Manager view repaint skipper

To improve repaint performance, the manager view allows you to skip some of the repaint requests.
When you manipulate a graphic object in a manager view, the repaint requests are sent to all views that are attached to the same manager. The view in which you are manipulating the graphic object should be refreshed as often as possible, so that you receive feedback on your manipulation in real time. This view is called the main view.
During the manipulation, it is unlikely that you would pay attention to the other views attached to the same manager. Therefore, it is not essential to keep refreshing these auxiliary view as often as the main view. It is the main view that holds the focus of the manipulation.
In a typical configuration you have the main view showing a region of a large map and an auxiliary overview showing where the region occurs in the map. When you zoom or manipulate objects in the main view, you do not need the overview to be refreshed as often as the main view.
To save CPU processing time and to gain fluidity in the main view, the refresh rate of the auxiliary views can be reduced.
When the refresh delay is set, the manager view will skip some repeated repaint requests if the delay has not elapsed since the last time the view was refreshed. You can adjust the setting of this parameter between 300ms and 800ms according to your needs. For example, to set the delay to 300ms, use the manager view method:
The default value is 0, which disables this feature.
You should use this feature with caution. In certain circumstances it might skip some desired repaint requests and pollute the view until the delay elapses.
To avoid skipping desired repaints, you can temporarily turn the view repaint mode to DIRECT_REDRAW. Repaints are skipped only under THREADED_REDRAW mode.