
Each map layer has a set of properties associated with it. The properties define the characteristics of the selected layer. Using the Map Style Property Sheet you can customize the kind of map data selected (vector, raster, or elevation), define whether the map outline is shown or not, what colors are used to fill the terrestrial and marine areas, define the transparency level, and so on. The Map Style Property Sheet gives access to a number of editors that enable you to carry out these operations.
For example, for the Labeling property, a choice of label types is displayed that depends on the content of the data source. This enables you to display labels, for example, as the name of the country, or at a more detailed level such as the name of a street. You can change any property value at any time. The properties defined for each map layer constitute a layer style and each layer style contributes to the overall map theme.
Note that some properties are not displayed in the Map Style Property Sheet by default. To display all the properties you must select Options>Show Advanced Properties.
The following figure shows an example of a Map Style Property Sheet.
Map Style
Property Sheet example
Map Style Property Sheet example