CGXControl Class Members
CGXControl | Constructs a control object. |
User Attributes
AddUserAttributes | Call this static method to register user attributes with the styles-map. Registered user attributes will be displayed in the CGXStyleSheet and can be modified by the user with the style sheet. |
Overridable Extrinsic State Operations
Draw | Draws the cell. |
Find and Replace
FindText | Finds text in the cell’s data. |
ReplaceAll | Replaces all found patterns in the cell’s data. |
Cell Rectangle
AddBorders | Adds space reserved for margins and borders to the size of the cell rectangle, e.g., with a combo box it adds space for drawing the pushbutton. AddBorders will be called from CalcSize. |
CalcSize | Calculates the optimal size for the control depending on its data. This method is called when row-heights or column-widths should be automatically resized. |
GetCellRect | Returns the interior rectangle for the cell, e.g., in a combo box the rectangle for the text (without the area needed for the pushbutton). |
Display Text
GetControlText | Called to convert the value from the style object into plain text as it should be displayed in the cell. Override this method if you want to display the value in a certain formatting in the cell (e.g., date, currency or numeric). |
SetControlText | Converts the display text and calls SetValueRange with the value that should be stored in the grid. For example, SetControlText will be called when you paste text into the grid. The actual text conversion is done by calling ConvertControlTextToValue. |
ConvertControlTextToValue | This method converts the display text into the value that should be stored in the grid. You might add validation into this routine and also adjust the text before it gets stored in the grid (e.g., remove literals like the ‘$’ or ‘/’ from currency or date values). ConvertControlTextToValue will be called from SetControlText. |
Style Information
LoadStyle | This method determines the cell-specific style information. By default, the style will not be changed, but the new RTF cell will extract font and alignment from the style value (RTF string) and return them as real style attributes. |
StoreStyle | |
StoreStyle will be called from SetStyleRange and allows you to adjust the cell’s style object before it is stored in the grid by calling StoreStyleRowCol. |
GetSortKey | This method is called to return the sort key for a given cell. |
Merge and Floating Cells
CanFloatCell | Objective Grid calls this method to check if it is possible to float a cell, or to hide a cell by flooding it from another floating cell. |
CanMergeCell | Objective Grid calls this method to check if it is possible to merge a cell in the specified direction (vertical or horizontal). |
Overridable Intrinsic State Operations
Display Text
GetCurrentText | Returns the text as displayed in the cell (e.g., if the control is associated with a CWnd, like CGXEditControl, it determines the text with GetWindowText). |
GetSelectedText | Override this method to return the selected text (e.g., in an edit window the highlighted text). |
SetCurrentText | Override this method to set the window text of the current cell. If your control is associated with a CWnd for example, you should override this method and call SetWindowText. |
ValidateString | Called after the user has pressed a key and before it is accepted. If you return FALSE, the new character will be discarded. Will also be called from OnValidate and from SetCurrentText before the text is displayed in the cell. |
GetValue | Reads out the window text and converts it into the plain value as it will be stored in the style object. Override this method if you have formatted the text that is displayed in the cell (e.g., date format entry). |
SetValue | Converts the value that should be stored in the style object to the text which should be displayed in the cell and displays it in the active current cell. |
GetModify | Returns the modified-state. |
IsActive | Returns the state of the active-flag. The base-class version of this method returns FALSE. |
IsInit | Returns TRUE if control is used as current cell, i.e., CGXControl::Init has been called and intrinsic state is initialized; it returns FALSE if control is not used as current cell. |
IsReadOnly | Determines whether the cell is read-only or if the user can change the cell. |
SetActive | Specifies the active-flag. Controls associated with a CWnd (like CGXEditControl) should override this method when focus should be set to the CWnd. |
SetModify | Specifies the modified-state. |
Cell Tips
NeedShowCellTip | Called to determine if a cell tip window needs to be shown. |
GetCellTipID | Returns the appropriate cell tip window ID. |
InitializeCellTip | Initializes the cell tip window. |
Hide | If the control is associated with a CWnd, this method hides the associated window. This method is overridden in CGXEditControl, CGXListBox and CGXWndWrapper to hide the window object. The active-flag stays unchanged. |
InvertBorders | Highlights the current cell by inverting the cell’s border or drawing a thick border. Override this method if you don’t want the default highlighting of your cell. |
Refresh | This method is called to refresh the cell. |
ReplaceSel | Override this method to replace the currently selected text. |
Store | Stores the cell’s data, resets the modified-flag and redraws the cell. |
Init | Initializes the intrinsic state (e.g., row, column, style) of the control for the current cell. This method is called when the current cell has moved. The operations that follow all depend on the intrinsic state of the control. |
Reset | Resets the intrinsic state of the control. This method is called when the current cell is moving. |
KeyPressed | Called when the user has pressed a key and the active-flag is FALSE (the grid-parent has the focus). |
OnGridChar | KeyPressed will call this overridable for WM_CHAR messages. |
OnGridDeadChar | KeyPressed will call this overridable for WM_DEADCHAR messages. |
OnGridDoubleByteChar | KeyPressed will call this overridable for WM_CHAR messages. |
OnGridKeyDown | KeyPressed will call this overridable for WM_KEYDOWN messages. |
OnGridKeyUp | KeyPressed will call this overridable for WM_KEYUP messages. |
OnGridSysChar | KeyPressed will call this overridable for WM_SYSCHAR messages. |
OnGridSysDeadChar | KeyPressed will call this overridable for WM_SYSDEADCHAR messages. |
OnGridSysKeyDown | KeyPressed will call this overridable for WM_SYSKEYDOWN messages. |
OnGridSysKeyUp | KeyPressed will call this overridable for WM_SYSKEYUP messages. |
Mouse messages
LButtonDblClk | Called when the user has double-clicked the left mouse button. |
LButtonDown | Called when the user has pressed the left mouse button. |
LButtonUp | Called when the user has released the left mouse button. |
MButtonDblClk | Called when the user has double-clicked the middle mouse button. |
MButtonDown | Called when the user has pressed the middle mouse button. |
MButtonUp | Called when the user has released the middle mouse button. |
MouseMove | Called when the user is moving the mouse with a clicked mouse button. |
RButtonDblClk | Called when the user has double-clicked the right mouse button. |
RButtonDown | Called when the user has pressed the right mouse button. |
RButtonUp | Called when the user has released the right mouse button. |
MouseMoveOver | Called when the user drags the mouse over the cell. You may change the cursor on the fly by overriding this method. |
OnCanceledEditing | Called after the current cell’s content is canceled and the control has been reinitialized with the previous cell’s data. |
OnCancelEditing | Called when the user has pressed ESC. |
OnDeleteCell | Called when the user has pressed DEL and the active-flag is FALSE (the grid-parent has the focus). |
OnEndEditing | Called when the user accepts the cell’s data. |
OnInvalidKeyPressed | Called when the user has pressed an invalid key in the edit field which could not be accepted. |
OnLeftCell | Called after the current cell has been deactivated. Therefore, at the time this event is called, there is no current cell in the grid. Override this method if you want to hook into refreshing the current cell after being deactivated. |
OnModifyCell | Called when the user modifies cell contents (e.g., when a CEdit fires an EN_CHANGE event). |
OnStartEditing | Called when the user starts editing (pressed key or mouse into text). |
OnValidate | Checks if the cell’s data is valid. |
Dispatched from the grid
OnCommand | Called when the grid receives a WM_COMMAND message (e.g., CBN_SELCHANGE). The grid passes the attributes of the WM_COMMAND message to this method. |
OnGridCtlColor | Called when the grid receives a WM_CTLCOLOR message. The grid passes the attributes of the WM_CTLCOLOR message to this method. |
OnGridPreTranslateMessage | Called from CWnd::PreTranslateMessage for the current cell. |
OnGridSysColorChange | Called for every registered control in a grid when the grid receives a WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE message. |
OnGridWinIniChange | Called when the grid receives a WM_WININICHANGE message. The grid passes the attributes of the message to this method. |
Copy | Copies the selected text of the current cell to the clipboard. Override this method if you would like to supply additional clipboard formats. Note: This method will not be called when a range of cells is selected. |
Paste | Checks if the clipboard data should be pasted into the current cell. If this is the case, text will be pasted. Override this method if you want to handle special clipboard formats. |
Cut | Copies the selected text of the current cell to the clipboard and deletes the selected text. |
CanCopy | The default implementation returns TRUE if current cell can supply clipboard data. FALSE otherwise. |
CanCut | The default implementation returns TRUE if current cell can supply clipboard data and the current cell is active. FALSE otherwise. |
CanPaste | The default implementation returns TRUE if no range of cells is selected in the grid and the current cell is active. Override this method if you want to check for additional clipboard formats (e.g., the CGXRichEditCtrl overrides this method and checks for RTF clipboard format). |
ValidatePaste | Called when the user pastes text and the cell is active. The default implementation returns TRUE. |
Choice List Operations
GetChoiceListItem | Reads out the choice list entry specified through a zero-based index from a given string. |
FindStringInChoiceList | |
Searches the choice list string for a specific entry and returns the zero-based index of the entry that matches the search criteria. |
Overridable Child Operations
AddChild | Adds a CGXChild to the control. |
ChildWithFocus | Returns a pointer to the focused CGXChild. |
FocusOnChild | Sets the focus to a child. LButtonDown, MButtonDown and RButtonDown call this method when a CGXChild was hit. |
GetChild | Returns a pointer to the CGXChild for the given index. |
GetCount | Returns the number of CGXChild objects. |
OnClickedButton | Called when the user has clicked a button (e.g., a pushbutton). The base-class version calls the grid’s OnClickedButtonRowCol method. |
OnInitChildren | Called to compute the rectangles for the CGXChild objects. |
Protected Helper Operations
DrawBackground | Draws the background and 3d-effects for the cell. |
DrawFrame | Draws only the 3d-effects for the cell without erasing the background. |
ExcludeClipRect | Calling this method is only necessary when using the gxDrawUsingMemDC drawing technique. After drawing a CWnd (with Invalidate( ) and UpdateWindow( ) ), you should call this method with the rectangle of the CWnd. This excludes the rectangle from the clipping rectangle and thus avoids overdrawing the CWnd. |
GetMarkHeaderState | Returns TRUE if this is a header cell and if the current cell is in the same row or column as the header cell; FALSE otherwise. |
Grid | Returns a pointer to the CGXGridCore object. |
GridWnd | Returns a pointer to the grid’s CWnd object. |
OnKillFocus | Sends a WM_KILLFOCUS message to the grid window. Call this method if your control receives a WM_KILLFOCUS message. |
SelectFont | Selects the font for the cell into the device context. If the font is the same as the standard font, no font will be selected into the device context. |
Runtime Type Information
GetControlClass | Returns the CGXControlClass structure corresponding to this object’s class. |
GetRuntimeClass | Returns the CWnd runtime class of the object. If the control is not derived from CWnd, it will return NULL. |
GetWndPtr | Returns a pointer to the CWnd object. If the control is not derived from CWnd, it will return NULL. Override this method if you have created a new control that is inherited multiply from CGXControl and CWnd. |
IsKindOf | Tests this object’s relationship to a given CWnd class. |
m_bRefreshOnSetCurrentCell | If your control’s appearance depends on whether it is a current cell or not, you should set this attribute TRUE (default is FALSE). |
m_nRow | Holds the row id of the current cell. |
m_nCol | Holds the column id of the current cell. |