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Class IlvLegendView


Charts component
JavaScript File:
The IlvLegendView is a component that displays an image obtained from a server from an ilog.views.chart.IlvLegend. You must call the setServletURL() method to set the URL of the servlet.

Constructor Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
IlvLegendView(left, top, width, height, reload, namespace)
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
enableHitmap(enable, tolerance)
Make legend view hit map feature enable.
Returns the path of the waiting image, if defined.
Initializes the view.
performAction(actionName, params, udpateImage)
Performs an action on the server side.
Methods inherited from class IlvChartComponentView
addErrorListener, addTimeoutErrorListener, createHitmapRequestURL, createImageMapRequestURL, createImageRequestURL, getAgainParam, getBlendTransform, getComponent, getImageBackgroundColor, getImageFormat, getImageHeight, getImageScrollPosition, getImageWidth, getMessagePanel, getRectangle, getServletURL, getTimeoutErrorInterval, hideImageMap, imageLoaded, imageMapUpdated, isGenerateImageMap, isImageMapVisible, removeErrorListener, removeTimeoutErrorListener, resetErrorHandler, setBlendTransform, setChildrenBounds, setComponent, setGenerateImageMap, setImageBackgroundColor, setImageFormat, setImageMapVisible, setImageScrollPosition, setMessagePanel, setServletURL, setTimeoutErrorInterval, setWaitingImage, showImageMap, startErrorTimer, stopErrorTimer, timeoutError, updateHitmap, updateImage, updateImageMap
Methods inherited from class IlvAbstractView
childrenToHTML, getCursor, getGlassView, getHitInfos, getHitInfoTypes, getInteractor, keyPress, mouseDown, mouseDrag, mouseMove, mouseOut, mouseOver, mouseUp, putHitInfoType, setAccessible, setAdditionalParameters, setCursor, setHitmapLayers, setInteractor, setScrollBarSize, setScrollBarState
Methods inherited from class IlvResizableView
getMaximumSize, getMinimumSize, isResizable, setHotkeys, setMaximumSize, setMinimumSize, setResizable, toHTML
Methods inherited from class IlvEmptyView
addSizeListener, getBounds, getHeight, getLeft, getLocation, getSize, getTop, getWidth, isStateInCookie, removeSizeListener, restoreState, saveState, setBounds, setLocation, setSize, setStateInCookie
Methods inherited from class IlvObject
dispose, getClassName, hashCode, instanceOf, invoke, registerDispose, registerDisposeByClientId, removeHTML, setClassName, superConstructor, superInvoke, toString, updateVisibility
Constructor Detail
IlvLegendView(left, top, width, height, reload, namespace)
left - The x absolute position on page.
top - The y absolute position on page.
width - The width of the view.
height - The height of the view.
reload - An optional Boolean value that specifies whether the view should be initialized from a temporary cookie that persists for the current browser session. If omitted, the default value is false.
namespace - An optional parameter to place the view in a namespace. This is useful when using IlvViews in multiple browser windows, or in multiple frames of a frameset and the views must store cookies that should not conflict with each other. In this case, use the namespace to uniquely identify the views that belong to a specific browser window or frameset frame. For example, if you have created a new window with a unique name:

open(childPageURL, uniqueWindowName, ...);
you can then use the window name to define the namespace for views within the child page:

var view = new IlvXXXXView(...,;
Method Detail
enableHitmap(enable, tolerance)
Make legend view hit map feature enable.
enable - A boolean value to specify if the legend view can hit map or not.
tolerance - The tolerance applied when performing hittest.
JViews 8.7

Returns the path of the waiting image, if defined. Otherwise returns the view waiting image, if defined.
The waiting image of the legend.

Initializes the view. This method must be called on the onLoad event of the page containing the view.

performAction(actionName, params, udpateImage)
Performs an action on the server side. This method requests a new image from the server. Additional parameters are sent in the request so that an action can be performed on the server side before the image is generated. This allows you to define a new type of interaction on the image. To implement the action on the server side, you must implement the IlvChartServerAction interface and register the action with an instance of IlvChartServletSupport. An action is defined by a name and a list of parameters.
actionName - The name of the action.
params - The parameters of the action as an array of strings.
udpateImage - true to update the image.

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