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Maps > Samples and code examples > JViews Diagrammer samples > Diagram samples
Diagram samples
Shows how to use diagrams with Rogue Wave® JViews Diagrammer.
*Shows how to implement various accessibility features when displaying a JViews Diagrammer diagram.
*Loading designer projects
*Shows a few examples of diagrams created using JViews Diagrammer.
*Generic modeler
*Shows the code needed to build a simple business process modeler using a diagram component.
*Business process monitoring
*Shows how JViews Diagrammer can be used to monitor a process by displaying changes in the business model in real time.
*BPMN modeler
*BPMN Modeler built with Rogue Wave JViews Diagrammer.
*Creating diagrams using the SDK
*Illustrates how to define and populate a data model, how to apply a style defined with Designer for JViews Diagrammer, and how to perform common management operations on the resulting diagram.
*Creating diagrams without CSS
*Shows a basic diagram with basic interactions that does not use CSS.
*Extending a Designer project
*Shows how to use the Rogue Wave JViews Diagrammer SDK to extend a project built with Rogue Wave JViews Diagrammer Designer.
*Bionetwork Viewer
*Displays Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) files using Rogue Wave JViews Diagrammer.
*Web Viewer
*Explores the Web to discover relationships between pages, and displays the resulting diagram using Rogue Wave JViews Diagrammer.

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