Intercept interactors

Install listeners to send notifications for client-side actions, such as when a graphic object is clicked, selected, dragged-and-dropped, zoomed, or deleted.
To implement and configure an intercept interactor:
  1. Import the jviews-faces tag library by adding the following line to the JSP page:
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="jv"%>
  2. Script the interceptinteractor. For example, to capture a zooming action, enter these lines in the JSP page:
    <jvcf:chartZoomInteractor id="zoom" message="#{bundle.zoomMessage}" menuModelId="zoom" />
    <jv:interceptInteractor beforeHandler="beforeZoom" interactor="zoom" eventType="mouseUp" id="zoomIntercept"/>
    This adds beforeZoom as a JavaScript function, and calls it before the mouseUp event type of the zoom interactor.