JViews TGO
Tag networkView

Network View Faces Component

The network view faces component exposes an IlpNetwork as a JSF component. It acts as a facade to the underlying network component (IlpNetwork) and provides access to the most common uses of the network component, such as accessing the underlying network component, accessing the network view directly, or accessing the associated data source via its data source faces component.



DHTML - JavaScript Types

IltNetworkViewProxy, IltNetworkTiledViewProxy

JSF Component Class


Tag Information
Tag Classilog.tgo.faces.network.dhtml.taglib.IltFacesNetworkViewTag
TagExtraInfo ClassNone
Body ContentJSP
Display NameNetwork View

backgroundColorfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe background color of the view.
beforeSessionExpirationHandlerfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe JavaScript code that will be called when the session is about to expire. For example to keep the session alive set this attribute to view.updateImage().
bindingfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe value binding expression linking this component to a property in a backing bean. If this attribute is set, the tag does not create the component itself but retrieves it from the bean property. This attribute must be a value binding.
boundingBoxfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe initial visible area displayed of the view in manager coordinate system. The format is x,y,width,height of a rectangle that represents the bounding box.

Note that the view may adapt this bounding box according some constraints like fixed zoom levels for example.

contexttruefalsejava.lang.StringThe binding to a JViews TGO context bean, this property is mandatory.
datafalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe data to display: xml project, IlpAbstractDataSource instance, id of a data source Faces component.
dataSourcefalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe binding to a predefined data source. See the data source component for more information.
dataSourceIdfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe ID of a predefined data source. See the data source component for more information.
defaultStyleSheetfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe default CSS style sheet for the underlying IlpNetwork component.
errorMessagefalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe message displayed by the view if an error occured during the image generation by the server.
constrainedOnContentsfalsefalsejava.lang.StringDefines whether the view is constrained to the manager content bounds or not. The default value is true.

Note that zoom levels (set by minZoomLevel or zoomLevels) lower than 1 will not be allowed if this property is set to true.

generateImageMapfalsefalsejava.lang.StringFlag indicating whether an image map should be generated or not.
heightfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe desired height in pixels of the component. Another way to set the size of the component is to use the 'style' attribute. This value overrides values set with the 'style' attribute.
idfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe ID of this component.
imageFormatfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe image format used to encode the image that is displayed by this view.
If the view is tiled, this format is used for the tiles only. The dynamic layer is using PNG format only.
imageMapGeneratorfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe imagemap generator. If the generateImageMap property is true, this generator will be invoked to dynamically create the image map.
imageMapGeneratorClassfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe image map generator class name. This property is used if and only if the imageMapGenerator property is not set.
imageMapVisiblefalsefalsejava.lang.StringFlag indicating whether an image map should be visible or not (if generated).
interactorfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe binding to the default interactor to set on the view.
interactorIdfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe ID of the default interactor to set on the view.
maxZoomLevelfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe maximum zoom level. This property is used if, and only if, the zoomLevels property is not used.

The default value is 10.

messageBoxfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe binding to a message box component used to display messages.
messageBoxIdfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe ID of a message box component used to display messages.
minZoomLevelfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe minimum zoom level. This property is used if, and only if, the zoomLevels property is not used.

The default value is 1.

networkfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe binding to an IlpNetwork instance.
onCapabilitiesLoadedfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe JavaScript code executed when the capabilities are loaded from the server.
onImageLoadedfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe JavaScript code that is executed when the image is loaded.
panFactorfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe factor used when pan JavaScript actions are called (like panNorth and so on)
projectfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe path to a network project.
partialTriggersfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThis attribute is meaningful only when the component is used inside an Apache MyFaces Trinidad application.

The IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update. This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update in some way, this component will request to be updated too.

Separate multiple triggers with a space.

Trigger identifiers are relative to the source component for non-NamingContainer components and relative to the parent component for NamingContainer components. Identifiers must account for NamingContainers. You can use a single colon to start the search from the root, or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example, for a non-NamingContainer component, "::" will search from the parent naming container, ":::" will search from the grandparent naming container, etc. For a NamingContainer component, "::" will search from the parent component's parent naming container. ":::" will search from the parent component's grandparent naming container.

resizablefalsefalsejava.lang.StringSets whether the view can be resized or not.
servletfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe servlet that will generate the image. This property could be a URL to the servlet or the fully qualified servlet class name.
stylefalsefalsejava.lang.StringCSS style(s) to be applied when this component is rendered.
styleClassfalsefalsejava.lang.StringSpace-separated list of CSS style classe(s) to be applied when this element is rendered.
styleSheetsfalsefalsejava.lang.StringComma-separated list of URLs of style sheets.
tileManagerfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe tile manager is responsible for retrieving and/or storing image tiles on the server side.

The tile manager is used when the view is tiled, i.e. if the tileSize is strictly positive.

tileSizefalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe size of a tile. If the tile size is greater or equals to 0, the view will be set in tiled mode.

The tile size must be carefully chosen for performance reasons.
Refer to the user's documentation for more information.

updateIntervalfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe interval in seconds between two automatic updates.
waitingImagefalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe image displayed during the image loading.
widthfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe desired width in pixels of the component. Another way to set the size of the component is to use the 'style' attribute. This value overrides values set with the 'style' attribute.
zoomFactorfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe zoom factor used during client zoomIn and zoomOut actions.

The zoom is limited by the minZoomLevel and maxZoomLevel properties.

This factor is used if, and only if, the zoomLevels property is not set.

zoomLevelsfalsefalsejava.lang.StringComma-separated list of fixed zoom levels that can be displayed by the view.

If the zoom levels are not specified, zooming is limited only by the minZoomLevel and maxZoomLevel properties.

scrollBarfalsefalsejava.lang.StringSets the scroll bar's state,the default value is "no",its valid value is one of {"no","need","yes"}, this attribute cannot work in tiled mode.

No Variables Defined.

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