The TreeSDMLink class

The class TreeSDMLink represents the links of the graph. Its definition is as shown in the following code example.
public class TreeSDMLink implements IlvSDMLink
The link implementation can therefore make use of all the predefined methods of the IlvSDMLink interface.

Data Stored

Each link has a reference to a parent node and a child node, which can be retrieved using the getFrom and getTo methods, see the following code example.
Keeping track of link data: parent and child
  private TreeSDMNode parent, child;

  public TreeSDMLink(TreeSDMNode parent, TreeSDMNode child)
    this.parent = parent;
    this.child = child;

  public IlvSDMNode getFrom()
    return parent;

  public IlvSDMNode getTo()
    return child;

Implementation of the IlvSDMNode interface

The IlvSDMLink interface inherits from the IlvSDMNode interface and so the same methods must be implemented as for a node.
The tag (type) of links is treelink . and this value can be retrieved using the getTag method, see the following code example.
public String getTag()
    return "treelink";
The remaining methods are mostly empty, since in this example links have no properties.