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Maps > Programmer's documentation > Building Web Applications > Developing JViews Maps JavaScript Web applications > Servlet classes
Servlet classes
Describes the predefined servlet classes available to implement the server side of a Web application.
*Lists the predefined servlet classes available to implement server-side Web applications.
*The IlvMapServlet class
*Describes the IlvMapServlet class.
*The IlvMapServletSupport class
*Describes the IlvMapServletSupport class.
The following predefined servlet classes are available to help you implement server-side Web applications:
Server-side Web application classes
A ready-to-use servlet.
Provides servlet functionality but is not a ready-to-use servlet.
The IlvMapServlet class
The IlvMapServlet class is a concrete servlet class that handles HTTP requests to build an image of a diagram.
This class accepts one parameter: the project file which refers to the XML data file and the style sheet on which the diagram is based. This parameter can be specified at initialization time (as a static configuration parameter of the servlet) or dynamically in the request URL.
IlvMapServlet provides support for client-side image maps. The image map can be used to attach actions to every node or link displayed in the diagram.
IlvMapServlet extends IlvDiagrammerServlet, it uses the same protocols as IlvManagerServlet to communicate with clients. IlvMapServlet is also subclass of IlvSDMServlet and inherits its session capabilities. Depending on the value of the multiSession configuration parameter, the JViews Maps servlet can work in either mono-session or multi-session mode. By default, the servlet runs in mono-session mode. See Mono-session and multi-session modes for more information.
Mono-session and multi-session modes
If multiSession is set to false, one SDM engine and one SDM view, including one grapher, are created. All the requests to the servlet return an image of the same shared diagram. This option is appropriate if the users are not allowed to modify the contents of the diagram or if the changes should be visible by all users.
If multiSession is set to true, a new SDM engine, and its associated SDM view and grapher, is created for every different client session connected to the servlet. This mode is appropriate if users are allowed to modify the XML file or the style sheet.
The IlvMapServletSupport class
The class IlvMapServletSupport is a subclass of IlvDiagrammerServletSupport, it implements the functionality of the JViews Maps servlet but is not a servlet itself.
The purpose of IlvMapServletSupport is to:
*Build multiplexing servlets that can handle requests for images.
*Handle other kinds of requests that call other parts of your application.
The class IlvMapServlet is a facade that forwards requests to IlvMapServletSupport.

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