JViews Diagrammer
Tag linkInteractor

It depends on selectInteractor, support move selected link from one node to another node and reshape the selected link, it just can work in non-image mode now.

Tag Information
Tag Classilog.views.diagrammer.faces.dhtml.taglib.IlvFacesDiagrammerLinkInteractorTag
TagExtraInfo ClassNone
Body ContentJSP
Display NameNone

idfalsetruejava.lang.StringThe id of this component
cursorfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe cursor displayed when the mouse is on the button.
modifierfalsetruejava.lang.StringThe mouse event modifier, use it to add or remove a point for selection link, valid value is "alt", "shift", "ctrl", the default value is "alt".

No Variables Defined.

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