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Class IlvGanttComponentSelectionManager


Gantt Chart component
JavaScript File:
Shared abstract implementation class of IlvAbstractSelectionManager for IlvGanttView components. By default, selection rectangles are filled, that is: fillOn is true.
JViews 8.0

Constructor Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
IlvGanttComponentSelectionManager(init, moveActionName, selectionActionName)
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
commitSelectionProperties(updateImage, oncompleted, onfailed)
Commits potential modifications of the selection objects properties to the server.
Queries a deselection of all the objects.
Queries a selection of all the objects.
selectById(id, type, extend)
Queries an update of the selection for a simple selection.
selectOneById(id, type)
Queries an update of the selection for a simple selection.
Methods inherited from class IlvAbstractSelectionManager
abortDragging, addSelectionChangedListener, applyToAll, applyToAllLink, clipAll, deleteSelection, doSelect, findById, getLineColor, getLineWidth, getMultipleSelectionKey, getScrollPosition, getSelection, getViewPosition, hideAll, hideNotMovable, isFillOn, isHiddenWhenDragging, isImageMode, isMovable, isMoveAllowed, isMultipleSelection, isSelectionMovable, onSelectionLoaded, performUpdateImage, performUpdateImageMode, recycle, recycleAll, removeSelectionChangedListener, selectMulti, selectOne, sendRequest, setFillOn, setForceUpdateProperties, setImageMode, setLineColor, setLineWidth, setMoveAllowed, setMultipleSelectionKey, setScrollPosition, showAll, showMovable, startDragging, stopDragging, updateAll, updateCapabilities, updateSelectionProperties, whileDragging
Methods inherited from class IlvObject
dispose, getClassName, hashCode, instanceOf, invoke, registerDispose, registerDisposeByClientId, removeHTML, setClassName, superConstructor, superInvoke, toString, updateVisibility
Constructor Detail
IlvGanttComponentSelectionManager(init, moveActionName, selectionActionName)
init - Whether to initialize the component or not. Subclasses must call the superConstructor method with true.
moveActionName - The server action name that will be triggered on translation of the current selection (if move is allowed). If the parameter is not set the action name is the default value: moveNode.
selectionActionName - The server action name that will be triggered on a new selection. If the parameter is not set the action name is the default value: selectNode.
Method Detail
commitSelectionProperties(updateImage, oncompleted, onfailed)
Commits potential modifications of the selection objects properties to the server. The commit is done using an asynchronous request. These changes are taken into account when the server IlvSelectionSupport handles such requests.
updateImage - When true update the view image once the properties have been updated
oncompleted - An optional handler that will be executed when the the commit response has been send back by the server. The handler can take as parameter an array of IlvSelectionPropertiesError objects. The this value is the IlvAbstractSelectionManager.
onfailed - An optional handler that will be executed when the commit did not occur because of network problems, in which case you might consider re-submitting the commit. The this value is the IlvGanttComponentSelectionManager.

Queries a deselection of all the objects.
JViews 8.1

Queries a selection of all the objects. This method is not implemented in the Gantt selection support.
JViews 8.1

selectById(id, type, extend)
Queries an update of the selection for a simple selection. The selection behavior is determined by the extend parameter value:
  • false (default value): the current selection is cleared and the object specified by the id identifier is selected, if found.
  • true: the current selection is kept and
    • if the object specified by the id identifier is already selected, it is removed from the current selection.
    • Otherwise, it's added to the current selection.
id - The identifier of the object to select or deselect.
type - The type of the object to select. Valid values for a Gantt chart are "activity" or "constraint" and "resource" or "reservation" for a schedule chart. If the parameter is omitted the default value used is "activity".
extend - Whether extend/reduce the selection with the object specified by the identifier.

The default value is false if this parameter is omitted.

JViews 8.1

selectOneById(id, type)
Queries an update of the selection for a simple selection.
id - The identifier of the object to select.
type - The type of the object to select. Valid value for a Gantt chart are "activity" or "constraint" and "resource" or "reservation" for a schedule chart. If the parameter is omitted the default value used is "activity".
Since JViews 8.5 use the selectById method.
JViews 8.1

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