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TGO > Programmers documentation > Styling > Customizing shelves and cards > Customizing various aspects of shelves
Customizing various aspects of shelves
Customizing shelf names
In the network and equipment components, shelves do not display their names. Instead of the shelf name, you see the slot labels, which are customized by using the property XSlotLabels, or by setting the attribute xSlotIndex. The properties listed in the following table can be used to customize slot labels.
CSS properties for slot labels
Property Name
Default Value
Denotes whether the slot numbers along the x axis are displayed on top of the shelf or not.
Denotes the distance between the slot numbers and the shelf along the x axis.
Denotes the labels used on each slot along the x axis.
Controls whether the label is shown or not.
Controls whether the label is drawn using anti-aliasing or not.
Helvetica 12, except:
- in IltShelf: Helvetica 10
- in IltShelfItem: Helvetica 11 (Courier New 11 on Windows®)
Specifies the font to use to draw the label.
black, except:
- in IltEmptySlot: 50% gray
Gives the color of the label text.
How to customize shelf slot labels
object."ilog.tgo.model.IltShelf" {
  labelVisible: true;
  labelForeground: blue;
  XSlotNumbersOffset: 3;
In the table and tree components, the shelf name displays with a tiny representation of the shelf. Instead of the slot labels, the shelf name is represented using the same CSS properties as for all the other predefined business objects. For a complete list of shelf name properties, refer to Customizing the label of a business object.
Customizing shelf states and alarms
Although states and alarms can be associated with a shelf, they cannot be displayed in the graphical representation of the shelf in the network and equipment components because a shelf is only a container for cards.
However, in the case of alarms, an alarm border is displayed around the shelf to indicate the presence of outstanding alarms (but no alarm balloon or alarm count), as illustrated below.
The following CSS properties are available to customize this representation.
CSS properties for the shelf alarm
Property Name
Default Value
Indicates whether the alarm border is visible or not around the object base.
2 pixels
Defines the width of the alarm border
null (transparent)
Defines the color used to represent the alarm border around the base. Setting the value to null resets the alarm border color to its default value
Determines whether the alarm color is visible or not in the object value.
How to customize shelf states and alarms
The following CSS extract shows how you can customize a shelf object to not display alarm information.
object."ilog.tgo.model.IltShelf" {
  alarmBorderVisible: false;
  alarmColorVisible: false;
The predefined shelf type has a label and a tooltip specified in the JViews TGO resource bundle. For details, see About globalization.
The resources that apply to shelf types are identified as:
*ilog.tgo.Shelf_Type_<TYPE NAME> : shelf type labels
*ilog.tgo.Shelf_Type_<TYPE NAME>_ToolTip : shelf type tooltips
You can edit the values directly in the JViews TGO resource bundle file.
When you create new shelf types, the label and tooltip information will also be retrieved from this resource bundle to be displayed, for example, in a table cell. As you declare new shelf types, register the corresponding entries into the resource bundle file, as follows:
Considering that you have created the following new shelf type:
IltShelf.Type MyType = new IltShelf.Type("MyType");
You should declare the following properties in the file:
*ilog.tgo.Shelf_Type_MyType=My Type
*ilog.tgo.Shelf_Type_MyType_ToolTip=My New Shelf Type
Customizing shelf types
In JViews TGO, the shelf type defines how the object base will be represented. Each shelf type is associated with a specific base renderer that is in charge of drawing the object according to its type and state information.
In JViews TGO, you can customize the base representation of a shelf object by defining a new implementation of IltShelfBaseRenderer. The principle is the same as to create a new IltNEBaseRenderer. For details, refer to Extending the class IltNEBaseRenderer.
How to create and register a shelf type (using the API)
IltShelf.Type MyType = new IltShelf.Type("MyType");
                     new IltBaseRendererFactory() {
                       public IltBaseRenderer createValue() {
                         return new MyTypeBaseRenderer();
How to create and register a shelf type (using CSS)
You can create new shelf types by using global CSS settings as shown in the following code sample.
   types[0]: @+shelfType0;
Subobject#shelfType0 {
  class: 'ilog.tgo.model.IltShelf.Type';
  name: "MyType";
For more information, see Using global settings.
How to customize a shelf type (using CSS)
You can customize the shelf renderer using global CSS settings. To do so, you need to specify the full path to the object to be customized, as well as the value of its name attribute in order to match the right type of object in the system. The CSS property to customize is renderer.
setting."ilog.tgo.model.IltShelf.Type"[name="MyType"] {
   renderer: @+shelfRendererFactory;
Subobject#shelfRendererFactory {
   class: 'MyShelfRendererFactory';
In this code sample, the name of the renderer factory class that is included in the search path is MyShelfRendererFactory.
Customizing shelf tiny types
The shelf object can be represented as tiny objects in the tree and table components. Each shelf type can be associated with a tiny base renderer that is responsible for drawing the tiny graphic representation.
JViews TGO allows you to customize the tiny type representation by using one of the predefined base renderer factories, such as IltTinyImageBaseRendererFactory or IltTinySVGBaseRendererFactory, or by creating your own implementation of IltTinyBaseRenderer. The principle to create a new IltTinyBaseRenderer is the same as to create a new IltNEBaseRenderer.
For details, refer to Extending the class IltNEBaseRenderer.
How to modify a shelf tiny representation (using the API)
IltShelf.Type MyType = new IltShelf.Type("MyType");
                     new IltTinyImageBaseRendererFactory(YOUR_IMAGE,
How to modify a shelf tiny representation (using CSS)
You can customize the renderer using global CSS settings. The CSS property to customize here is tinyRenderer.
In the following example, the name of the renderer factory class that is included in the search path is MyShelfTinyRendererFactory.
setting."ilog.tgo.model.IltShelf.Type"[name="MyType"] {
   tinyRenderer: @+shelfTinyRendererFactory0;
Subobject#shelfTinyRendererFactory0 {
   class: 'MyShelfTinyRendererFactory';
For details about how to create image base renderers, refer to Creating network element types from images and customizing them.

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