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Maps > Programmer's documentation > Rogue Wave JViews Framework Essential Features > Graphers > The grapher
The grapher
Based on the manager, the grapher is a natural extension of the manager concepts. A grapher is composed of nodes and links.
A grapher is an instance of the IlvGrapher class, a subclass of the IlvManager class. The grapher library offers enhanced performance to create programs, including a large quantity of dynamic interconnected information, such as network management and file management programs.
You have an extensive set of objects in the grapher library for creating:
*Nodes: The visual reference points in a hierarchy of information. A node is a graphic object, an instance of a subclass of the IlvGraphic class.
*Links: The visual representation of connections between nodes. Links are also graphic objects, instances of the IlvLinkImage class or its subclasses.
Graphic objects in a manager can be visible or invisible. For details, see Visibility.
The following example shows a grapher that connects IlvZoomableLabel graphic objects (nodes). The lines in blue are node connections (links).
Grapher connecting graphic objects of IlvReliefLabel

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