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Maps > Programmer's documentation > Programming with JViews Maps > Introducing the main classes > Graphical User Interface beans and interactors
Graphical User Interface beans and interactors
JViews Maps provides a number of Graphical User Interface (GUI) JavaBeans™ components that you can use to build your own application. These components are either bean-like or interactor-like.
Bean-like components are the standard bricks from which the main application window should be composed. These components are ready to put into an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), which means that you can import and use them in any JavaBeans IDE compliant editor without writing a single line of code. The beans included in the JViews Maps package provide the basic features with which to view and navigate through a map.
Interactor-like components are usually associated with action buttons on the toolbar and trigger an action when you interact with the view (for example, putting additional data on the map or creating additional beans).
For more information about beans and interactors, see Using the GUI beans and Map GUI interactors.
The beans and interactors are listed in GUI Beans and Interactors.
GUI Beans and Interactors
Map Overview
Displays an overview of a map in a manager view.
Area of Interest Panel
Displays selected areas of a map of particular interest, which you can select and redisplay.
Scale Bar
Displays the black and yellow scale bars below a manager view.
Scale Control Bar
Controls the numerical value of the map scale, for example: 1/100,000.
Zoom Control Panel
Displays a slider type zoom control in the Overview Panel.
Legend Panel
Displays a list of map elements and an explanation of what each element represents.
Coordinate System Editor Panel
Displays a panel for viewing and editing coordinate systems.
Display Preferences Editor Panel
Displays a panel for viewing and editing bean preferences such as the scale bar and coordinate viewer.
Coordinate Viewer
Displays the mouse coordinates when the mouse is on top of a manager view displaying a map.
Map Layer Tree Panel
Displays a panel for editing a map layer tree.
Data Source Tree
Displays a set of data sources as a tree.
Displays a compass that shows the direction of the geographic or cartographic north of a map displayed in a manager view.
Annotation toolbar
Displays a toolbar which allows the creation of map annotations.
Maps toolbar
Displays a customizable toolbar for maps applications.
Displays a customizable toolbar to which buttons can be added.
Multithread Monitor
Displays the progress of managed, multiple threaded activities.
Alpha Property Editor
Enables editing of layer transparency.
Color Model Property Editor
Displays a color model property editor.
Percent Property Editor
Controls the brightness, saturation, and contrast of a map.
Latitude Editor
Displays an editor for editing latitude values in degrees, minutes and seconds.
Longitude Editor
Displays an editor for editing longitude values in degrees, minutes and seconds.
Coordinate Panel Factory
Generates a GUI that enables selection of a rectangle or point on a map.
Map Style Property Sheet
Provides editing support for the map layer properties.
Map Pan
Drags the map around the manager view to the position required.
Zoom Rectangle
Zooms in on an area of a map contained within a rectangle drawn by the user.
Manager View Rotate Interactor
Enables interactive rotation of a view.
Magnify Interactor
Magnifies part of a manager view when the mouse is dragged over it.
Continuous Zoom Interactor
Zooms in and out continuously while the mouse is pressed.
See Through Interactor
See through some layers interactively.
Distance Measuring
Displays a line drawn on a map. The line is the shortest path between 2 points on the surface of the earth (orthodromy).

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