Styling customizers

The Styling Customizer is a user-friendly way to see properties and their values, subdivided into categories by different tabs and with explanatory names. You use a Styling Customizer to customize an option or a set of graphic objects by setting property values. The Styling Customizer for the current rule selection is displayed in the lower pane of the Designer.
For each property, the Styling Customizer displays one of the following according to the type of value concerned:
  • A check box to select or clear
  • A list of the valid values or items for you to choose from
  • A step scale for numerical values
  • A text field for you to enter text
  • Buttons for you to add or remove values or lines of text
  • An Ellipsis button to browse in order to select a file name or font
  • A choice of the following systems for color settings:
    • JViews color disk
    • RGBA (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha)
    • HSB (Hue, Saturation, Brilliance)
    • Swatches