Release Notes > JViews TGO 7.5 Release Notes > New Features > Interactors

IlpNetwork network = // ... 
// Retrieve the view interactorIlpViewInteractor 
viewInteractor = network.getDefaultViewInteractor(); 
// Create an actionAction 
myAction = new MyAction(); 
// Clicking the 3rd mouse button with shift modifier will trigger myAction
viewInteractor.setGestureAction(IlpGesture.BUTTON3_CLICKED,InputEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK, myAction); 
The same configuration can be achieved using CSS, as follows:
Network {
  interactor: true;
Interactor {
  viewInteractor: @+viewInt;
#viewInt {
  class: 'ilog.cpl.graphic.views.IlpViewsViewInteractor';
  action[0]: @+viewAction0;
#viewAction0 {
  class: 'ilog.cpl.interactor.IlpGestureAction';
  gesture: BUTTON3_CLICKED;
  modifiers: shift;
  action: @+myAction;
#myAction {
  class: MyAction;