Image tiling and subsampling

Image data is loaded asynchronously (potentially in another thread) into the view using the tile loading mechanism of the getTileLoader method, which returns an IlvRasterTileLoader.
The tile loader is created through the createRasterTileLoader method, which you can override if you want to implement a specific mechanism (for example, to load some of the file content on demand). By default, this method returns either an IlvRasterSubsamplingLoader or an IlvRasterTileLoader according to the value of the subsampling parameter.
The getDefaultFeatureRenderer method returns an IlvRasterImageRenderer that creates an IlvRasterIcon linked to the IlvRasterTileLoader.
The loader getScaledImageProducer method can be invoked by the IlvRasterIcon when the zoom factor changes, or when a styling parameter changes the image properties (such as the color model) in order to re-create the Java™ Image object displayed on the view.