Customizing Hitmap information

You can customize Hitmap information to generate specific information from the server side. For example, to highlight a group element or change the cursor when you move the mouse over a certain type of element. .
The server side code will generate Hitmap information in JSON format for the Hitmap request.
On the server side you must do the following:
Your servlet must be a subclass of IlvDiagrammerServlet or of one of its existing subclasses, for example IlvFacesMapsServlet.
For JSF, configure the servlet using the servlet attribute in the JSF view component.
//Configure the servlet in the web.xml file.
Set the servlet attribute of JSF view component. For example:
 <jvmf:mapView id="maps" servlet="MapsEditingServlet" ... />
You must extend IlvHitmapDefinition. For example:
        package yourpackage;
        public class MyHitmapDefinition extends IlvHitmapDefinition {
Then add, for example, the following code in the web.xml file and add the hitmap init-param for your servlet.