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Diagrammer > Developing with design tools > Using the Symbol Compiler > Getting to know the Symbol Compiler > Output directories
Output directories
The Symbol Compiler generates the Java™ source files, the resource files used by the symbols, and the .class files.
The output directories can be specified by using the corresponding fields in the toolbar.
Java directory
Use the Java Directory field to specify the directory where the Java source code of your symbol and its BeanInfo are generated.
Resource directory
Use the Resource Directory field to specify the directory where the resource files used by your symbols (for example, image files) are generated. These resources are extracted from the palette jars.
Class directory
Use the Class Directory field to specify the directory where the Java compiler (javac) generates the Java .class files. The specified directory is added to the class loader class path, so that the compiled symbols can be used in the Symbol Compiler by compound symbols (symbols that use subsymbols) and by the Test window.

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