Creating an application instance

The Designer is used with sample data that contains only enough information to specify the drawing style.
The class IlvDiagrammerApplication is a ready-to-use application to display or edit diagrams in diagram components (instances of IlvDiagrammer.).
To create an instance of an application, the CLASSPATH environment variable must contain the JViews Diagrammer JAR files, as well as the palette JAR files that contain the symbols used in the projects.
To create an IlvDiagrammerApplication instance:
  • Launch the application from the command line, passing it the style sheet created in the Designer as the style argument, as in the following example.
    java ilog.views.diagrammer.application.IlvDiagrammerApplication -style example.css
    You can pass further command-line arguments to control which components are visible, to allow editing of the diagram, and so on. See the reference documentation for IlvDiagrammerApplication for a list of the possible command-line arguments.
To modify the data source of the application in order to display your own data:
  1. Retrieve the current diagrammer,
  2. Modify its data source as explained in the section 'Specifying a different data source' of Next steps after the Designer.