
The content on demand feature operates at the granularity of SDM model objects. Content on demand makes use of the following concepts.

Content controller

The content controller maintains a state for each model object. A model object can be in one of three states:
  • locked The object content is loaded and in use.
  • loaded The object content is loaded, but not locked. It is considered as cached and will be unloaded when the cache is full.
  • unloaded The object content is not loaded.
The state changes after events, such as a user request, a zoom or a pan change (in fact visible area changes), have taken place. The controller then sends a notification to explicitly load or unload a set of objects.
Usually, the lifecycle of an object content is: unloaded, then locked, then loaded, then potentially back to unloaded.
The cache is virtual. The object content is held in the SDM model. When the state changes to loaded, this simply means that the content remains in the model. As a matter of fact, the SDM model implements the cache for the object content, and the controller manages this cache.
The controller contains the states of the objects as well as a handler that processes the load and unload commands.

Cache size tuning

Extreme values for the cache size have a radical impact on the content on demand behavior.
  • Null (0) cache size: The objects are either in use (locked) or unloaded. Use this value to minimize the memory footprint.
  • Infinite cache size: The objects are loaded when needed but never unloaded. This is a pure lazy load behavior.
For other cache size values, the objects are loaded when locked and remain in the cache until they are flushed (FIFO way) to keep the average memory size close to constant. Note that when objects are requested to be locked, they are loaded before the cache is purged to avoid unloading an object that is going to be locked again. This means that the cache can temporarily be larger that the expected size.

Locking requests

A locking request is an event sent to the controller to lock, load or unload objects. There are two types of event:
  • Area events The controller is requested to lock all objects that intersect a given area. A mode indicates whether previously locked objects should remain locked or should be unlocked, that is, loaded (default). Typically, the area may be computed from the visible part of the main view in order to load all visible objects.
  • Set events The user sends a request to the controller to lock, load, or unload a given set of objects. For example, a drill-down mechanism loads the content of the selected object.
Both types of event are non exclusive: An area event may be followed by a set event, and conversely.


The controller does not know by itself how to load the content of SDM model objects. On request, it calls a handler, IlvContentHandler, that performs the load and unload actions by upgrading the SDM model. Then, the usual SDM model notifications take over to customize and refresh the graphic representations.
A load event is sent when the object state changes from unloaded to locked or loaded.
An unload event is sent when the object state changes from locked or loaded to unloaded.
No notification is sent when the state changes between loaded and locked.
showing the unloaded state at the top, and the locked and loaded states
at the bottom. Arrows going from the locked and loaded states to the
unloaded state are labeled with the letter U to indicate an unload
event. Arrows going from the unloaded state to the locked start or
to the loaded state are labeled with the letter L to indicate a load


The handler is able to work asynchronously, that is, if the controller asks to load an object, the handler marks the object as locked while the object may be loaded in a separate thread. In any case, the handler must notify the SDM model when the action is complete. The locking requests are synchronized, so that the handler holds the controller synchronization lock until completion of the event.

SDM model changes

The controller is aware of SDM model structural changes when:
  • IlvSDMEngine.setModel() sets a new model: All the objects are unloaded without notification to the handler.
  • The SDM model deletes an object: The object is unloaded in the controller without notification to the handler.
To summarize, the controller forgets about the obsolete objects of the model.