.diagrammer.IlvDiagrammer
Sets the current project of diagrammer.
atFromLink(float) - Static method in class ilog.views.graphic.composite.layout.IlvLinkAttachmentLocation
This is the point on the first segment of the link, at a given distance from the origin.
attach(IlvManager) - Method in class ilog.views.animation.IlvManagerAnimator
Attaches the animator to a manager.
attach(IlvManagerView) - Method in class ilog.views.dashboard.IlvDashboardInteractor
Sets the mouse cursor and adds a listener to the view added to this IlvDashboardInteractor instance.
attach(IlvAttachable) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.composite.layout.IlvAttachmentLayout
Sets the constraints.
attach(IlvAttachable) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.composite.layout.IlvCardLayout
Sets the constraints defined by the supplied IlvAttachable
attach(IlvAttachable) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.composite.layout.IlvCenteredLayout
Sets the constraints defined by the supplied IlvAttachable
attach(IlvAttachable) - Method in interface ilog.views.graphic.composite.layout.IlvLayoutManager
Sets the constraints defined by the supplied IlvAttachable
attach(IlvAttachable) - Method in class ilog.views.graphic.composite.layout.IlvStackerLayout
Sets the constraints defined by the supplied IlvAttachable
attach(IlvManager) - Method in class ilog.views.graphlayout.labellayout.IlvLabelLayout
Allows you to specify the manager you want to lay out.
attach(IlvLabelingModel) - Method in class ilog.views.graphlayout.labellayout.IlvLabelLayout
Allows you to specify the labeling model you want to lay out.
attach(IlvGraphic, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvLinkConnector
Installs the link connector on the node node.
attach(IlvLinkImage, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvLinkConnector
Installs the link connector for the origin or destination of link.
attach(IlvLinkImage, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvLinkConnector
Installs the link connector, or a clone of itself, for the origin or destination of link.
attach(IlvManagerView) - Method in class ilog.views.IlvManagerViewInteractor
Called when the interactor is attached to the manager view.
attach(IlvManagerView) - Method in class ilog.views.interactor.IlvDragRectangleInteractor
Called when the interactor is attached to the specified manager view.
attach(IlvManagerView) - Method in class ilog.views.interactor.IlvEditLabelInteractor
Called when the interactor is attached to the manager view.
attach(IlvManagerView) - Method in class ilog.views.interactor.IlvExpandCollapseInteractor
Called when the interactor is attached to the manager view.
attach(IlvManagerView) - Method in class ilog.views.interactor.IlvGrapherPinInteractor
Called when the interactor is attached to the manager view.
attach(IlvManagerView) - Method in class ilog.views.interactor.IlvMagnifyInteractor
Called when the interactor is attached to the manager view.
attach(IlvManagerView) - Method in class ilog.views.interactor.IlvMakeLinkInteractor
Called when the interactor is attached to the manager view.
attach(IlvManagerView) - Method in class ilog.views.interactor.IlvMakePolyPointsInteractor
This method is called when the interactor is attached to the manager view.
attach(IlvManagerView) - Method in class ilog.views.interactor.IlvManagerMagViewInteractor
This method is called when the interactor is attached to the manager view.
attach(IlvManagerView) - Method in class ilog.views.interactor.IlvMoveRectangleInteractor
Called when the interactor is attached to the specified manager view.
attach(IlvManagerView) - Method in class ilog.views.interactor.IlvPanInteractor
Called when the interactor is attached to the manager view.
attach(IlvManagerView) - Method in class ilog.views.interactor.IlvRotateInteractor
Called when the interactor is attached to the manager view.
attach(IlvManagerView) - Method in class ilog.views.interactor.IlvSelectInteractor
Called when the interactor is attached to the manager.
attach(IlvManagerView) - Method in class ilog.views.interactor.IlvSelectInteractorMoveSelection
Called when the interactor is attached to the manager view.
attach(IlvManagerView) - Method in class ilog.views.interactor.IlvUnZoomViewInteractor
This method is called when the interactor is attached to the manager view.
attach(IlvManagerView) - Method in class ilog.views.interactor.IlvZoomViewInteractor
This method is called when the interactor is attached to the manager view.
attach(IlvManagerView) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.interactor.IlvContinuousZoomInteractor
Called when the interactor is attached to the manager view.
attach(IlvManagerView) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.interactor.IlvManagerViewRotateInteractor
Called when the interactor is attached to the manager view.
attach(IlvManagerView) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.interactor.IlvMapZoomInteractor
This method is called when the interactor is attached to the manager view.
attach(IlvManagerView) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.interactor.IlvSeeThroughInteractor
Called when the interactor is attached to the manager view.
attach(IlvSDMEngine) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.symbology.swing.IlvPersistentSDMModelProperty
Attaches the engine to the property.
attach(IlvManagerView) - Method in class ilog.views.print.IlvPrintAreaInteractor
Called when the interactor is attached to the manager view.
attach(IlvGroup) - Method in class ilog.views.prototypes.IlvActionBehavior
Adds an action listener to the graphic element specified by the elementName parameter passed to the constructor.
attach(IlvGroup) - Method in class ilog.views.prototypes.IlvAnimationBehavior
Called when this behavior object is added to the specified group.
attach(IlvGroup) - Method in class ilog.views.prototypes.IlvBehavior
Called when this behavior object is added to the specified group.
attach(IlvGroup) - Method in class ilog.views.prototypes.IlvConnectBehavior
Connects the outputProperty parameter passed to the constructor to the property with the same name as this behavior object.
attach(IlvManagerView) - Method in class ilog.views.prototypes.IlvConnectInteractor
Repaints the view to display existing connections.
attach(IlvGroup) - Method in class ilog.views.prototypes.IlvEventBehavior
This method is overridden to set an IlvGroupInteractor on the element(s) for which events are handled.
attach(IlvGroup) - Method in class ilog.views.prototypes.IlvFillBehavior
This method is overridden to set an IlvGroupInteractor on the translated element(s) to let the user drag the object with the mouse.
attach(IlvGroup) - Method in class ilog.views.prototypes.IlvInheritBehavior
Called when this behavior object is added to the specified group.
attach(IlvGroup) - Method in class ilog.views.prototypes.IlvRotationBehavior
This method is overridden to set an IlvGroupInteractor on the translated element(s) to let the user drag the object with the mouse.
attach(IlvGroup) - Method in class ilog.views.prototypes.IlvTranslateBehavior
This method is overridden to set an IlvGroupInteractor on the translated element(s) to let the user drag the object with the mouse.
attach(IlvManagerView) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.interactor.IlvEditSDMLabelInteractor
This method is called when the interactor is attached to the specified manager view.
attach(IlvManagerView) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.interactor.IlvMakeSDMLinkInteractor
This method is called when the interactor is attached to the specified manager view.
attach(IlvManagerView) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.interactor.IlvMakeSDMNodeInteractor
This method is called when the interactor is attached to the specified manager view.
attach(IlvManagerView) - Method in class ilog.views.sdm.interactor.IlvSDMCompositeSelectInteractor
Checks that the view is attached to an SDM engine.
attach(IlvCSSCompatible) - Method in class ilog.views.symbology.palettes.IlvPaletteManager
Attaches the palette manager to a diagrammer or an SDM engine.
attachDocument(IlvDocument, boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvAbstractDocument
Attaches or detaches the specified document from this document, depending on the value of the attach parameter.
attachDocument(IlvDocument, IlvDocument) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.IlvApplication
Attaches the specified document to the specified parentDocument.
ATTACHED_DOCUMENTS_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface ilog.views.appframe.docview.IlvDocument
Bound property name for storing the array of attached documents.
ATTACHMENT - Static variable in class
The Attachment property name.
AttachmentPropertyEditor - Class in ilog.views.maps.beans.editor
AttachmentPropertyEditor() - Constructor for class ilog.views.maps.beans.editor.AttachmentPropertyEditor
Creates a new AttachmentPropertyEditor.
attachNodeDocuments(boolean) - Method in class ilog.views.appframe.docview.project.IlvDataContainerDocument
Attaches or detaches the document created by this document for associating with the data container nodes.
atToLink(float) - Static method in class ilog.views.graphic.composite.layout.IlvLinkAttachmentLocation
This is the point on the last segment of the link, at a given distance from the destination.
ATTRIBUTE_INFO - Static variable in class
The AttributeInfo attribute name.
ATTRIBUTE_NODE - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.settings.IlvSettingsNode
Node type that identifies attribute nodes, instances of the IlvSettingsAttribute class.
ATTRIBUTED_STRING_FLAVOR - Static variable in class ilog.views.util.text.IlvAttributedStringUtil
Data flavor for attributed string selections.
AttributeID(String, String, Object) - Constructor for class ilog.views.appframe.settings.IlvSettings.AttributeID
Constructs an attribute ID for the attribute with the specified name and value.
ATTRIBUTETABLE_BACKGROUND - Static variable in class ilog.views.maps.datasource.IlvDataSourceStylingFactory
Name of the attribute defining the background color.
ATTRIBUTETABLE_FILL - Static variable in class ilog.views.maps.datasource.IlvDataSourceStylingFactory
Name of the attribute defining the filling status for areas.
ATTRIBUTETABLE_FOREGROUND - Static variable in class ilog.views.maps.datasource.IlvDataSourceStylingFactory
Name of the attribute defining the foreground color.
ATTRIBUTETABLE_ICON - Static variable in class ilog.views.maps.datasource.IlvDataSourceStylingFactory
Name of the attribute defining the icon for points.
ATTRIBUTETABLE_STROKE - Static variable in class ilog.views.maps.datasource.IlvDataSourceStylingFactory
Name of the attribute defining the stroking status for areas.
AUGMENT - Static variable in class ilog.views.sdm.modeltools.IlvContentController
Constant value used by IlvContentController.lockArea(IlvRect, int) to indicate that previously locked objects remain locked.
AuthorKey - Static variable in class ilog.views.util.print.IlvHeaderFooter
Beginning with JViews 8.7, use IlvHeaderFooter.getAuthorKey() instead.
AUTO - Static variable in class
The reader will try to automatically discover the right separator to use.
AUTO_HIDE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.IlvToolBar
Bound property of the toolbar that specifies whether the visibility of the toolbar should be automatically updated when components are added or removed from the toolbar.
AUTO_REFRESH - Static variable in interface ilog.views.faces.IlvFrameworkConstants
The auto refresh mode of the overview.
AUTO_RESIZE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class ilog.views.appframe.swing.IlvToolBar
Bound property of the toolbar that specifies whether the bounds of the toolbar should be automatically updated when it is added or removed components.
AUTO_SMOOTHNESS - Static variable in class ilog.views.IlvGraphicUtil
Smoothness value for splines.
AUTO_SUBMIT - Static variable in interface ilog.views.faces.dhtml.IlvDHTMLConstants
The auto submit property determines if an object select interactor subclass should submit its enclosing form on the selection event.
AUTO_SUBMIT_DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in class ilog.views.faces.dhtml.interactor.IlvObjectSelectInteractor
Default value of autoSubmit property
AutoAddComboBoxModel() - Constructor for class ilog.views.util.swing.SwingFactories.AutoAddComboBoxModel
Creates a new AutoAddComboBoxModel.
autoEditLabel - Static variable in class ilog.views.diagrammer.application.IlvDiagrammerAction
This action toggles the "auto-edit-label" flag on or off.
autoLabelLayout - Static variable in class ilog.views.diagrammer.application.IlvDiagrammerAction
This action toggles automatic layout of labels on or off.
autoLinkLayout - Static variable in class ilog.views.diagrammer.application.IlvDiagrammerAction
This action toggles automatic layout of links on or off.
automaticScaling() - Method in class ilog.views.maps.grids.IlvLatLonGrid
Automatically computes the step according to the screen scale of the view.
autoNodeLayout - Static variable in class ilog.views.diagrammer.application.IlvDiagrammerAction
This action toggles automatic layout of nodes on or off.
autoscroll(Point) - Method in class ilog.views.maps.beans.IlvEditableTree
Implementation of Autoscroll interface.
AVERAGE_GID_EXTENT - Static variable in class
An Oracle constant for a method of estimation of the tiling level based on the gid average extent.
AZTEC - Static variable in class ilog.views.util.java2d.IlvPattern
Aztec style
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