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Diagrammer > Developing with design tools > Using the Symbol Compiler > Getting to know the Symbol Compiler
Getting to know the Symbol Compiler
Describes the main features of the Symbol Compiler and explains how to use them.
*What you can do with the Symbol Compiler
*Lists the main actions you can perform with the Symbol Compiler.
*Loading symbol palettes
*Explains how to load other symbol palettes.
*Displaying the Java source code
*Explains how to navigate in the source code of a compiled symbol.
*Working with project symbols
*Explains what you can do with symbols in the Project Symbols pane.
*Output directories
*Describes the content of the three output directories that are created when you compile a symbol.
*Generating source files
*Explains how to create a Java™ source file from a CSS symbol.
*Compiling Java classes
*Explains how to create Java™ classes from the generated Java source files.
*Testing the compiled symbol classes
*Explains how to test the behavior of your compiled symbols.
*Compound symbols and subsymbols
*Explains what compound symbols are and the conditions to use them.
*Symbol compiler project file
*Describes the content of a project file created in the Symbol Compiler.
*Basic settings and predefined CSS functions
*Describes the settings that are saved by default when you exit a Symbol Compiler session and how to register CSS functions.

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