Dashboard diagram

The jvdf:dashboardView component allows you to display a dashboard diagram. This JSF component manages an IlvDashboardDiagram instance to display the image. This class is an IlvDiagrammer subclass, therefore the diagrammerView and the dashboardView share a lot of properties. This component can be used in the same way as the diagrammerView , except that the only way to set data is to use the data attribute (no project, style sheets properties). This attribute only accepts idbd files.
<jvdf:dashboardView [...] data="/data/dashboard.idbd" /> 
The dashboardDiagram property allows you to bind an existing IlvDashboardDiagram instance to be reused by the dashboardView component.
<jvdf:dashboardView [...] dashboardDiagram="#{dashboardBean.dashboard}" /> 
Palettes files (JARs) must be in the application classpath (usually in the WEB-INF/lib of the WAR file) for the dashboardView component to load the dashboard.