Coordinate system tab

To set the coordinate system from the Coordinate System tab:
  1. Click the Coordinate System tab to display the Projection pane.
  2. Click the Down Arrow button and select a projection from the list.
  3. If you want to change the position of the central meridians and parallels, enter the values for the parameters, or click the meridian.png button and then click the position in the Map View where you want the new projection center to be.
  4. Select Advanced, if you want to use the advanced options.
  5. Set the properties of the selected projection, if required.
  6. If the coordinate system you have chosen allows it, click the Down Arrow button and select a datum from the list.
  7. Click the datumprops.png button to display the datum properties and set them as required.
  8. If the coordinate system you have chosen allows it, click the Down Arrow button and select an ellipsoid from the list.
  9. Click the datumprops.png button to display the ellipsoid properties and set them as required.