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Gantt > Samples and code examples > Starting the samples > Running the server-side samples on Apache Tomcat > Building the samples for the Apache Tomcat Web server supplied with the product
Building the samples for the Apache Tomcat Web server supplied with the product
For your convenience, all server-side samples are already installed and ready to run under Tomcat. All you have to do is to run the Tomcat Web server.
If you want to rebuild the samples, for example, in the case you changed the source code:
1. Review the values defined in the file ./build.xml and modify them as required.
For example, you can specify different source directories or third-party .jar files.
2. Depending on your system, run the script (on Linux) or build.bat (on Windows).
An Ant executable is provided in jviews-framework\tools\apache-ant-1.9.9. If Ant is in your path, you can also run the ant -f build.xml command-line instruction.
This procedure compiles the source code of the demo and creates a .war file that you can use on the Tomcat Web server supplied with the product.
NOTE Because this server uses shared libraries, the shared .jar files are not placed in the .war file.

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