Creating a Google Maps view

A simple page that can be made with the JViews Maps Faces Google™ View component is to display a Google Map in the page.
Creating a simple Google Maps view
<jvmf:googleView style="width:500 px; height:300 px;" level="6" lon="-100" lat="40" 
This produces a 500 by 300 pixel view, centered on 40°N 100°W, at a zoom level of 7.
Declaring the namespace
The namespace jvmf (for JViews Maps Faces) must be declared in the page:
<%@ taglib
    prefix="jvmf" %>
The Google View component makes use of the Google Maps API (client side). The Google key provided in the component should contain a valid application key in order to allow the component to display on any server (apart from the localhost). To retrieve that key, you need to access, “Sign Up for the Google Maps API” and register your key before using the JViews Google Maps component.
An alternative to specifying the size of the component is to use the width and height attributes, but using the style is preferable.
Using the Width and Height attributes
<jvmf:googleView width="500" height="300" level="6" lon="-100" lat="40" 
In some environments, for example those that use PPR (Partial Page Refresh), you may have to register the key in a separate statement, and not use it in the component tag itself.
Pre-declaring the Google Maps key in Trinidad
For example, in Trinidad:
<trh:script source="" />
<tr:showDetailItem text="Background map">
<jvmf:googleView id="mapID" level="7" style="width:500px;height:300px" data="/data/world.ivl" />
The overview, zoom tool, pan tool, and interactors common component are not compatible with this view, but are provided through the use of Google Maps Controls. You can select the controls to display with the controls attribute (see ).
The main use of this JSF component is to overlay JViews map layers, symbols and links on a Google Maps background. This can be done through the data attribute. In this case, the lat and lon attributes are not longer necessary - The Google map component is, by default, centered on the JViews data.
You can also indicate that you allow the user to move the overlaid symbols with the nodeMovable attribute. If this flag is set, each interaction of the user affects the server side location of symbols, effectively modifying their location.
Using JViews map layers and Google Maps controls
<jvmf:googleView id="gmapID"
      key="some Google Maps Key"
      style="width:500px;height:500px" data="/data/usa.idpr"
      controls="GLargeMapControl,GOverviewMapControl" nodeMovable="true"
      level="7" />
The only other JViews component that can be used in relation with the Google Maps view is the legend tool. This allows the user to select which overlaid layers are visible. All the other JViews interactors and dependent views have no effect.
Using JViews map layers tool with a Google Maps view
<jvmf:layerTool id="layerTool" title="Google View Layers" viewId="gmapID"
        enabled="true" />