Other link connectors

Other link connectors are available as follows:
A CenterLinkConnector
  • IlvFreeLinkConnector to position the link relatively to the node. Any point can be used as the connection point. The connection points are preserved with respect to the bounding box when the node is translated, or when it grows or shrinks.
A FreeLinkConnector
  • IlvClippingLinkConnector to clip the link at the node border. Like the free link connector, this connector attaches the link to any point inside the node and preserves this attachment point relative to the bounding box of the node. If the node moves, grows, or shrinks, the attachment point moves proportionally. However, unlike the free link connector, the link segment towards the attachment point is clipped at the border of the node by using the method getIntersectionWithOutline. This is useful for arrowheads when the shape of the node is nonrectangular.
A ClippingLinkConnector