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TGO > Programmers documentation > Styling > Customizing BTS > Representing and customizing BTS
Representing and customizing BTS
Base Transceiver Stations (BTS) are base stations composed of antennas that relay (receive and transmit) radio messages within cells of a cellular phone system. Each antenna has an orientation and a beam width that are graphically represented. Each antenna can have its own state and graphical characteristics.
Representing BTS
A BTS object does not have a graphic representation in the network and equipment components. In these components, it works as a container that groups a BTS equipment and BTS antennas.
The following figure shows a BTS object composed of six BTS antennas.
A BTS representation
The graphic rendering of a BTS antenna object is optimized for performance using an offscreen buffered image technique that minimizes the complex shape computations by pre-rendering the graphic object in memory. The extra memory required is proportional to the size and number of visible objects in the network view. To disable the offscreen optimizations for the BTS antenna representation you should:
*Set the ilog.tgo.bts.offscreenCache system property to false at initialization time.
*Use the IltSettings.SetValue("OffscreenCache.BTS", Boolean.FALSE); API call.
For information on how to declare system properties for Java™ applications, refer to your Java Runtime documentation.
Customizing the representation of a BTS equipment
A BTS equipment is a network element object. As such, it follows the same customization as network elements.
For a complete list of the properties used to customize this kind of network element, refer to Customizing network element types.
How to change the BTS equipment representation
object."ilog.tgo.model.IltNetworkElement"[type=BTSEquipment] {
  btsEquipmentRadius: 15;

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