public class IlpInteractorRenderer extends IlpAbstractTreeInteractorRenderer implements ilog.cpl.graphic.css.renderer.IlpInteractorRenderer
This class shows all the properties that can be customized in the tree controller using cascading style sheets.
The CSS configuration can be applied to the tree component, using
To customize the tree controller configuration programmatically,
use IlpTreeController
This class is a CSS stylable JavaBean. It can be configured like this in a CSS file:
Interactor { viewInteractor : @+viewInt; } Subobject#viewInt { class: 'ilog.cpl.interactor.IlpDefaultViewInteractor'; }
When the interactor renderer is enabled, it is also possible to define interactors that are associated to business objects. Tree node interactors can be customized in the following way:
object."business class name" { interactor: @+objInter; } Subobject#objInter { class: ilog.cpl.interactor.IlpDefaultObjectInteractor; }
Constructor and Description |
Create an instance of the interactor renderer.
getCSSID, getObjectInteractor, getObjectInteractor, getViewInteractor, reset, setObjectInteractor, setObjectInteractor, setViewInteractor
attach, detach, getContext, getViewSupport, isRendererEnabled, setRendererEnabled
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