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Gantt > Getting started > Introducing JViews Gantt > How JViews Gantt can help you > Typical uses of JViews Gantt
Typical uses of JViews Gantt
Describes typical uses of JViews Gantt.
*Lists the uses of JViews Gantt.
*Project planning
*Provides an example of a Schedule chart used for project planning.
*Resource loading
*Provides an example of a Resource Data chart used for resource loading.
*Complete planning application with PERT chart
*Describes the different views available for the planning application provided in the Gantt Viewer sample.
*Vehicle Dispatching
*Provides an example of vehicle dispatching with JViews Gantt and JViews Maps implemented in Rogue Wave® Dispatcher.
You can use JViews Gantt for:
*Project Planning, including access to Microsoft® Project data if required
*Web-based project plan viewers
*Factory-flow machine scheduling
*Visualization of Rogue Wave® Scheduler data
*Airline resource allocation
*Resource load usage
*Complete planning application with a PERT representation developed with JViews Diagrammer
*Vehicle-dispatching, with a map showing the routes of trucks (use with JViews Maps)
An example of this type of application is the integration with Rogue Wave Dispatcher.
Project planning
The following figure shows the Schedule chart used in a typical project planning application.
Resource loading
The following figure shows the Resource Data chart inset below the Schedule chart and used to show numerical data about the loading of resources.
Complete planning application with PERT chart
The Gantt Viewer sample found at <installdir>/jviews-gantt/samples/ganttViewer/src/ganttviewer/ demonstrates a complete planning application that includes an activity-based Gantt chart, a resource-based Gantt chart integrated with a Resource Data chart to show the loading of resources, a monthly Calendar view, a task sheet, and a resource sheet.
This sample has a PERT view that is only visible if Rogue Wave® JViews Diagrammer is also installed (as a purchased product or as an evaluation). If JViews Diagrammer is installed, the sample will show a PERT chart diagram view of the data in the Gantt data model.
The following figure shows an activity-based Gantt chart from the Gantt Viewer sample.
The following figure shows the calendar view from the Gantt Viewer sample.
The following figure shows a resource-based Gantt chart with Resource Data chart from the Gantt Viewer sample.
The following figure shows the PERT chart available (if Rogue Wave JViews Diagrammer is also installed) in the sample.
Vehicle Dispatching
The following figure shows the use of JViews Gantt with JViews Maps to visualize a vehicle dispatching system implemented in Rogue Wave Dispatcher.

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