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Maps > Developing with design tools > Using the Designer > Getting started > Integrating your development into an application
Integrating your development into an application
When you have saved your diagram in the Designer, you have a project file that you can use to integrate the diagram into an application.
You can integrate the complete diagram into an application through the project file, or you can integrate only the style sheet to have the styling developed in the Designer applied to real data in an application.
You need to add the symbol palettes used in the diagram to the classpath of the application, otherwise the symbols cannot be found and the project file cannot be executed.
To integrate the genealogy project file into an application:
1. Create a diagram component.
2. Load the project file.
See the following code sample which illustrates these two steps. It shows you how to integrate the genealogy example in Java™: first you create a diagram component and then you load the project file into it.
Loading a project file into a diagram component
    IlvDiagrammer diagrammer = new IlvDiagrammer();
try {
    // Load a project file.
    diagrammer.setDataFile(new URL("file:data/mygenealogy.idpr"));
    } catch (Exception e) {
For more information about writing applications that use diagram components, see Writing an application.
The Designer makes it much easier to write the style sheet. You can use the Designer for styling a sample of dummy data or an XML dump of your data. Then you can integrate the style sheet from the Designer into your application. You apply the styling defined in the style sheet to the real data used in the application.
To integrate an existing style sheet into an application:
1. Make sure that the project style sheet is accessible from the application.
The .css file must be accessible from the application.
2. In the application, after creating the diagram and loading the data model, use the following code:
Example 1 – Styling the Diagram Component
try {
  diagram.setStyleSheets(new String[]{"..."});
} catch (IlvStylingException x) {
   System.err.println("Cannot load style sheets: " + x.getMessage());
See The style sheets in Developing with the JViews Diagrammer SDK for more information about how to load style sheets.

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