SECLayoutFactory Class

class SECLayoutFactory

Layout node production factory class

Defined in: FACTORY.H

Class Members

Public Interface

void  AutoSetMinMaxSize(CSize sizeMin,CSize sizeMax, DWORD dwFlags=0,BOOL bEnable=TRUE)

Automatically sets the min/max size information for all subsequently produced nodes

void  AutoSetPreferredRect(const CRect& rectPreferred,BOOL bEnable=TRUE)

Automatically sets the preferred rectangle for all subsequently produced nodes

void  AutoSetInitialRect(const CRect& rectInitial,BOOL bEnable=TRUE)

Automatically sets the initial rectangle for all subsequently produced nodes

SECLayoutNode*  CreateNode(LPCTSTR lpszTitle=NULL)

Creates a layout node object with the specified runtime class

SECLayoutNode*  CreateNode(const SECLayoutNodeClassFactory& classNode,LPCTSTR lpszTitle=NULL)

Creates a layout node object with the specified runtime class

SECLayoutNode*  CreateNode(SECLayoutNode* pParentNode,LPCTSTR lpszTitle=NULL)

Creates a layout node object with the specified runtime class

SECLayoutNode*  CreateNode(SECLayoutNode* pParentNode,const SECLayoutNodeClassFactory& classNode, LPCTSTR lpszTitle=NULL)

Creates a layout node object with the specified runtime class as a child of pParentNode

SECLayoutNodeWnd*  CreateNodeWnd(CWnd* pAttachWnd,CWnd* pParent, SECLayoutNode* pParentNode, const SECLayoutNodeWndClassFactory& classNodeWnd, LPCTSTR lpszTitle=NULL)

Create a window node and auto-attach to CWnd

SECLayoutNodeWnd*  CreateNodeWnd(CWnd* pAttachWnd,CWnd* pParent, SECLayoutNode* pParentNode=NULL, LPCTSTR lpszTitle=NULL)

Create a window node and auto-attach to CWnd

SECLayoutNodeWnd*  CreateNodeWnd(HWND hAttachWnd,CWnd* pParent, SECLayoutNode* pParentNode, const SECLayoutNodeWndClassFactory& classNodeWnd, LPCTSTR lpszTitle=NULL)

Create a window node and auto-attach to HWND

SECLayoutNodeWnd*  CreateNodeWnd(UINT nIDAttachWnd,CWnd* pParent, SECLayoutNode* pParentNode, const SECLayoutNodeWndClassFactory& classNodeWnd, LPCTSTR lpszTitle=NULL)

Create a window node and auto-attach to a control id

SECLayoutNodeWnd*  CreateNodeWnd(UINT nIDAttachWnd,CWnd* pParent, SECLayoutNode* pParentNode=NULL, LPCTSTR lpszTitle=NULL)

Create a window node and auto-attach to a control id

int  CreateNodeWndRange(UINT nIDStart,UINT nIDEnd, CWnd* pParent,SECLayoutNode* pParentNode, CPtrArray* pArrNodes, const SECLayoutNodeWndClassFactory& classNodeWnd)

Create a group of window nodes from a range of control ids

int  CreateNodeWndRange(UINT nIDStart,UINT nIDEnd, CWnd* pParent,SECLayoutNode* pParentNode=NULL, CPtrArray* pArrNodes=NULL)

Create a group of window nodes from a range of control ids

int  CreateNodeWndArray(const UINT* lpuIDs,int nIDCount, CWnd* pParent,SECLayoutNode* pParentNode, CPtrArray* pArrNodes, const SECLayoutNodeWndClassFactory& classNodeWnd)

Create a group of window nodes from an array of control ids

int  CreateNodeWndArray(const UINT* lpuIDs,int nIDCount, CWnd* pParent,SECLayoutNode* pParentNode=NULL, CPtrArray* pArrNodes=NULL)

Create a group of window nodes from an array of control ids

SECLayoutNodeDCBase*  CreateNodeDC(CWnd* pWndParent,SECLayoutNode* pParentNode, const SECLayoutNodeDCClassFactory& classNodeDC, LPCTSTR lpszTitle=NULL)

Create a Device Context associated layout node

SECLayoutWndListener*  CreateLayoutWndListener(const SECLayoutWndListenerClassFactory& classLayoutWndListener)

Create a node window listener object

SECLayoutWndListener*  CreateLayoutWndListener()

Create a node window listener object

virtual BOOL  GetChildWindowList(CWndPtrList& listWnds,CWnd* pParent, CRuntimeClass* pClassMask=(CRuntimeClass *)NULL)

Get a list of all child windows of a particular parent

virtual BOOL  AutoPopulateNodeWnd(SECLayoutNode* pParentNode,CWnd* pParentWnd, CRuntimeClass* pClassMask=(CRuntimeClass *)NULL)

Automatically allocate, link, and add all children windows as children nodes

virtual void  DeallocNode(SECLayoutNode* pNode)

Deallocate a layout node object

virtual void  DeallocAllNodes()

Deallocate all layout node objects

virtual void  DeallocWndListener(SECLayoutWndListener* pListener)

Deallocate a window listener object

virtual void  DeallocAllWndListeners()

Deallocate all window listener objects


virtual BOOL  OnAutoSetNode(SECLayoutNode* pNode)

Override to reject automatic property setting on a newly allocated node.