JViews Maps
Tag googleView

Google Maps View Faces Component

The Google Maps view faces component exposes an IlvDiagrammer as a JSF component that leverages advanced Google Maps capabilities. It is a specialized faces component that overlays JViews Maps layers, such as symbols, links or maps on top of a Google Maps client side component.

In addition to JViews Diagrammer projects (IDPR files), the map view faces component allows you to display a background map (ivl files) by itself, for example a background map created with the Map Builder, via its data attribute. Since Google Maps provides lots of controls and interactors, the only JViews Faces component compatible with it is the Layer Tool.



DHTML - JavaScript Types


JSF Component Class


Tag Information
Tag Classilog.views.maps.faces.dhtml.taglib.IlvFacesGoogleViewTag
TagExtraInfo ClassNone
Body ContentJSP
Display NameNone

idfalsetruejava.lang.StringThe id of this component
apiVersionfalsetruejava.lang.StringIndicates the version of Google JavaScript Maps API to be used
stylefalsetruejava.lang.StringThe div style
widthfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe desired width in pixels of the component. Another way to set the size of the component is to use the style attribute. This value overrides values set with the style attribute.
heightfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe desired height in pixels of the component. Another way to set the size of the component is to use the style attribute. This value overrides values set with the style attribute.
bindingfalsetruejava.lang.StringThe value binding expression linking this component to a property in a backing bean. If this attribute is set, the tag does not create the component itself but retrieves it from the bean property. This attribute must be a value binding.
diagrammerfalsetruejava.lang.StringThe binding to an IlvDiagrammer instance.
servletClassfalsetruejava.lang.StringThe servlet class
servletfalsetruejava.lang.StringThe servlet that will generate the image. This property could be a URL to the servlet or the fully qualified servlet class name.
styleClassfalsetruejava.lang.StringSpace-separated list of CSS style classe(s) to be applied when this element is rendered.
latfalsetruejava.lang.StringThe map center latitude in decimal degrees. Note that if this attribute is not set, the Google Maps component will be centered to the diagrammer center
controlsfalsetruejava.lang.StringThe comma separated list of Google Maps control classes. The default value is "GMapTypeControl,GScaleControl,GSmallMapControl,GOverviewMapControl". See google maps API for more details.
nodeMovablefalsetruejava.lang.StringIndicates whether the nodes can be moved interactively
keyfalsetruejava.lang.StringThe Google Maps application key. If you do not set this parameter, you need to import Google Maps API script yourself.
lonfalsetruejava.lang.StringThe map center longitude in decimal degrees. Note that if this attribute is not set, the Google Maps component will be centered to the diagrammer center
leveltruetruejava.lang.StringThe Google Maps initial zoom level
datafalsetruejava.lang.StringThe data to display: ivl background, idpr project, xml file, IlvDiagrammerDataSource instance, id of a datasource component.
partialTriggersfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThis attribute is meaningful only when the component is used inside an Apache MyFaces Trinidad application.

The IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update. This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update in some way, this component will request to be updated too.

Separate multiple triggers with a space.

Trigger identifiers are relative to the source component for non-NamingContainer components and relative to the parent component for NamingContainer components. Identifiers must account for NamingContainers. You can use a single colon to start the search from the root, or use multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainer. For example, for a non-NamingContainer component, "::" will search from the parent naming container, ":::" will search from the grandparent naming container, etc. For a NamingContainer component, "::" will search from the parent component's parent naming container. ":::" will search from the parent component's grandparent naming container.

No Variables Defined.

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