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Charts > Programmer's documentation > Developing with the JViews Charts SDK > Displaying and Writing a Grid > What is a grid
What is a grid
A grid is a graphical indicator of data values. A grid is attached to an axis and is composed of:
*Major grid lines, with an associated rendering style.
*Minor grid lines, with an associated rendering style.
A grid is displayed within a chart by a dedicated object, defined by the IlvGrid class.
The purpose of the IlvGrid class is to handle the graphical representation of a grid. The default behavior of the IlvGrid class automatically handles the grid graphical representation according to the type of chart. For example, a Cartesian chart has a rectangular grid for both the x- and y-axis, while a polar chart has a circular x-grid. It also uses by default the major and minor steps of a scale to draw the major and minor ticks of the scale. By default, grids are automatically initialized when a chart is created.
You can retrieve a grid from its axis using the methods getXGrid and getYGrid.
You can change the grid of an axis using the methods setXGrid and setYGrid.

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