Using tiling and multithreading

To benefit from Rogue Wave® JViews Maps advanced image tiling capabilities and multithreading, use IlvTiledRasterDataSource in the place of IlvSDODataSource
This assumes that you want to load an SDO layer containing raster objects, SDO_GEORASTER.
To use a tiled data source:
  1. Instantiate a IlvRasterSDOReaderIlvRasterSDOReader object.
    This class extends IlvRasterAbstractReaderIlvRasterAbstractReader and holds a list of raster elements. It fetches the following elements from the Oracle® DB
    IlvSDOConnection SDOConnection; // the connection to your Oracle DB
    String layerName;  // the name of the oracle layer containing SDO_GEORASTER
    ... // Initialize your connection.
    IlvRasterSDOReader sdoReader = new
  2. Create an IlvTiledRasterDataSourceIlvTiledRasterDataSource backed by the reader.
    IlvTiledRasterDataSource tiledSource =
    view.getManager(), sdoReader, true,true, null);
  3. Configure the raster data source, and call the start() method to start data production.