Running the Dashboard Editor

Rogue Wave® JViews Dashboard Editor lets you edit and display dashboard diagrams made from  JViews symbols.
You can run the Dashboard Editor under the Windows® or UNIX® operating systems. The startup conditions are the same in both cases.
To run the Dashboard Editor under Windows:
  • In the Start menu, click All Programs > Rogue Wave > Rogue Wave JViews Diagrammer8.10 > Dashboard Editor .
    Rogue Wave is the default program group and might be different if you have installed JViews Diagrammer into a different program group.
-- or --
  1. Go to the directory <installdir>/jviews-diagrammer810/samples/dashboard/dashboardeditor.
  2. Double-click run.bat .
To run the Dashboard Editor under UNIX:
  1. Go to the directory <installdir>/jviews-diagrammer810/samples/dashboard/dashboardeditor.
    Make sure that your PATH environment variable is set correctly to find this directory.
  2. Enter .
The Dashboard Editor opens.
The Dashboard Editor
The Dashboard Editor window includes the following panes:
  • Overview: displays the part of the dashboard visible in the drawing window.
  • Tree: displays the list of the symbols contained in the dashboard diagram.
  • Property Sheet: displays the parameters attached to the symbol or the properties of the background object currently selected.
  • Palette: displays the symbol palettes open in Dashboard Editor.
  • Editor: a graphical component used for creating and editing dashboard diagrams.