Layers and their graphic objects

When an object is added to a manager, you can specify the index of the layer where it should be inserted.
The following method adds the specified graphic object to the specified layer:
void addObject(IlvGraphic obj, int layer, boolean redraw)   
To retrieve the index of the layer that contains a certain graphic object, use the following method:
int getLayer(IlvGraphic obj)    
To change the layer, use the following method:
void setLayer(IlvGraphic obj, int newLayer, boolean redraw)   
There are two essential properties that you can specify for the objects within a layer: visibility and scalability.


With the following methods, you can indicate whether the objects within a certain layer should be visible to the user:
void setVisible(int layer, boolean value, boolean redraw)   
boolean isVisible(int layer)    
You can also decide whether a layer is visible or not within a particular view. Refer to the following methods:
void setVisible(IlvManagerView view, int layer, boolean set, boolean redraw)    
boolean isVisible(IlvManagerView view, int layer)   
Finally, you can have a visible layer in a view temporarily hide itself depending on certain conditions, generally depending on the zoom factor. This can be achieved through an IlvLayerVisibilityFilter that is called each time the IlvManager needs to redraw a layer. You should implement this interface and return whether or not the layer is visible with the isVisible method. To be active, this filter must be registered on the corresponding IlvManagerLayer using the addVisibilityFilter method.


You can specify whether objects within a layer can be selected or not using the following methods. Objects that cannot be selected cannot be modified:
boolean isSelectable(int layer)   
void setSelectable(int layer, boolean v)   
For more methods dealing with layers, see the class IlvManager in the reference documentation.