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Diagrammer > Programmer's documentation > Rogue Wave JViews Framework Advanced Features > Advanced globalization > JViews web framework for bidirectional text (bidi)
JViews web framework for bidirectional text (bidi)
Describes bidi specifics for JViews web components.
*Web components that support control of base text direction
*Lists the web components that support base text direction.
*Describes base text direction use in tag jvf:tooltipInteractor.
*Describes base text direction use in tag jv:imageButton.
*Describes base text direction use in tag jv:messageBox.
*Describes base text direction use in tag jv:menuItem.
*Describes base text direction use in tag jvf:contextualMenu.
Web components that support control of base text direction
Control of base text direction is supported by web components that display text and are rendered as HTML on the client side.
These components are:
The following values of base text direction are supported by these JViews web components:
*"LTR": Left to Right text.
*"RTL": Right to Left text.
*"Contextual": the default value, which indicates no predefined direction; the actual direction is determined by the content.
See Base text direction: supported values for a fuller explanation of supported values of base text direction. JViews web components support a more restricted subset of these values than the rich client.
The base text direction property is implemented as the attribute baseTextDirection of the tagjvf:tooltipInteractor. For example:
<jvf:tooltipInteractor id="tooltipInteractor" baseTextDirection="Contextual"/>
Supported values:
*"LTR": Left to Right text.
*"RTL": Right to Left text.
*"Contextual": the default value, which indicates no predefined direction; the actual direction is determined by the content.
The following limitation exists: if a template is used, contextual direction is not supported. See Using the tooltip template in Using Hitmap Technology>Tooltip interactor.
The base text direction property is implemented as the attribute baseTextDirection of the tag jv:imageButton. For example:
<jv:imageButton id="selectButton" image="data/images/arrow.gif"
       buttonGroupId="interactors" style="width:22;height:22;"
       messageBoxId="messageBox" message="#{bundle.selectBtnMsg}"
       title="select interactor"
The tag imageButton can use messageBox to display text. The tag messageBox inherits the same value of base text direction, unless a specific value is defined for messageBox.
Supported values:
*"LTR": Left to Right text.
*"RTL": Right to Left text.
*"Contextual": the default value, which indicates no predefined direction; the actual direction is determined by the content.
The base text direction property is implemented as the attribute baseTextDirection of the tag jv:messageBox. For example:
<jv:messageBox id="messageBox" styleClass="message-box" baseTextDirection="LTR"/>
When other JSF components use a messageBox to display text, the messageBox defaults to the same base text direction value as the component, unless a value of its own is defined.
Supported values:
*"LTR": Left to Right text.
*"RTL": Right to Left text.
*"Contextual": Indicates no predefined direction; the actual direction is determined by the content.
The base text direction property is implemented as the attribute baseTextDirection of the tag jv:menuItem. For example:
<jv:menuItem id="menuItem" baseTextDirection="LTR"/>
Supported values:
*"LTR": Left to Right text.
*"RTL": Right to Left text.
*"Contextual": the default value, which indicates no predefined direction; the actual direction is determined by the content.
The base text direction property is implemented as the attribute baseTextDirection of the tag jvf:contextualMenu. For example:
<jvf:contextualMenu id="cMenu" baseTextDirection="LTR"/>
Supported values:
*"LTR": Left to Right text.
*"RTL": Right to Left text.
*"Contextual": the default value, which indicates no predefined direction; the actual direction is determined by the content.

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